King’s College London
Department of Chemistry
Summer School Application form
- Forename(s):
- Surname:
- Date of birth (DD-MM-YYYY):
- Please tell us your gender:
☐a) Male
☐b) Female
☐c) Trans
☐d) Other
If you selected other, please specify and include which pronouns you would like us to use:
- Please tell us your ethnicity:
☐White – English / Welsh / Scottish / Northern Irish / British
☐White – Irish
☐White – Gypsy or Irish Traveller
☐Any Other White Background (please specify):
☐Mixed / Multiple ethnic group – White and Black Caribbean
☐Mixed / Multiple ethnic group – White and Black African
☐Mixed / Multiple ethnic group – White and Asian
☐Any Other Mixed / multiple ethnic background (please specify):
☐Asian / Asian British – Indian
☐Asian / Asian British - Pakistani
☐Asian / Asian British - Bangladeshi
☐Asian / Asian British – Chinese
☐Any other Asian background (please specify):
☐Black / African / Caribbean / Black British – African
☐Black / African / Caribbean / Black British – Caribbean
☐Any other Black / African / Caribbean background (please specify):
☐Other ethnic group – Arab
☐Not known
☐Prefer not to say
☐Other (please specify):
- Do you consider yourself to be disabled or to have a learning difficulty? Please tick all that apply:
☐You have a social / communication impairment
☐You are blind or have a serious visual impairment
☐You are deaf or have a serious hearing impairment
☐You have a long-standing illness or health condition
☐You have a mental health condition
☐You have a specific learning difficulty
☐You have physical impairment or mobility issues
☐Prefer not to say
- If you selected Other, please specify:
- If you selected any of the above, please provide us with any information that you feel would be relevant to support you in your visit to King’s:
- Email address (this is our primary means of contacting you so please ensure it is correct):
- Your primary contact phone number:
- First line of your address:
- Second line of your address (if applicable):
- Postcode for your home address. Please enter in capitals and include a space e.g. SE1 8WA:
- If applicable, please tell us in which London or Greater London borough you live:
- How did you hear about the Department of Chemistry Summer School?:
☐a) At a King’s event
☐b) One of your teachers
☐c) A previous attendee
☐d) Chemistry Department website
☐e) Other, please specify:
- Current school or college:
- What year group are currently in?
- If you are planning to study A-Levels (or equivalent), what subjects are you planning to study?
- Why does a career in science appeal to you? (Max 200 words)
- What have you already done to investigate the realities of a career in science? (Max. 200 words, you can write in bullet points)
- How will completing a work experience placement at the Department of Chemistry help you?(Max. 200 words, you can write in bullet points)
- What do you think you would bring to the program?(Max. 200 words, you can write in bullet points)
- I confirm that I intend to study at least one science subject at A Level ☐
- By signing below, I confirm that all the information contained in this application is true, accurate and correct: