Timothy K. Erick
Curriculum Vitae
Ph.D.Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, Biochemistry; 2017 (Expected)
Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island
B.S.Biology; 2011; Summa Cum Laude
Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York
Research Experience
06/2012-Present PhD Thesis Research,Brossay Laboratory, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island. Natural killer cells and other innate lymphoid cells in the murine submandibular gland and lacrimal gland. Thesis advisor: Laurent Brossay, PhD
06/2010-08/2010Amgen Scholar/Undergraduate Researcher, Columbia University, New York, New York. Human genes required for HIV-1 infection. Advisor: Stephen P. Goff, PhD
Writing Experience
04/2015-PresentFreelance Science Writer, Infobase Publishing, New York, New York
12/2013-02/2014Contributing Writer, Footnote
Teaching Experience
06/2012-PresentTrainer for Undergraduates and Rotating Graduate Students, Brossay Laboratory, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island
09/2012-12/2012 Graduate Teaching Assistant, BIOL 0470(Genetics), Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island
Selected Presentations
09/20154th European Congress of Immunology, Poster Presentation: “Identification of a novel T cell subset in the murine submandibular glands.”
05/2015AAI Immunology 2015 Conference, Block Symposium Invited Speaker and Poster Presenter,
“Salivary gland lymphocyte response to murine cytomegalovirus.”
05/2013AAI Immunology 2013 Conference, Block Symposium Invited Speaker and Poster Presenter, “Characterization of lacrimal gland NK cells.”
Honors and Awards
09/2007-05/2011Provost’s Out of State Scholarship, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York
09/2007-05/2011Salutatorian Scholarship, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York
06/2010-08/2010Amgen Scholar, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Columbia University, New York, New York
Academic and Professional Society Membership
2013-Present The American Association of Immunologists (AAI), Trainee Member
2011-Present Phi Beta Kappa Society
2011-PresentSigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society, Associate Member
2008-2011Sigma Beta Honor Society, Stony Brook University
1.Erick, T.K., Anderson, C.A., Reilly, E.C., Wands, J.R., Brossay, L. 2016. NFIL3 Expression Distinguishes Tissue-Resident NK Cells and Conventional NK-like Cells in the Mouse Submandibular Glands.The Journal of Immunology 197(6).
2.Erick, T.K., Brossay, L. 2016. Phenotype and functions of conventional and non-conventional NK cells.Current Opinion in Immunology 38: 67-74.
3. Guan J., Miah S.M., Wilson Z.S., Erick T.K., Banh C., Brossay L. 2014. Role of type I interferon receptor signaling on NK cell development and functions. PLoS One9(10).
Independent Research Support
1F31DE024360(PI: Erick, TK)09/01/14-08/31/16
Investigating the role of salivary gland NK cells in controlling CMV infection.
Professional References
1. Laurent Brossay, PhD
Professor and Chair, Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology
Brown University, Box G-B5
171 Meeting Street
Providence, RI 02912
2. Kevin Carlson
Flow Cytometry Facility Manager
Brown University, Box G-B5
171 Meeting Street
Providence, RI 02912
3. ShahjahanMiah, PhD
Investigator, Brossay Laboratory
Brown University, Box G-B5
171 Meeting Street
Providence, RI 02912