Title: CSF Flow Model
Tim Eng – Team Leader
Lauren Hensley – BSAC
Mary Lim – BWIG
April Zehm – Communicator
Victor Haughton, M.D.
UW Dept. of Radiology
Phone: 263-5306
Date: 2/17/04 – 2/23/04
Problem Statement
The client desires an MR compatible model of the human hindbrain and upper cervical spinal canal to study how various dimensions affect cerebrospinal fluid flow (CSF flow) in terms of pressure against the spinal canal. Oscillatory flow is required in the model.
Last Week’s Goals
- Write revised progress report including Gantt chart
- Rework PDS to include additional specifications given by Dr. Haughton
- Look at three designs (piece-wise, continuous tube, electrical) and decide which one will best solve the problem
- Try to meet with Dr. Iskandar
- Obtain dimensions of hindbrain and spinal canal
This Week’s Goals
- Lauren – work on introduction of PDR
- Mary – continue work with PDS and appendix of PDR
- April – describe alternative solution #2 (continuous tube with blocks clamped on exterior to vary dimensions) for PDR
- Tim – work on description for alternative solution #1 (continuous tube using pins to alter dimensions), write progress report
- Team – compile reasons for selecting proposed solution (piece-wise model), put together rough draft of PDR
Summary of Accomplishments
- Ruled out electrical design because nobody on the team has sufficient knowledge in this area
- Mary – learned how to use the lathe and mill, which will be useful for the prototype of the proposed solution as it will require extensive machining
- Evaluated the potential designs and decided to pursue the piece-wise model
- We still have not received responses from two contacts concerning this project.
Team: Met in class to discuss potential designs and upcoming mid-semester presentation and report, brainstormed specifics of proposed design (changing pieces, preventing leaks, and pumping fluid)
Tim Eng: 2.0 hours – Wrote progress report with Gantt chart
Lauren Hensley: 1.5 hours – Started to gather background information for PDR
Mary Lim: 1.5 hours – Went to shop class to learn how to use the lathe and mill, worked on PDS summary
April Zehm: 1.5 hours – Worked on design drawings
Total time this week: 6.5 hours
Cumulative time: 42.75 hours
Project Schedule
Task / January / February / March / April / May20 / 27 / 3 / 10 / 17 / 24 / 2 / 9 / 16 / 23 / 30 / 6 / 13 / 20 / 27 / 4 / 11
Progress Reports
Mid-semester Presentation
Preliminary Design Report
Final Poster Presentation
Final Report
Final Meeting with Advisor
Chiari I Malformation
CSF Flow
Current Patents
Decide on Final Design
Order Parts
Machine Parts
Team Tim Eng Lauren Hensley Mary Lim April Zehm
Date / Item / Cost / Comments