זהות מקצועית של מורים ומקומה בהכשרה להוראה
1 .פרטים ביבליוגרפיים של מאמרים:
Title: Professional Knowledge and Identity in a Contested Discipline: Challenges for Student Teachers and TeacherEducators
Authors:Burn, Katharine
Source:Oxford Review of Education, v33 n4 p445-467 Sep 2007
Abstract: This paper focuses on the challenges to their professional identity encountered by both experienced and beginning teachers in the course of research and development work intended to develop student teachers' pedagogical content knowledge. It reports findings from a collaborative action research project within a well-established initial teacher education partnership that was intended to develop more effective ways of supporting student teachers' learning in relation to two controversial aspects of the secondary school history curriculum: historical enquiry and historical interpretation. The tight focus on procedural concepts at the heart of the discipline made it possible to explore the challenges presented to the student teachers' identity as subject "specialists" as they sought to develop new forms of professional knowledge as subject "teachers". Simultaneously the research and development process itself also revealed profound challenges to the school-based teachereducators' sense of identity--both as teachers and as mentors--that highlighting such contested concepts could pose. In seeking to address these challenges two apparently contradictory, but essentially complementary, approaches seem to be called for. The first is a proper acknowledgement of existing knowledge and expertise--that of the beginning teachers as well as that of their mentors. The second is the forging of a new form of professional identity for mentors: an identity which depends not merely on "existing" knowledge, but on the capacity to generate "new" professional knowledge; an identity which includes a role as learner, not merely one as an "expert" teacher.
Title:Who Teaches the Teachers? Identity, Discourse and Policy in Teacher Education
Authors:Robinson, Maureen;McMillan, Wendy
Source: Teaching & Teacher Education: An International Journal of Research and Studies, v22 n3 p327-336 Apr 2006
Abstract: In this article we argue that understanding the identities that teachereducators construct for themselves is central to effecting innovation within a changing policy environment. The article begins with a theoretical perspective on the nexus of change and identity. It then discusses the central features of identity amongst a group of teacher college educators who have been incorporated into a higher education institution in South Africa. The discussion focuses in particular on their new roles as researchers. We argue that the promotion of research needs to be based on what teachereducators "already" perceive to be their particular strengths and roles. The paper ends with some examples of strategies for research promotion in this particular setting.
Title:Being and Becoming a Mentor: School-Based TeacherEducators and Teacher EducatorIdentity
Authors:Bullough, R.V.
Source: Teaching and Teacher Education: An International Journal of Research and Studies, v21 n2 p143-155 Feb 2005
Abstract: Drawing on Gee's (Social linguistics and literacies: ideology in discourses, RoutledgeFalmer, New York, 1996) categories of ''ways'' to view identity, a case study is constructed of a secondary school teacher's struggle to move beyond her identity as a teacher to assume a mentor's identity in her year-long work with two English-teaching interns. Data of various kinds were gathered: from the interns, weekly e-mails and a paired peer interview, and from the teacher, interview, a peer interview, a mentoring log, and transcripts of a mentoring seminar. Based on these data, the author argues for the importance of attending to identity in teacher education and mentoring and describes conditions that would facilitate mentor identity formation.
Title: Is That "Tingling Feeling" Enough? Constructions of Teaching and Learning in Further Education
Authors:Bathmaker, Ann-Marie;Avis, James
Source: Educational Review, v57 n1 p3-20 Feb 2005
Abstract: This paper is concerned with changing constructions of teaching and learning in the further education (FE) sector in England. It explores how current changes may be affecting the development of lecturers' professional identity, drawing upon a small-scale study of trainees on a full-time FE teacher training programme in the academic year 2001-2002. Our underlying concern is the possibilities for democratic forms of practice within the changing context of lecturers' work. The paper considers how trainees make sense of pedagogic relations, and considers how such work might inform debates about new forms of professionalism and practice in FE.
Title:"How Do I Cope with That?" The Challenge of "Schooling" Cultures in Further Education for Trainee FE Lecturers
Authors:Bathmaker, Ann-Marie;Avis, James
Source: British Educational Research Journal, v33 n4 p509-532 Aug 2007
Abstract: The development of professionalidentity amongst lecturers training to teach in further education (FE) colleges in England involves processes of adaptation. These partly take place during teaching placement in FE, as trainees navigate between their own anticipated professionalidentity and the identities which they feel under pressure to assume as they engage in their work with students. This article explores these processes of development, focusing in particular on the identities that trainee lecturers develop in their work with disengaged 16-19 year-old students. Using case studies of two trainee lecturers, the article explores the way in which they are pushed towards adopting what they see as a "pedagogic", "teacherly" identity, which they had previously associated with schoolteachers, in their work with such students. The article suggests that the notion of "schooling" identities and cultures, whilst contrasting with the vocational habitus proposed by others, is a useful way to explore how cultures and identities in general FE are created through similar processes of identity construction and reconstruction.
Title: Identity Development as a Lens to Science Teacher Preparation
Authors:Luehmann, April Lynn
Source: Science Education, v91 n5 p822-839 Sep 2007
Abstract: Concepts and findings from research on identity development are employed to better understand why current science teacher preparation programs are failing to prepare teachers who are able and choose to implement the vision for science education articulated in professional standards. Identity theory is used as a theoretical lens to make sense of and better address some of the unique challenges of becoming a reform-minded science teacher, a professionalidentity that does not reflect the common norm in the profession; these challenges include the emotional risk and possible need for "repair work," lack of familiarity with and buy-in into complex practices of inquiry, and the need for opportunities to participate in competent practice and have this participation acknowledged. Two basic design principles for science teacher preparation are identified as a result of this analysis: (a) the need to create safe places and scaffolded ways for beginning science teachers to try on and develop their identities as reform-minded science teachers, which may include capitalizing on the unique opportunities of practice teaching in out-of-school contexts; and (b) the need to offer opportunities to be recognized, by self and others, as reform-minded teachers through ongoing, structured, and supported reflection.
Title: ServingTooManyMasters: The Proliferation of Ill-Conceived and
Contradictory Policies and Practices in Teacher Education.
Authors:Sindelar, Paul T.;Rosenberg, Michael S.
Source: Journal of Teacher Education, v51 n3 p188-93 May-Jun 2000
Abstract: Illustrates how teacher educators are caught up in ill-conceived, often contradictory policies and practices, providing examples of contradictory demands emanating from outside and within the academy. The paper discusses professional standards and how teacher shortages influence the way quality-control practices in teacher preparation are conceptualized and implemented. Suggestions for next steps are presented, using examples from special education.
2. קישורים לפרטי מאמרים נוספים אשר פרטיהם הביבליוגראפיים מאוזכרים באינטרנט
The Impossible Role of Teacher Educators in a Changing World
Miriam Ben-Peretz
Teacher professional identity: competing discourses, competing outcomes
Author: Judyth Sachs
נוסח מלא של המאמר החשוב של ג'ודית זקס
Towards a more holistic approach in teacher education
Fred A. J. Korthagen
Learning and unlearning: the education of teacher educators
Marilyn Cochran-Smith
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