Title: Christmas Tree Slide Show
Developed by Mary Adamcik
View a student sample
The students will create a slide show presentation showing the steps for decorating a Christmas tree.
Timeline: 45 minutes to one hour
Content Area: Language Arts / Grade Level: 2Materials/Resources:
Kid Pix 4 / Technology Focus:
Subject Area - §110.4.9 (C)
Technology Applications - §126.2.7 (A,B)
Get Started and Draw Tree
- Double click the Kid Pix 4 icon on the desktop.
- Click the Fill Bucket tool (paint bucket).
- Choose red on the paint splat.
- Move the mouse to the background and click one time to create a red background.
- Click the Draw button (pencil, crayon, chalk) and choose the Pencil tool.
- Choose the Squiggly Line tool and the color Green.
- Draw a simple tree outline.
- Use the Fill Bucket tool to fill the tree with green.
- Click the Draw button and select the Pencil tool.
- Choose the Solid Rectangle shape and the color Brown.
- Draw a trunk on the tree.
- Go to File and Save as... In the File name box, have student's type Tree1.
(Save in Student's folder on server)
Add Ornaments
- Click the Draw button and select the Pencil tool.
- Select the large rounded pencil point shape.
- Select Blue on the color splat.
- Move the cursor to the tree and click in different spots to add several “ornaments”.
- Change colors and add more bright “ornaments”.
- Go to File and Save as...
- Follow the directions in step 12 above and name the second file: Tree2.
Add a Star
- Click the Rubber Stamp button.
- Navigate to the Toonies 2 library and select the Star stamp (Set 15).
- Click one time at the top of the tree to add the star.
- Go to File and Save as...
- Follow the directions in step 12 above and name the third file: Tree3.
Add Presents
- Click the Solid Rectangle tool.
- Choose White as the color.
- Draw several boxes under the tree.
- Click the Fill Bucket and choose a color and pattern from the bottom menu.
- Click to fill the first box.
- Change the color and pattern and fill the second box.
- Continue until all boxes are "filled".
*You can choose the PENCIL tool to add ribbons and bows, if desired* - Go to File and Save as...
- Follow the directions in step 12 and name the third file: Tree4.
Create Slide Show
- Click the Go to Slideshow button (bottom right of the screen).
- Click the box at the bottom of the first slide .
- In the Look in box, click the down arrow and navigate to the student's folder in the Data drive.
- Select Tree1 and click Open.
- Click the box at the bottom of the second slide.
- Select Tree2 and click Open.
- Click the box at the bottom of the third slide.
- Select Tree3 and click Open.
- Click the box at the bottom of the fourth slide.
- Select Tree4 and click Open.
- Click the Slide Transition button .
- Click the red arrow button to the left of the first slide and choose a transition.
*Sounds and timing can be added if desired*
View the Show
1. When you are ready to view the show, click the large green Play arrow . Enjoy!
2. To stop the slide show, press the Esc key on the keyboard.
The completed slide show with the correct sequence of events
Teacher observation
Create a template of the plain tree.
Allow students to add elements to the templates to create a sequence of events. / Extensions:
Increase the number of pages required and/or the amount of detail in each frame of the slide show.
Manage Presentations / a
the skills utilized in the project
Create a presentation from a template / I / X
Save a presentation / I / X
Add slides / I / X
Move through a presentation (using mouse or arrow keys) / I / X
Add Objects
Add/arrange text and graphics / I / X
Customize the presentation
Add transitions / I / X