
Lesson 2.1 – The Three Phases of Life

1.Each of us who are born and live our lives in the United States has a ______to live, learn, work and attempt to achieve ______.

2.Most people pass through ______during their lifetime.

3.The Developing Phase begins when you are ______and ends when you officially enter the ______. This phase typically lasts ______years for most individuals.

4.A ______amount, if any, of this phase will be spent ______since most individuals do not enter the work force until they finish ______.

5.Run Example1 (2.1.1) ‘Time in Phase – Developing Phase Example’, and make sure the Life Phase field is set to ‘Developing’. Now, set both the Age (yrs) and the Job Age (yrs) to 18. What percentage of your life is spent in the Developing Phase? ______% Now, change the Job Age (yrs) to 22. What percentage of your life is now spent in the Developing Phase? ______%

6.Contrary to what you might think, only a ______of this phase will be spent going to ______. It is ______for you to use this time wisely because it actually prepares you to enter the ______.

7.Run Exercise1 (2.1.1) ‘Time in School Exercise’ and complete the table below using the parameters specified.

Age / Job Age / Years in School / Months per Year / Days per Week / Hours per Day / Homework hours per day / % of Phase in School / % of Life
in School
16 / 18 / 13 / 9 / 5 / 6 / 0
16 / 22 / 16 / 9 / 5 / 6 / 1
18 / 20 / 14 / 9 / 5 / 8 / 2
18 / 24 / 14 / 9 / 5 / 8 / 1

8.The ______and ______acquired during this phase will affect your ability to ______during the next phase of your life.

9.Statistics and research studies both indicate that a person with a ______will earn more than ______as much during their ______as an individual who does ______.

10.The Work Phase begins when you enter the ______and ends when you are able to ______.

11.Your ______and the ______you make during this phase will determine if you will be able to experience the next phase of life. Statistics show the following:




12.Name the two (2) major goals one must accomplish during the Work Phase:



13. What three (3) things must you manage well during the Work Phase?




14.Run Example2 (2.1.2) ‘Time in Phase – Work Phase Example’, and make sure the Life Phase field is set to ‘Work’. Now, set both the Age (yrs) and the Job Age (yrs) to 18. What percentage of your life is spent in the Working Phase? ______% Now, change the Job Age (yrs) to 22. What percentage of your life is now spent in the Working Phase? ______%

15. The Retirement Phase begins when you ______and ends when you die. By definition, retirement means you______. Therefore, the money you need during the Retirement Phase must ______.

16. In 2010, roughly ______% of workers indicated they expect to continue ______during their Retirement Phase.

17. The average life expectancy has increased by almost ______days each year since ______. Today, the average life expectancy is more than ______years.

18. Run Example3 (2.1.3) ‘Time in Phase - Retirement Example’, and make sure the Life Phase is set to ‘Retirement’. Set both the Age (yrs) and the Job Age (yrs) to 18. What percentage of your life is spent in the Retirement Phase? ______% Now, change the Job Age (yrs) to 22. What percentage of your life is now spent in the Retirement Phase? ______%

19. Name five (5) items you should learn from running Example4, ‘Live Additional Years Example’ and reading the lesson text:







20.Summarize what you learned in Lesson 2.1 – The Three Phases of Life:

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