Title:Shell FLNG - Game changer for energy industry - from YouTube

Duration: 1:42 minutes


Made to meet the world’s growing energy demand for the cleanest burning fossil fuel, the Shell FLNG floating facility will open new natural gas fields at sea, and this video uses simulated images and models to illustrate the dimensions, weight, capacity, durability and location of the facility.

Shell FLNG - Game changer for energy industry - from YouTubeTranscript

[Text displays]

Gamechanger for energy industry: Shell to build world’s largest offshore floating facility,

[Animated sequence]

Zoom in on simulated wide angle side-view animation of Shell FLNG facility, hull coloured in red and bearing the words “Shell FLNG” and parts of the superstructure coloured in yellow. The facility casts its shadows on the water as it moves. Blue skies and gentle blue seas form the background, with skies lit to white at the horizon.


Shell has announced that it’s to build the world’s largest offshore floating facility, which will be a game changer for the energy industry.

[Animated sequence]

Zoom in and pan to reverse angle view of the simulated animation. Again, blue skies and seas form the background, together with the white glare of sunlight and faintly pinkish hues towards the horizon.

Pull back to wide angle bird’s eye view, revealing more detail of the superstructure.

Reverse low angle zoom in at hull level, panning the length of the ship and pulling back to reveal the receding stern.


From bow to stern, Shell’s FLNG facility will be 488 metres, longer than four football fields, and will weigh around 600,000 tonnes – roughly six times as much as the largest aircraft carrier.

[Animated sequence]

Dissolve to close-up of the grey and yellow superstructure at the stern, panning and pulling back to reverse angle of the same.

Dissolve to low angle view of the hull, zooming sternwards, as the facility moves to dock at another facility lying parallel to it, frame-right. White-domed reservoirs line the dock. The water between bears the reflection of both of these facilities. Blue skies and white sunlight can be seen in the background.


Shell’s FLNG facility will produce gas from offshore fields, liquefying it on-board by chilling it to -162˚ Celsius. This shrinks the gas by 600 times, allowing it to be shipped globally.

[Animated sequence]

White flash dissolve to zoom in on animation of the globe of the world, Australia in clear view in hues of pink and brown, and white clouds visible over both the continent and the blue seas.

Zoom to the North-western coastline of Western Australia, focusing on the town of Broome. Blue oceans stretch to the north of the coastline and continent seen in hues of brown and green in the lower portion of the frame.

[Text displays]

FLNG Location Prelude Gas Field

Broome, Western Australia


Shell will be deploying this revolutionary technology first 200 kilometres offshore in Australian waters.

[Animated sequence]

White flash dissolve to front view of the FLNG facility, pulling back to an extreme wide angle shot of the facility atop blue waters with blue skies above.

Pan to underwater shot, still showing the facility above the waters, but revealing a simulated animation of the gas fields on the sea bed, with a network of pipelines stretching along the sea bed and facilities, coloured in yellow, spread across the sea bed. One small part of the facility on the seabed is coloured in blue.


The facility will be built at a shipyard in Korea and will be used to help open up new natural gas fields at sea that are currently considered too costly or difficult to develop.

[Video footage]

White flash dissolve to wide, oblique angle view of a model of the FLNG facility, a second smaller floating facility alongside of it, frame-left. The two are attached with cables from above, and are resting in rippling, turquoise waters, with sparsely-lit buildings/structures forming the background beyond.

White flash dissolve to close-up of the length of the ship model, stern foremost, lifting and dipping in rough waters.


Its sheer size will help it withstand very high winds and giant waves. It’s been designed to withstand the severest cyclones – those of category five.

[Animated sequence]

White flash dissolve to aerial zoom in on the stern superstructure, panning around and down to a front-view shot of the stern, including hull and superstructure. The background of blue seas pans to a background of blue skies, fading to pinks as they meet the water at the horizon.


As a ground-breaking innovation, this will help meet the world’s growing energy demand for the cleanest burning fossil fuel.

[Animated sequence]

White flash dissolve to wide, oblique-angle shot of the superstructure at the bow, including a helipad with helicopter in the foreground. Behind the helipad, a huge Shell logo adorns the superstructure. Blue skies and a setting sun form the background.

Zoom to animated simulation of the helicopter as it rises upwards and out of the frame.

Dissolve to wide panning view of the FLNG facility, the background of skies and seas depicted in matching hues of blues and pinks as the sun sets behind the floating facility.

Zoom to oblique angle view of the facility from stern to bow, the Shell logo on the stern superstructure clear in the foreground and to right of frame.

Fade to black.


Shell’s decision to make FLNG a reality culminates more than a decade of research and development and 1.6 million man-hours. It builds on the company’s extensive knowledge of offshore production, gas liquefaction, LNG shipping and the delivery of major projects.