Title of the Paper in English (Arial, Bold, 14 Points)

Title of the Paper in English (Arial, Bold, 14 Points)

PAK vol. 54, nr 06/2008 1

Title of the paper in English (Arial, bold, 14 points)

PAK vol. 54, nr 06/2008 1

Scientific title First name and SURNAME
Authorbiographical note in English,maximum 450 characters, on scientific activity, scientific and professional titles, workplace and position, area of research.
A grayscale photograph of the author of dimensions 3.8 x 2.7 cmshould be inserted in the frame of 0.75 point as well as attached in a separate file (TIF or BMP format).
e-mail:…@... /

Abstract(Times New Roman bold, 11 points)

An abstract in English should give concise information about the core idea of the paper, emphasize what is new in it and present the main results and conclusions. The abstract should contain about 500 characters (including spaces).It should be written in Times New Roman, 7 points in size.

Keywords: … (in English)

Title of the paper in Polish(Times New Roman bold, 11 points)

Abstract in Polish (extended)

An abstract in Polish should be extended to average, 1500 characters (including spaces).It should contain: what the paper deals with, what is new in it, short description of the paper contentwith referring to the numbers of figures, tables, paragraphs and cited references, summary of the author’s conclusions. The Editorial Staff will verifyPolish version of abstract. To enable it, the author should send the English extended abstract translated into Polish in a separate file.

It should be written with Times New Roman of 7 points in size.

Słowa kluczowe: … (in Polish)

  1. Introduction(Arial, 11 points)

  1. Title of the paragraph

The paper text should be written with Times New Roman of 9 points in size.

The length of the whole paper may not exceed 4 pages, that is the text of the paper should contain no more than 24 000 characters including spaces (18 000 characters for 3 pages). Each figure, table, equation accompanying the text makes the number of characters smaller. If there is any doubt connected with preparing the manuscript for publicationin PAK, the Editorial Office should be contacted by e-mail or telephone for clarification before sending the materials.

The paper elements (titles, abstracts, introduction, paragraphs, captions under figures and above tables, conclusions and references) should be written and arranged (alignment, indentions, spaces) as those presented in this exemplary text.Equations and figures should be centered and embedded in the text.Equations should be treated as a part of the sentence, for instance:




The symbols used in equations should be of size corresponding to that of the paragraph font. The equations should be numbered consecutively in the whole text of the paper. The numbers of equations should be aligned right. Figures and tables must have clear-cut denotations that should be in accordance with those used in the equations and text of the paper (all variables should be written in italic type but all digits and constants in normal type). If the paper contains denotations and symbols written with other than standard fonts, these fonts (in TTF format) should be sent together with the paper file containing the complete manuscript.

Figures and tables together with captions should be embedded in the text appropriately, which means that they must appear as close as possible to the places in which they are referred to for the first time. In spite of this fact, the PAK Editorial Office reserves for themselves the right to rearrange them. Figures and photographs placed in the paper must have good contrast (resolution 300 DPI) and be readable. They should be in black-and-white or grayscale colour option. Additionally, all the figures and photographs should be attached as separate files (in one of the following graphic formats: TIF or BMP) to the materials sent to the PAK Editorial Office.

The figures should be numbered consecutively in the whole text of the paper. The figure captions should be both in English and Polish.

Fig. 1. Figure caption in English (Times New Roman, 7 points)

Rys. 1.Figure caption in Polish

The tables should be numbered consecutively in the whole text of the paper. The table titles must be placed above the tables, e.g.:

Tab. 1.Table title in English (Times New Roman, 7 points)

Tab. 1.Table title in Polish


Due to the way of formatting the papers published in PAK, the dimensions of figures and tables cannot be larger than 8.5 cm in width and 21 cm in height. That is why the font size used in them can be decreased (7 … 9 points).

  1. Conclusions

The paper should be written in Microsoft Word version 2003 or higher. Both Word version and PDF file of the paper prepared according to the presented rules should be sent to the editor.

  1. References

References should be numbered and listed at the end of the paper in exactly the same order as they are cited first time in the text. The references should be aligned and numbered as in the example below.

[1] Nowak J., Kowalski M.: Virtual instrument for resistance benchmark measurement. Measurement Automation and Monitoring, vol. 58, pp. 001- 004, 2012.


1] Nowak J., Kowalski M.: Virtual instrument for resistance benchmark measurement. MAaM, vol. 58, pp. 001- 004, 2012.

(Times New Roman, 8 points)

The titles in a foreign language should be written in original version. Journal or paper titles written originally by use the Cyrillic alphabet must be transcribed into Latin alphabet.

The editor strongly recommendsto regard in the reference list mostly scientific papers published in journals indexed by Web of Knowledge database (especially Web of Science).

The number of cited sources should not exceed 10 items, in this the number of books as well as conference communications should be limited.

Every reference item must be at least one time cited in the paper text.

Only full official journal title: Measurement Automation and Monitoring, or its official abbreviation: MAaM can be used. Avoid please any other abbreviations!.

Cited electronic sources must be reliable (e.g electronic versions of scientific papers, DOI number papers). The Wikipedia or non-verified www sites etc. are not accepted.


otrzymano / received: 00.00.0000

przyjęto do druku / accepted: 00.00.0000artykuł recenzowany / revised paper