Title: Christmas Tree Slide Show

Developed by Mary Adamcik

View a student sample


The students will create a slide show presentation showing the steps for decorating a Christmas tree.

Timeline: 45 minutes to one hour

Content Area: Language Arts / Grade Level: 2
Kid Pix 4 / Technology Focus:
Subject Area - §110.4.9 (C)
Technology Applications - §126.2.7 (A,B)


Get Started and Draw Tree

  1. Double click the Kid Pix 4 icon on the desktop.
  2. Click the Fill Bucket tool (paint bucket).
  3. Choose red on the paint splat.
  4. Move the mouse to the background and click one time to create a red background.
  5. Click the Draw button (pencil, crayon, chalk) and choose the Pencil tool.
  6. Choose the Squiggly Line tool and the color Green.
  7. Draw a simple tree outline.
  8. Use the Fill Bucket tool to fill the tree with green.
  9. Click the Draw button and select the Pencil tool.
  10. Choose the Solid Rectangle shape and the color Brown.
  11. Draw a trunk on the tree.
  12. Go to File and Save as... In the File name box, have student's type Tree1.
    (Save in Student's folder on server)

Add Ornaments

  1. Click the Draw button and select the Pencil tool.
  2. Select the large rounded pencil point shape.
  3. Select Blue on the color splat.
  4. Move the cursor to the tree and click in different spots to add several “ornaments”.
  5. Change colors and add more bright “ornaments”.
  6. Go to File and Save as...
  7. Follow the directions in step 12 above and name the second file: Tree2.

Add a Star

  1. Click the Rubber Stamp button.
  2. Navigate to the Toonies 2 library and select the Star stamp (Set 15).
  3. Click one time at the top of the tree to add the star.
  4. Go to File and Save as...
  5. Follow the directions in step 12 above and name the third file: Tree3.

Add Presents

  1. Click the Solid Rectangle tool.
  2. Choose White as the color.
  3. Draw several boxes under the tree.
  4. Click the Fill Bucket and choose a color and pattern from the bottom menu.
  5. Click to fill the first box.
  6. Change the color and pattern and fill the second box.
  7. Continue until all boxes are "filled".
    *You can choose the PENCIL tool to add ribbons and bows, if desired*
  8. Go to File and Save as...
  9. Follow the directions in step 12 and name the third file: Tree4.

Create Slide Show

  1. Click the Go to Slideshow button (bottom right of the screen).
  2. Click the box at the bottom of the first slide .
  3. In the Look in box, click the down arrow and navigate to the student's folder in the Data drive.
  4. Select Tree1 and click Open.
  5. Click the box at the bottom of the second slide.
  6. Select Tree2 and click Open.
  7. Click the box at the bottom of the third slide.
  8. Select Tree3 and click Open.
  9. Click the box at the bottom of the fourth slide.
  10. Select Tree4 and click Open.
  11. Click the Slide Transition button .
  12. Click the red arrow button to the left of the first slide and choose a transition.
    *Sounds and timing can be added if desired*

View the Show

1.  When you are ready to view the show, click the large green Play arrow . Enjoy!

2.  To stop the slide show, press the Esc key on the keyboard.


The completed slide show with the correct sequence of events
Teacher observation

Create a template of the plain tree.
Allow students to add elements to the templates to create a sequence of events. / Extensions:
Increase the number of pages required and/or the amount of detail in each frame of the slide show.


Manage Presentations / a
the skills utilized in the project
Create a presentation from a template / I / X
Save a presentation / I / X
Add slides / I / X
Move through a presentation (using mouse or arrow keys) / I / X
Add Objects
Add/arrange text and graphics / I / X
Customize the presentation
Add transitions / I / X