DATE:Friday, June 26, 2009

TIME: Board Mtg 7:00 am Canceled

Business Mtg 10:30 am

LOCATION:Damon’s Grill

1303 Kalahari Drive, Wisconsin Dells

1)Call Meeting to Order, President White

a)Meeting was called to order by President Angie White

b)The following members were in attendance:

Angie White, Sun Prairie Volunteer Fire Dept

Chris Essex, Portage Fire Dept

Diane Yashinsky, DePere Fire Rescue

Della Bloom, Middleton Fire District

Lorna Whalen, Stevens Point Fire Dept

Meredith Stewart, Fitchburg Fire Dept

Barb Glomstad, La Crosse Fire Dept

Sue Bruesch, West Bend Fire Dept

Debbie Timm, Two Rivers Fire Dept

Carol Poklasny, Oshkosh Fire Dept

Linda Damm, Columbus Fire Dept

Debbie Bruns, Janesville Fire Dept

Sue Berger, Marshfield Fire & Rescue

Laura Doty, Eau Claire Fire & Rescue

2)Approval of minutes from March 11, 2009 meeting, Meredith Stewart

a)A motion was made by Sue Bruesch and seconded by Carol Poklasny to approve the March meeting minutes. Motion passed.

3)Treasurer’s Report (3/11/09 –6/15/09), Diane Yashinsky

a)Diane Yashinsky passed out the Treasurer’s report. A motion was made by Sue Bruesch and seconded by Debbie Bruns to approve the Treasurer’s report. Motion passed.

4)Committee Reports:

a)Administrative Committee, Della Bloom (Sue Bruesch)

i)No updates

b)Public Relations Committee, Lorna Whalen

i)WSFCA – relations with SAMI for 2009

(1)Will include a spot for Guest names on 2010 registration form (was omitted from ’09 form) to avoid requiring those attendees to return to the booth to retrieve their name tags

(2)Need to have more schedule books – this has been an on-going issue

(3)Vendor map for reference so that we can have a better idea of where to direct vendors to go when they check in

(4)Coordination of registration packets, name tag preparation, organization of materials

(a)Additional comments and suggestions can be forwarded to Angie White or Lorna Whalen and they will be forwarded on to WSFCA for next year

5)Old Business:

a)Welcome letter w/ attachments for new/existing members who weren’t at 3/11/09 meeting

i)Additional packets will be mailed out to members who still need one

b)2009 meeting schedule, topics

i)September 18, 2009 (all-day seminar) – Fitchburg - hosts: Meredith/Angie

(1)Media Relations Training

(a)LaBarbera Media Group (

(2)Fitness/Wellness Speaker

(a)Michael Krueger Personal Training

(3)Seminar registration packets were included in registration packets for Chiefs and an electronic version of the packet will be sent out via e-mail via SAMI

ii)November 11, 2009 – Portage – Host: Chris Essex / Co-Host Laura Doty

c)2009 Fund Raisers

i)Embroidered golf towels

(1)Update on sales

(a)50 towels were sold at the golf outing and every towel was sold prior to tee time, so there were none left to sell at the booth


(1)Quality of quilt did not meet what we’ve had in the past so it will be repaired and raffled off in 2010 along with a full-size quilt

iii)Remainder of flags

(1)Flags are out for sale at $15 each in an effort to get them sold and out of inventory

6)New Business

a)Update from WSFCA, Angie White

i)The committees we were asked to form this year were not followed up on by WSFCA, so they may or may not be repeated for 2010

(1)If they want to form the committees again, an announcement will be made to request volunteers

b)2010 Fund Raisers

i)Quilt: Julie Ann Schleifer has volunteered to make a full-size quilt to raffle off, in addition to the smaller quilt from this year that will be touched up


(1)If any flags are still left over from this year they will be put out for sale again in 2010

iii)Embroidered Towels

(1)A motion was made to have another 50 towels for 2010 and to reimburse Diane Yashinsky for the cost of materials by Angie White and seconded by Meredith Stewart. Motion passed.

(a)Diane will bring additional designs to the November meeting to pick from with the possibility of having a more generic design.

7)Open Forum

a)A motion was made by Angie White and seconded by Lorna Whalen to reimburse Diane for the supplies she purchased to make the golf towels for 2009. Motion passed.

b)A motion was made by Diane Yashinsky and seconded by Sue Bruesch to send a $500 check to burn camp this year, even though we did not raffle off a quilt at the conference. Motion passed.

8)Door Prize drawings

a)Carol Poklasny and Debbie Bruns were the winners.

9)There being no further business a motion was made by Angela White and seconded by Della Bloom to adjourn the meeting. Next meeting is scheduled for September 18, 2009 in Fitchburg.

10)Heartsaver CPR/AED (CCR) training started at 12:00