Tier II - Check Your Steps

Tier II - Check Your Steps

Tier II - Check Your Steps

Appendix H

No Later Than Two Weeks from the Beginning of the School Year / . ' ■:
Determine types of interventions and progress monitoring data
No Later Than Two Weeks of Teacher Notification of Tier II Needs / . . ; . ' '
Complete Tier II Documentation Form for each student in need of Tier II
Teacher/Interventionist notifies Case Manager that intervention has begun
Within Three Weeks of Beginning Tier II
Integrity check conducted and documented
Within Six Weeks of Beginning Tier II
Reviewdata after three (3) data plots to determine if change of intervention warranted
After at least four (4) data plots, review to determine continuation or Tier III needed
Parents should be notified of intervention status
Within Nine Weeks of Beginning Tier II
Ensure a review of progress monitoring data by designated team or individuals
If Tier III interventions needed, teacher notifies TST Chairperson
Complete request form for TST meeting

Tier III - Check Your Steps

Appendix I

No Later Than Two Weeks from the Beginning of School
Complete Tier III Decision-Making Tool and share with staff.
No Later Than Two Weeks from TST Chairperson Receiving Initial Request
Receipt of Request to the Teacher Support Team form by the TST Chairperson.
Review conducted by TST chairperson with teacher to ensure Tiers 1 and II completed appropriately.
If data supported need for Tier III, the Referral to TST Packet completed by teacher.
Upon receipt of Referral to TST Packet, date of formal request indicated on Request to the Teacher Support Team form. The 18-week timeline begins.
If Functional Behavioral Assessment needed, consent from parent obtained.
No Later Than Two Weeks From TST Receiving Referral Packet
Written invitation to the TST meeting sent or given to the parent. Meeting occurred within 2 weeks of the date of formal request.
If parents attend the meeting, the TST Parent Interview Family and Medical History form completed. If medical records needed, authorization form completed.
Tier III - Student Intervention Plan form completed.
The TST Meeting Summary form completed.
Case Manager notified by teacher/interventionist that intervention has begun.
Within Three Weeks of Beginning Tier III
Integrity check conducted and documented.
Within Six Weeks of Beginning Tier III
. . ‘-'t . . -
Progress monitoring data reviewed at the end of 3 - 4 data points. If change of intervention warranted, TST met and considered other intervention. Documentation of meeting and summary of meeting documented on Tier lll-Documentation form.
If no TST meeting had occurred, the TST held meeting to review data within 6 weeks or when 6 data points were available. Documentation of meeting and summary of meeting documented on Tier lll-Documentation form.
Parents sent or given a written invitation to the meeting and receipt verified.
No Later Than Eighteen Weeks From TST Receiving Referral Packet
Prior to final determination by TST, Internal Review Team meeting requested
Summary of internal review team meeting documented and maintained on file
TST determination made regarding the intervention. Documentation of meeting and summary of meeting documented on Tier lll-Documentation form.
Parents sent or given a written invitation to the meeting and receipt verified.
If determined to be in need of special education evaluation, Teacher Narrative completed and data forwarded to LSC chairperson.
Dates entered into MSIS.

Appendix I