Tic-Tac-Toe Challenge
(from 2013 MS/HS National TOYs)

The goal of the game is to win the most fitness challenges. Can you get a three in a row? If finished, can you get it twice?

Components of Health Related Fitness Components of Skill Related Fitness

Jump Rope
cardiovascular/ muscular endurance
Begin jumping simultaneously – which person can execute the most 2 footed consecutive jumps without messing up? / Fast Feet Challenge
cardiovascular endurance
coordination/ speed
Stand across from your partner at a hula hoop. Step in & out of the hula hoop with “fast feet” using a right/left/right/left pattern. Who can cross in & out of the hoop 50 times first? / Plank Hockey
muscular strength / endurance
coordination / balance / reaction time
Get in plank position – which person can score 3 goals first by sending the bean bag through your opponent’s arms? Must be in plank position!
Knee Tag
cardiovascular endurance
Play knee tag with your partner – who gets 5 touches first? Stay within the boundary! / V-sit Balance Challenge
muscular strength
Sit inside the hula hoop. Place your feet inside the hula hoop in front of you and your hands inside the hoop at your sides. Straighten your legs and hold the hula hoop up as you perform a v-sit – who can hold the position the longest? / Partner Balance Challenge
muscular strength
Stand with your feet side by side facing your partner about 3 feet apart. Place palms out facing your partner. When the activity begins push your partner’s palms to force them to take a step. Who can be the first to win 3 rounds?
Plank Challenge
muscular strength / endurance
In good plank position – elbows and toes with body straight – who can hold the plank the longest? Want more of a challenge? Try the disc variation! / Crab Kick High 5’s
muscular endurance
speed/ balance/ agility
Get into crab position (bottom off the floor). Complete 20 alternating crab kick high 5’s before your partner. Need a challenge, try 30 or 40
Count out loud! / Hula Hoop Tree Pose
muscular strength / endurance / flexibility
Stand in tree pose with one foot on the floor and the other resting on the inner thigh. Hold the hoop over your head. Who can hold their position the longest?

What components of fitness are your strengths? Weaknesses?

Tic-Tac-Toe Challenge 2

Components of Health Related Fitness Components of Skill Related Fitness

Hop to It
cardiovascular/ muscular endurance
coordination / balance / agility
Both players collect a short jump rope. Both players begin jumping simultaneously. Using a two foot jump, see which player can complete the most jumps without making a mistake? Play two rounds to determine the winner.
Remember that both players should count out loud! / Fast Feet Challenge
cardiovascular endurance
coordination/ speed
Stand across from your partner at a hula hoop. Step in & out of the hula hoop with “fast feet” using a right/left/right/left pattern. Who can cross in & out of the hoop 50 times first? / Partner Tic-Tac-Toe
muscular endurance/ cardiovascular endurance
coordination / speed / reaction time
Using the tic-tac-toe areas, two students will play the game until one person has 3 wins. Students will start at the same time and pick up one bean bag at a time and place it on the board. They will continue to gather bean bags one at a time until someone has three in a row.
Remember that all bean bags must be used before changing a bean bag’s location.
R-P-S Battle
cardiovascular endurance
Find a partner and see who wins three times first. When playing, use your feet to show your choice (feet together=rock, feet out wide=paper, and one foot in front one in back=scissors) / Bottom Balance Bean Bag Toss
muscular endurance
While sitting on your bottom, have a contest with a partner to see who can toss a bean bag using feet only and catching the bean bag with a hand. Once the activity begins, each player’s feet must remain off the floor. The first partner to complete 10 tosses and catches wins. / 1-on-1 Bag Tag
cardiovascular endurance
Find a partner. Each partner will get two plastic bags and tuck them into their pants (one on each hip). When the contest begins, the partners will attempt to be the first pull both of their partner’s bags. Play the best 3 out of 5 rounds.
Push-Up Plank Shoulder Taps
muscular strength / endurance
coordination / balance
In good plank position –hands and toes with body straight – who can complete 25 shoulder taps the quickest?
Both partners should count out loud! / Foot Flips
muscular endurance
coordinator/ balance/ agility
Place a bean bag on the top of one foot. Lift the knee quickly with the foot flat so that the bean bag flips up into the air. Catch the bean bag. See which partner can catch the most in 1 minute.
To count, the bean bag must be caught above the knees. / Bean Bag Balance Challenge
muscular strength / endurance / flexibility
balance / coordination
Stand with a bean bag on your forehead. On the “go” signal, both players will attempt to go from standing to laying down without having the bean bag fall off their forehead or touching it with a hand.
Jump Rope
Health-Related Component of Fitness / Cardiovascular Endurance
Skill-Related Component of Fitness / Speed
Both players collect a short jump rope. Both players begin jumping simultaneously. Using a two foot jump, see which player can complete 50 jumps first?
Remember that both players should count out loud!
Is 50 too Easy? You and your Partner can decide on a higher goal number if you want to challenge yourselves!
Crab Kick High 5’s
Health-Related Component of Fitness / Muscular Endurance
Skill-Related Component of Fitness / Speed/ Balance/ Agility
Both players get into the crab position to start. Which Partner Can Complete 20 Alternating Crab High 5’s First?
Make sure you both count out loud!
Is 20 too EASY? You and your partner can decide to try 30 or 40 to challenge yourselves!
Fast Feet
Health-Related Component of Fitness / Cardiovascular Endurance
Skill-Related Component of Fitness / Speed/ Coordination
Stand across from your partner at 2 hula hoops. Step in & out of the hula hoop with “fast feet” using a right/left/right/left pattern. Who can cross in & out of the hoop 50 times first?
Make sure you both count out loud!
Is 50 too Easy? You and your Partner can decide on a higher goal number if you want to challenge yourselves!
Plank Challenge
Health-Related Component of Fitness / Muscular Strength & Endurance
Skill-Related Component of Fitness / Balance
In a good plank position (body straight) on elbows and toes, who can hold the plank the longest without compromising form?
Want a challenge? Try the plank on the balance disc!
Partner Balance Challenge
Health-Related Component of Fitness / Muscular Strength
Skill-Related Component of Fitness / Balance/ Coordination
Stand with your feet side by side facing your partner about one arm’s length apart. Place palms out facing your partner. When the activity begins push your partner’s palms to force them to take a step. Who can be the first to win 3 rounds?
Try this activity with each partner balancing on only one foot.

