REVISED 9/2007






In this course students will build upon skills learned in the first semester course and will be able to express themselves in a variety of new and more complex situations in Spanish. (Prerequisite: a grade of “C” or higher in SPAN 101 or instructor approval.)
This course is the first of a two-course elementary Spanish sequence which is the first part of a seven-course Spanish program. Only the two-course elementary sequence is available in the distance learning format.


TEXT: Destinos by Van Patten,

Marks and Teschner. 2nd Edition of Alternate Edition.

New York, N.Y.

McGraw-Hill, Inc., 2002 (ISBN 0-07-249708-4)

Plus free Supplementary Listening Comprehension CD

WORKBOOK: Destinos 2nd Edition of Alternate Edition

Workbook/Study Guide I (ISBN 0-07-2497114)

AUDIO-CD Laboratory Program

Coordinated with the Text and Workbook/Study Guides.

CD’s are for sale in the Brookdale College Store.

CD’s can also be found in Multimedia section, 1st floor of the college

Library, PC 4005, A935 2002. Videos can be found in the Library, PC 4111.D43 1992



DESTINOS is a telecourse that allows beginning language learners to hear Spanish and experience its cultural diversity while following a compelling story full of human emotions. The series takes the form of a soap opera

DESTINOS is available in streaming video format for all students enrolled in the Spanish telecoures. After enrolling in the class the student can go to the Brookdale website and click on “online courses.” With their user name and password the student will then be ready to access the streaming video for this course.

DESTINOS will also air on local Cable Outlets. The exact programming schedule will vary from station to station. In general, however, one episode will be broadcast each week. These episodes are mandatory viewing for students seeking credit for this course.

Intended STUDENT Learning Outcomes/Course Goals:

A successful SPANISH 101 telecourse student will be able to understand, speak and write Spanish at the upper elementary level and will understand basic elements of the culture of Spanish-speaking countries.

Core Competencies:

This course satisfies the following core competencies:

- Community and Workplace

- Critical Thinking


The curriculum of SPAN 102 TV/VT will consist of leccionesor episodes 14 – 26 in the DESTINOS series.

Lecciones 14-18 / Un Viaje a la Argentina / Grammar
food groups; writing and written materials / preterite tense regular and irregular verebs; object pronouns; gustar and verbs like it; verbs used reflexively and non-reflexively
Lecciones 19-26 / Un Viaje a Puerto Rico
directions; more familymembers; weather; changes in status and conditions; parts of a house; domestic appliances; more descriptive adjectives / present and past progressive; imperfect; using imperfect and preterite together; por and para; affirmative and negative words; tener idioms; comparisons; estar + adjectives

Student Learning Outcomes for Elementary Spanish II TV/VT Distance Education


The successful telecourse student Of Spanish II will be able to achieve the following goals concerning theSpanish covered in the units.


- understand most Spanish pertinent to the topics studied if spoken slower than normal pace

- understand some Spanish spoken at normal pace

- develop skills and coping strategies for filling in thegaps of imperfect comprehension


- describe food, extended family relations, the weather,personality traits, people

- narrate recurring (present) events; past events; habitual or repeated events in the past

- use numbers to 1000, greeting and leave-taking formulas

- ask and answer questions about the above topics


- reading and writing skills will be much the same as the speaking skills, concerning the material



- students will gain cultural knowledge andawareness about the following areas of the areas of the world in which Spanish is spoken. Students will learn about the following cultural topics:

ARGENTINA – Buenos Aires, other Argentine cities, food, the

"vos" forms, geography, recent history

PUERTO RICO – San Juan and other Puerto Rican cities,

relationship-making, Puerto Rican as U.S. citizens,

food, economy, art and music

Hispanic Nobel Prize Winners, toasting customs, extended family relationships


The following sequence can be followed for each lesson:

Students complete PREPARACION in the Textbook.

Students watch the video episode for the lesson.

Students complete the Textbook lesson, along with the audio-cassette activities in the lesson.

Students then complete the Workbook/Study Guide for the lesson, along with the audio-cassette activities.

Students complete the "worksheet" and "self-test"sections (beginning on p. 309 in the Workbook).

These sections are to be torn out and handed in to the Instructor WEEKLY.

Students return to the Textbook and complete the PREPARACION for the next video episode.

The CD’s are available at the Brookdale College Store.


There will be two review tests & two vocabulary – grammar quizzes in the course of the semester. Each 125 point review test will consist of an oral interview with the instructor, as well as written questions on the content of the series, vocabulary, grammar and composition.

The oral interviews, each worth 25 points,will touch upon the material of the

"Y tu?" section of theWorkbook, as well as understanding of the content of the

series. These will take place in the instructor's office at designated times during the semester.

The written vocabulary – grammar quizzes and written portion of the review tests will be administered in the TestingCenter. Students should present their ID card upon arrival at the TestingCenter in order to be able to take the test.

Thus, there are 300 points total devoted to testing.

52 points will be given for satisfactorily completed worksheets and self-tests (4 points per unit).

300 Points Testing

52 Points Worksheet/self-tests

12 Points for three conversation groups and/or conversations with “Buddy”


364 points Total

Students must maintain an average of 70 on the two review tests & quizzes before the worksheet & self-test section can be included in the average.

In this course you may achieve:

A = 90% - 100% = 327 - 364 POINTS

B+ = 85% - 89% = 309- 326 POINTS

B = 80% - 84% = 291 – 308 POINTS

C+ = 75% - 79% = 273 – 290 POINTS

C = 70% - 74% = 255 - 272 POINTS

D = 65% - 69% = 237 - 254 POINTS

F = Less than 65% = 236 POINTS OR LOWER


There will be THREE conversation group meetings during thecourse of the semester. These groups will meet todiscuss in Spanish the events in the episodes as well as any grammar points that students would like explained (probably in English). Students who cannot attend the conversation group are to make up the work missed by pairing up with an in-class “buddy” to discuss in person, by phone or via email the “¿Y tú?” exercises selected by the instructor on the Semester Plan. See the semester plan for specific details. A student who participates in both the conversation group and “buddy” discussion will receive 4 extra points for that work

PLEASE NOTE: If you have a documented disability and would like to request accommodations and/or academic adjustments, contact the Disability Services Office at 732-224-2730 or TTY 732-842-4211.