OCTOBER- Go through information folders and notebook to prepare for your first executive board meeting in November (usually the Saturday before the Tea).
NOVEMBER – Get with Ruth Gilman (Past President) to see if she is attending the Woman of the Year/Officer’s Tea. If so, give her the mold for the President’s pin – find out what length of chain the new President would like. Ruth will order the pin and chain.
JANUARY – Confirm with Ruth that she has ordered the pin and chain (if you have given her the mold at the tea) If not, give her the mold at State Council Day and make arrangements to have the pin and chain in hand no later than June. The award for State Woman of the Year is order by Maurine McQueary (previously Brandman Past President). Contact International for suggestions for an out-of-state chapter to judge our Woman of the Year letters.
FEBRUARY – Contact the State Council Day chairperson to request the list of Delegates and Non-Delegates alphabetically by city and chapter be sent to the State Vice-President and the State Treasurer at least two (2) weeks prior to the State Council Day. Prepare the Woman of the Year form to be included in the State DayMinutes mailing.
MARCH – Bring to State Council Day
Delegate Ribbons for voting
List of Delegates (3 copies) and non-delegates (1 copy) registered for State Council Day.
Complete list of those attending
JUNE – Contact State Day registration chairperson and request the list of Delegates and Non-Delegates alphabetically by city and chapter be sent to the State Vice-President and the State Treasurer at least two (2) weeks prior to the State Day. Take 220 copies of the Woman of the Year form to State Day to give to State Convention chairperson to be included in their registration mailing. Also bring 220 copies to be given to the Recording Secretary to be included in the State Day minutes mailing.
JULY– Contact the Past Woman of the Year concerning the presentation of the award at State Convention.
AUGUST – Screen the Woman of the Year letters and send to the judges by registered or certified mail. Request the letters be returned to you by certified mail or registered mail at least three weeks before convention so that the trophy can be ordered.
SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER -Bring to State Convention
Woman of the Year Award
Woman of the Year Certificates for all Candidates, Winner & Runner-Up
Past Presidents Pin and chain (gift wrapped)
Woman of the Year letters
List of the Woman of the Year Candidates
Delegate Ribbons forvoting
Complete list of those attending convention
List of delegates (4 copies) and non-delegates (1 copy)
One dozen yellow roses for Woman of the Year to be provided by Convention Committee
Half a dozen yellow roses for Woman of the Year Runner Up to be provided by Convention Committee
Roses need to have yellow ribbon – to be provided by Convention Committee
Revised 2-8-13 PSF