Plank Hockey
Health-Related Component of Fitness / Muscular Strength & Endurance
Skill-Related Component of Fitness / Balance/ Coordination/ Reaction Time
In a good plank position (body straight) on hands and toes, who can slide the bean bag through your opponent’s arms and score 3 goals first?
Want a challenge? Try holding the plank while keeping one foot in the air!

Knee Tag
Health-Related Component of Fitness / Cardiovascular Endurance
Skill-Related Component of Fitness / Agility/ Coordination/ Reaction Time
In Knee Tag you must try and touch your partner’s knee with your hand while avoiding having your knee touched!
Play knee tag with your partner. Who can get 5 touches first? Stay within the boundary!
Want a challenge? Try playing with your dominant hand behind your back!
Hula Hoop Tree Pose
Health-Related Component of Fitness / Muscular Strength & Endurance/ Flexibility
Skill-Related Component of Fitness / Balance
Stand in tree pose with one foot on the floor and the other resting on the inner thigh. Hold the hoop over your head. Who can hold their position the longest?
Want a challenge? Try spinning the hula hoop on your arm while in tree pose! Still too easy? Perform the task on a balance disk! Try again on your other foot!

V-Sit Challenge
Health-Related Component of Fitness / Muscular Strength & Endurance/ Flexibility
Skill-Related Component of Fitness / Balance
Sit on a polyspot. Balance on your bottom in a v-sit position with legs straight and feet shoulder height. Who can hold the position the longest?
Need a challenge? Try performing this move while seated on a balance disc!
Hop To It
Health-Related Component of Fitness / Cardiovascular Endurance
Skill-Related Component of Fitness / Coordination/ Agility/ Balance
Both players collect a short jump rope. Both players begin jumping simultaneously. Using a two foot jump, see which player can complete the most jumps without making a mistake? Play two rounds to determine the winner.
Remember that both players should count out loud!
Going forward too easy? Partners can agree on a different way to jump to determine a champion (backwards, 1 foot, criss-cross, etc.)!
Health-Related Component of Fitness / Cardiovascular Endurance
Skill-Related Component of Fitness / Speed/ Agility
Using the tic-tac-toe areas, two students will play the game until one person has 3 wins. Students will start at the same time and pick up one bean bag at a time and place it on the board. They will continue to gather bean bags one at a time until someone has three in a row.
Remember that all bean bags (4) must be used before changing a bean bag’s location.
Each round, choose a different locomotor pattern when traveling to place the bean bags.
R-P-S Battle
Health-Related Component of Fitness / Cardiovascular Endurance
Skill-Related Component of Fitness / Balance/ Coordination
Find a partner and see who wins three times first. When playing, use your feet to show your choice (feet together=rock, feet out wide=paper, and one foot in front one in back=scissors).
Want to get stronger? Try this activity while in a push-up plank. Players hold the plank while playing RPS with one hand in the air. Each round alternate which hand is in the air.
Bottom Balance
Bean Bag Toss
Health-Related Component of Fitness / Cardiovascular Endurance
Skill-Related Component of Fitness / Balance/ Coordination/ Agility
While sitting on your bottom, have a contest with a partner to see who can toss a bean bag using feet only and catching the bean bag with a hand. Once the activity begins, each player’s feet must remain off the floor. The first partner to complete 10 tosses and catches wins.
Too easy? Try alternating the hand that catches the bean bag after each attempt.
1 v. 1 Bag Tag
Health-Related Component of Fitness / Cardiovascular Endurance
Skill-Related Component of Fitness / Balance/ Coordination/ Agility
Find a partner. Each partner will get two plastic bags and tuck them into their pants (one on each hip). When the contest begins, the partners will attempt to be the first pull both of their partner’s bags. Play the best 3 out of 5 rounds.
Ready to challenge your upper body strength? Play while maintaining your balance on your hands and feet. Remain in bear position or crab position while trying to get your opponent’s bag.
Foot Flips
Health-Related Component of Fitness / Muscular Endurance
Skill-Related Component of Fitness / Balance/ Coordination/ Agility/ Reaction Time
Find a partner. Each partner will have one bean bag of their choice. Place the bean bag on the top of one foot and quickly lift the knee to flip the bean bag in the air. Once the bean bag is in the air, the student will attempt to catch the bean bag with their hand. First partner to catch a total of 10 wins the round.
Ready for a coordination challenge? Try completing the task alternating the foot that flips the bean bag each time. In addition, the bean bag must be caught by the opposite hand for the task to be correctly completed.
Push-Up Plank
Shoulder Taps

Health-Related Component of Fitness / Muscular Endurance
Skill-Related Component of Fitness / Balance/ Coordination/ Agility
In good plank position –hands and toes with body straight – who can complete 25 shoulder taps the quickest?
Both players must count out loud!
Ready to challenge your endurance and agility? Complete the same challenge with a twist. After completing 10 taps, turn over into a crab plank and continue. First person to complete 4 rounds (40 taps) wins the challenge.