Title:Gas To Power_200716_Intl_Pre Aug_High Res Youtube-_210716_

Duration: 3:16 minutes


A short video describing how the State of Gujarat reacted to India’s 2012 blackout, the worst power failure the country had ever experienced.

Gas To Power_200716_Intl_Pre Aug_High Res Youtube-_210716_Transcript

[Background music plays]

Quiet, dramatic music


In the summer of 2012 India suffered the largest power failure in history, the biggest ever power failure in the world: Blackout Tuesday, as it’s called.

[Video footage]

Night-time time-lapse footage of busy urban street in India.

Several scenes of electricity pylons.

Several headlines from major media players: Hundreds of millions without power in India; 2nd Day of Power Failure Cripples Wide Swath of India; Massive Power Failures Hit India; India Power Out Hits Millions, among world’s worst outages.

[Background music plays]

Music picks up tempo


At its peak, it plunged 680 million people, more than the entire population of the US, Mexico and Canada combined, into darkness. In less than three days, more than US$83 million was lost.

[Text displays]

680 million people affected

[Video footage]

Several scenes of bustling pedestrian and vehicle traffic in Indian city.

Several scenes of crowded, bustling pavements in Indian city.

[Text displays]

US$83 million

[Video footage]

From an elevated position, camera pans left and right to show electrical substation: a network of pylons and overhead cables.

[Anish De]

[Partner KPMG India]

‘'There was a lot of demand for reliable electricity, and the grid simply could not cope. As a consequence, there was a cascading failure, and then it just spiraled out of control very quickly.’’

[Video footage]

A couple of close-ups of electrical insulators.

Elevated views across network of cables and pylons in electrical substation.

Energy-saving light-bulb brightly momentarily illuminates the wall on which it is mounted and is then extinguished.

[Music ends]

[Background music plays]

Haunting solo by stringed instrument

The screen is plunged into blackness for a second, before a full moon looms large in an almost black sky.


More than 300 million people in India still don’t have access to electricity.

[Video footage]

An Indian resident emerges from the doorway of his modest home.

[Indian Resident 1]

[Subtext displays]

‘'It had been eight months and electricity would never come on.’’


And even for those who do, power outages and blackouts are a regular phenomenon.

[Video footage]

Close-up of a hand flipping a switch on a small circuit-breaker.

Three members, a woman and two men, seated in their lounge.

Camera focuses on one of the men. The camera is angled up towards the ceiling, showing us a spinning ceiling fan.

Extreme close-up of a woman’s hands guiding material through a manually-operated sewing-machine.

Extreme close-up of a woman’s hands operating the manual sewing-machine.

Camera has drawn out to show the young woman seated on the floor in front of the sewing-machine. An older woman, who is watching a small wall-mounted television, is seated on the couch beside the young woman.

[Indian Resident 2]

[Subtext displays]

‘'In the villages, children were not able to study as the lights would go out erratically during the day and night.’’

[Video footage]

A young girl reads aloud as her hand traces the words from the book she is holding.

A young boy reading aloud. As the camera focuses past him, we see a close-up of the text he is reading.

[Indian resident 1]

[Subtext displays]

‘'Without electricity, there would be no water, so we were bound to suffer.’’

[Music ends]

[Background music plays]

Quiet, dramatic music


Every year India loses more than US$468 billion due to unreliable power. But while most of India struggled with power outages, the State of Gujarat had achieved something remarkable: there were no blackouts in Gujarat in 2012, and it’s achieved 24/7 power.

[Video footage]

From a vantage point several storeys above street level, the camera shows several shots of busy Indian city streets.

[Text displays]

US$68 billion

Asterisk, Source: Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICC)

[Video footage]

Close-up of signage on a building and a traffic light in the foreground.

Street-level scene of a bustling city street.

Close-up of a man’s hand pressing a button and then flipping a switch on a box located on an exterior wall.

Extreme close-up of large spinning spools of thread inside a factory.

Close-up of the thread being fed into a large industrial-scale machine of some description.

Close-up of large green plastic bags moving along a conveyor belt.

Close-up of a male factory worker standing alongside the conveyor belt.

[Anush De]

‘'Gujarat has gone from power shortages and large financial stress in the balance sheets of the companies to somewhere where there are no outages, there’s adequate supply and the companies are healthy and robust.’’

[Video footage]

Close-up of a large control panel of gauges, switches and lights in a factory.

Large revolving drums holding thick cable.

Large white tiles or panels moving along a conveyor belt in a factory.


With the ability to handle increased demand, Gujarat supplies almost 24-hour electricity not only to its large cities and towns, but to 18,000 villages. And in its ability to eliminate peak outages, gas plays an important role.

[Video footage]

The white tiles emerge on a conveyor belt from a large machine. Bright lights on either side of the conveyor belt illuminate the tiles as they emerge.

Close-up of the tiles being added to a large stack immediately in front of the camera.

Close-up of a factory worker who is stacking the tiles by hand.

Several employees at work on the factory floor.

A semi-rural suburban scene. A man and child on a scooter zip along a dirt road. Both grand and modest houses stand alongside each other.

A couple of women walking along a suburban or village street. The woman in front carries several large steel pans in one hand.

[Nitin Shukla]

[CEO Hazra LNG & Port]

‘'Gas is one of the most important fuel, if not the most important fuel, from peaking power point of view.’’

[Video footage]

The camera focuses skywards, giving us a backlit view of a tall storage tank in a refinery or power plant.

[Nitin Malkan]

[Vice-President (Operations) China Light & Power]

‘'When you start a coal-based power plant, it will require at least minimum 12 to 18 hours. If there is a change in demand, gas pressurisation [?] can come on the grid in seven minutes and then support the grid requirement.’’

[Video footage]

Camera pans slowly from left to right, showing several huge storage tanks in a refinery or power plant.


In the last eight years the manufacturing sector in Gujarat has also grown by more than double, unmatched anywhere else in the country.

[Video footage]

Several shots of workers and specialized machinery and equipment in a factory, such as pistons, control panels,polishing machines and an array of large glass-fronted ovens or kilns.

[Anush De]

‘'Even if the cost was slightly higher, industries started preferring Gujarat because of the reliability of supplies. Electricity can be used even for smaller micro-enterprises for productive purposes. That will transform the rural economy and that will really lead to economic growth on a broader base.’’

[Video footage]

Several shots of factory workers packaging and packing tall stacks of the white tiles.

Two men sit outside the doorway to a small business which appears to repair tyres. A motorcycle stands outside the doorway.

Extreme close-up of a woman’s face. She is Nirmala Kumari.

Close-up of a hand flipping a switch on a wall.

Close-up of a spinning ceiling fan.

Nirmala sitting on a bench beside two small boys. She opens a book and shows it to them.

[Nirmala Kumari]

[Resident, Haryana India]

[Subtext displayed]

‘'There won’t be problems at home, washing clothes will not be a problem, studying will not be a problem.’’

[Video footage]

The camera focuses on Nirmala and one of the boys as they read together.

A small girl joins the two boys sitting alongside Nirmala. They are all looking at the book in front of them.

Extreme close-up of the little girl’s face.

Camera draws out to show Nirmala and the children sitting on the bench. The little girl is reading the book by herself now.

[Text displays]

Hashtag, GasForPower

[Text displays]

Copyright, Shell International Limited 2016

[Music ends]