Timeline for Brown International 5th Grade Programme of Inquiry 2015-16

Aug/Sept. / October / November / December / January / February / March / April / May/June
How We Organize Ourselves / Where We Are In Place and Time / Sharing the Planet / How The World Works / Who We Are / How We Express Ourselves
Revolutions / Weather STP / Earth’s Surface HTWW / Human Body WWA Systems / ExhibitionHWEO Discovery
Central Idea:
A global citizen embodies civic ideals and takes and promotes action. / Central Idea
Historical thinkers study people, places, and events to tell the story of history from multiple perspectives and inform the present. / Central Idea:
Natural and man-made changes to the Earth’s atmosphere can lead to extreme weather. / Central Idea:
Earth’s surface changes constantly through a variety of processes and forces and impacts humans. / Central Idea:
Human body systems must function together to maintain a healthy body. / Central Idea:
Effective communication promotes awareness of local and global issues and can lead to solutions.
Lines of Inquiry:
●Citizenship within school, nation and world
●Rights and responsibilities of a citizen
●Actions that illustrate civic ideals / Lines of Inquiry:
●Motivating factors contributing to a revolution (causation)
●Outcomes of revolution (connection)
●Violent vs. nonviolent action (perspective) / Lines of Inquiry:
●Tools used to forecast weather (function)
●Causes of change in Earths’ atmosphere (causation)
●Impact of weather on humans (change)
●Prevention of man-made climate change (responsibility) / Lines of Inquiry:
●Tools used to to identify, locate and describe Earth’s surface and its changes (function)
●Causes of Earth’s changes (plate tectonics, deposition, erosion, human activity)(causation)
●How changes on Earth’s surface impact humans (change) / Lines of Inquiry:
●Human body systems and their functions
●Impacts of system failure
●Comparing human systems to systems in other living organisms / Lines of Inquiry:
●Environmental, human and animal issues
●Problem solving strategies
●Forms of communication
Key Concepts:
Form, perspective, responsibility / Key Concepts:
causation, perspective, connection / Key Concepts:
function, change, causation, responsibility / Key Concepts:
function, causation, change / Key Concepts:
function, reflection, causation / Key Concepts:
*includes all concepts
Related Concepts:
Civic ideals, citizenship, civic responsibility, rights / Related Concepts:
Revolution, conflict, culture, themes / Related Concepts:
Atmosphere, climate, seasons, systems, disasters / Related Concepts:
plate tectonics, deposition, erosion, force / Related Concepts:
Systems / Related Concepts:
Learner Profile:
Principled, Balanced / Learner Profile:
Risk-taker, Open-Minded, Communicator / Learner Profile: Reflective, Caring / Learner Profile:
Knowledgeable, Thinker / Learner Profile
Caring, Inquirer / Learner Profile