Title: Students with Learning Disabilities: WHY, WHAT, HOW?
Invited Speaker: Anny Cooreman, Director of Eureka Leuven Foundation, Belgium
Abstract: Part I: Comprehensive Assessment
The first part of theseminar will focus on providing a better understanding of what standardized psychometric tests measure. Moreover, it will elucidate on how the results of these tests should be used in order to provide effectivestrategies and assist planning when an LD-student struggles in school. Four concrete examples of LD-people taken from the video ‘Don’t call me stupid!’ (Eureka’s production) will helpestablishthe link between theoretical conceptsand everyday practice. The assessment of LD-students also takes into account school-based information and curriculum-based tests. Participative inquiry with both the parents and the LD-student providesfurther opportunitiesfor offering a comprehensive approachspecifically adapted to eachstudent’s needs. This part of the seminar will be wrapped up with a strengths/weaknesses profile of an LD-student to showcase how to make a strategic choice in strategies and intervention planning taking into account the strengths of the student.
Abstract:Part II: Universal Design ofLearning (UDL) and comprehensive educational approach of special needs
This part of the seminar will focus on HOW teachers can adapt the educational setting through a better understanding of the nature of Learning Disabilities (LD). First the characteristicsof LD will be discussed. Secondly, we will explain the Eureka principles of Universal Design of Learning (UDL) and the differences between teaching typical students and LD-students. Finally, we will explain and demonstrate specific Eureka teaching strategies. These strategies are universal and they can be used in any school to make teaching more effective.
Anny Cooremanholds a Masters degree in Educational Sciences from the University LeuvenBelgium.She is the Founder andDirector of Eureka Leuven Foundation Belgium and the author of several books about Learning Disabilities. She is an expert with a longand broad experience in the different areas of effective education of students with Special Educational Needs.
The Eureka Leuven Foundation hosts a number of departments, including:
- The Eureka Assessment Centre,which provides comprehensive assessments in order to help answer both the WHY of the problems and the WHAT and HOW of the intervention.
- The Eureka School,which provides intensive two-year courses for students with learning disabilities, such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysphasia, dyspraxia, ADHD, ASS, and low average IQ in the age group of 7-14 years.
- The Eureka Expert,which providescourses and seminars for primary and secondary school teachers about the Universal Design of Learning (UDL) and the integration of LD-students in all programs.
- The Eureka ADIBib,which is a digital library with books for students with severe disorders in written language.