Guided Reading Lesson
Group: Date
Title All About Killer WhalesDay 1Level/# of Words L/343
Before Students Read / While Students Read / After Students Read1.Whole Group Instruction: (all 3 grps)
When we read, we are building stories in our minds. People who build houses or bridges usually carry toolboxes filled with tools they need to do their work. They have hammers, screwdrivers, nails and other tools to build and fix things. It is like that for readers, too. We build stories as we read, and we can imagine that we have toolboxes too (a reader’s toolbox) that has the tools we can use to figure out words.
Our tools are the strategies that we use when we need to figure out an unknown or tricky word. For the nextfew days, we’re going to fill up our reading toolboxes with the strategies that we can use to help us read and build the stories in our books.
Have students turn to their partners and talk about strategies they use. Have a few share and record on chart paper titled, Strategies for Unknown Words.
If students don’t mention syllabication – Introduce students to four syllabication rules (see below 1-4). Explain to students that syllabication is one strategy readers use to figure out unknown words. Show students foldable they will make. / 2. Phonics/Word Analysis
(Full Circle Book ____ Lesson _____)
Look for words that follow the syllabication rules on chart paper (see below).
Put these words on cards: flipper, mammal, commonly. Ask students what syllabication rule each of these words follows. Have students keep track of other words in their book that follows these same rules. (additional rules may be added)
Remind students that as they come to words they don’t know, think about syllabication rules.
Explain that this is just one strategy good readers use to figure out unknown words. / 5. Pages to Monitor (days 1 and 2)
Monitor pages to see which strategies students are using
page 5 abundant
page 7 interesting
page 10 efficient
page 11 communicate, echolocate, echolocation
6. Comprehension Questions (Day 2)
Discuss where students put their sticky notes and compare and contrast a few of their responses.
Look at page 12, why is it safe for the person in the picture to be performing with a killer whale?
3. Purpose for Reading: Today we are going to read and think about what readers do when they come to a word they don’t know. / Teaching Point(information for teacher – see conference form)
- Figure out unknown words using a variety of strategies.
- Use meaning, structure, and visual cues to understand new words.
- Think about what the author is trying to teach.
4. Brief Introduction:
Ask students if they know anything about Killer Whales. Jot down information on chart. Ask if they know other information about other marine animals. Jot down on chart. Tell students that as they read the book, All About Killer Whales, you want them to think about how these marine animals may be similar and different from other animals they know. / 7. Writing Connection (Day 1)
First day using this book, students should make syllabication foldable to keep in their reading journals. Students should begin to record multi syllable words with the correct syllabication rule.
Day 2(This lesson builds on textual features)
Before Students Read / While Students Read / After Students Read1.Whole Group Instruction: (all 3 grps)
Review with students the syllabication anchor chart from yesterday. Use the following words to model how to use those strategies to break words into parts:
(words from 2nd grade EDL List)
suddenly, whisper, country, unlucky, exciting
Using the Reading A – Z website, project Shared Reading book, The First Thanksgiving. Discuss the table of contents and bold print examples in book. Discuss table of content is main topics and bold print is important words. Using the Shared Reading book, Arctic Life, model for students how to paraphrase important pages for student writing and which words to make bold. Model how to decide what the main topics will be (and included on glossary). Use chart paper to record your thinking / 2. Phonics/Word Analysis
(Full Circle Book ____ Lesson _____)
See day 1 / 5. Pages to Monitor (days 1 and 2)
Monitor pages to see which syllable strategies students are using
page 5 abundant
page 7 interesting
page 10 efficient
page 11 communicate, echolocate, echolocation
6. Comprehension Questions (day 2)
Discuss where students put their sticky notes and compare and contrast a few of their responses.
Look at page 12, why is it safe for the person in the picture to be performing with a killer whale?
3. Guided Reading
Tell students to read book silently and to stop at words they don’t know. Walk around and listen to individual students read to confirm fluency and word comprehension. Tell students that this book is organized by comparing and contrasting marine mammals to other animals. Ask students to reread the book to look for these comparisons. Students should put sticky notes on the places where comparing and contrasting are shown. / Teaching Point(information for teacher – see conference form)
- Figure out unknown words using a variety of strategies.
- Use meaning, structure, and visual cues to understand new words.
- Think about what the author is trying to teach.
7. Writing Connection (day 2)
Second day students may make their own nonfiction whale book using textual features they have discussed in whole group reading. Students should use the mentor text as well as technology to research whales.