Appendix 4




Bidders shall respond to the questions as set out in this document in the following categories:

  1. Start Up
  2. Service Delivery
  3. Quality and Governance
  4. Marketing, Service Improvement and Social Value

Bidders shall either:

a)  return this document as their entire quality response, utilising the included text box (table) format for all the answers; or

b)  return this document, completing the text boxes and providing one (1) PDF file containing clearly referenced and numbered appendices; or

c)  provide one (1) PDF file containing the entire quality response, clearly titled, referenced and numbered according to each individual question.

Multiple documents/pdfs will not be accepted.

Page Limits are provided for each question where appropriate; responses that exceed the page limit will only be scored up to the page limit point. Case studies may be included, but must be within the page limit. Charts, diagrams or screenshots where requested are in addition to the page limit.

The maximum quality score for the written (quality) submission will be 60%. Scores are broken down by Category and individual question/topic and are summarised in the table below.

Category / Sub-Category / Question / Max Weighting /
1. Start Up / 1.1 Mobilisation / 1.1.1 / 3%
1.2 Staff Resources / 1.2.1 / 5%
1.2.2 / 2%
1.3 Premises / 1.3.1 / 4%
Totals / 14%
2. Service Delivery / 2.1 Delivery of Integrated Services / 2.1.1 / 5%
2.2 Universal Services / 2.2.1 / 6%
2.2.2 / 4%
2.3 Service Elements / 2.3.1(a) / 3%
2.3.1(b) / 2%
2.3.1(c) / 2%
2.3.1(d) / 2%
2.4 Safeguarding / 2.4.1 / 4%
Totals / 28%
3. Quality and Governance / 3.1 Quality Management / 3.1.1 / 2%
3.2 Supervision and Clinical Governance / 3.2.1 / 4%
3.3 Data Management / 3.3.1 / 4%
Totals / 10%
4. Marketing, Service Improvement and Social Value / 4.1 Marketing and Outreach / 4.1.1 / 3%
4.2 Service Improvement / 4.2.1 / 2%
4.3 Social Value / 4.3.1 / 3%
Totals / 8%
Total Quality Score / 60%

1. START UP (Max Total 14%)

1.1 Mobilisation - General

1.1.1 Please set out your mobilisation plan for this service, assuming contract award on 8 May 2017 and a contract start date of 1st September 2017. Relevant activities and timescales should be set out in a Gantt chart or similar format with additional narrative covering as a minimum:

·  Your proposal for dealing with TUPE as appropriate

·  Recruitment/resourcing

·  Communication with the Council

·  Outward Communication to the public

·  Ensuring smooth transition to the new service

(Max 2 sides A4 + Gantt Chart) (Max 3%)

1.2 Staff Resources

1.2.1 Please provide a structure chart for the Service, clearly setting skills levels/bandings and provide a narrative to set out how the different elements will be delivered safely and effectively to deliver a best value service. Provide Job Descriptions for all staff roles.

(Max 2 sides A4 plus structure chart and job descriptions) (Max 5%)

1.2.2 Please set out your staffing proposals to include the following:

a)  Your organisation’s recruitment process

b)  How you will ensure staff cover during planned and unplanned absence

c)  Relevant management CVs for staff who will supervise the contract.

(Max 1 side A4 plus CVs) (Max 2%)

1.3 Premises

1.3.1 Please set out how you are intending to deliver services from appropriate premises that cover the geographical spread within Thurrock. Include what elements will be delivered in children’s centres, how you will provide a staff base and other delivery locations, and how you will specifically ensure there is cover in the areas where there will no longer be children’s centre provision (East Tilbury and Chafford Hundred).

(Max 3 sides A4) (Max 4%)

2. SERVICE DELIVERY (Max Total 28%)

2.1 Delivery of Integrated Services

2.1.1 Set out how you will develop integrated and “joined up” services with the other providers across the Brighter Futures model, ensuring effective joint working within Healthy Families and across the wider Brighter Futures Services as well as referral out to specialist, community and other provision. Include how you will integrate the Health and Development Review at 2 years with the Early Years Foundation Stage Review at 2-2½ years.

(Max 3 sides A4) (Max 5%)

2.2 Universal Services

2.2.1 How and through which models will you provide the Universal Services, including Health Visiting, School Nursing and the National Child Measurement Programme. How will this be easily accessible to children, young people and their families, and why will it be effective in Thurrock?

(Max 3 sides A4) (Max 6%)

2.2.2 The Council is currently awaiting the outcome of a national review of mandation for 0 – 5 services. Depending on the outcome of this review, the ante-natal and 1 year contact points may not be included in the Healthy Families Service. If these universal contact points are not included, how will you ensure that appropriate support is available for children and families?

(Max 3 Sides A4) (Max 4%)

2.3 Service Elements

2.3.1 Please set out how you will deliver the following Service Elements within the overall Healthy Families’ Service.

(a) Weight Management Programme for children and families:

Include how you will maximise take-up, tailor services to the relevant age groups, ensure a whole family approach, and provide and manage services for teenagers and for children with disabilities.

(Max 2 Sides A4) (Max 3%)

(b) Peer Support Breastfeeding Programme: Include how you will ensure appropriate referrals from maternity services, what methods of support will be provided and by whom.

(Max 1 side A4) (Max 2%)

(c) ASSIST Smoking Prevention Programme: Include details of staff who will cover this and how you will evaluate if this is successful?

(Max 1 side A4) (Max 2%)

(d) Young and Vulnerable Parents: What service will be provided? Include the staff/skills mix for the service and what success will look like in the outcomes for this Service Element?

(Max 1 side A4) (Max 2%)

2.4 Safeguarding

2.4.1 Explain your general approach to safeguarding with regard to this Service. How will you identify and support children and families with high welfare needs. Provide examples.

(Max 2 sides A4) (Max 4%)


3.1 Quality Management

3.1.1 How will you ensure high quality services are delivered at all times and within all elements of the Service? How will you demonstrate performance to the Council and how will you resolve problems if these occur?

(Max 1 side A4) (Max 2%)

3.2 Supervision and Clinical Governance

3.2.1 How will you ensure good clinical governance within the service including how staff in contact with children and families will be supervised, supported and trained to deliver the service?

(Max 2 sides A4 plus training plan) (Max 4%)

3.3 Data Management

3.3.1 Set out your proposals for data management. What system will you use for the assessment and referral process, and for recording performance? How will you ensure appropriate sharing of data across the Brighter Futures service to facilitate joint working? Do you have current access to primary care systems such as SystmOne to share relevant patient information and if not, how will you resolve this?

(Max 2 side A4) (Max 4%)


4.1 Marketing and Outreach

4.1.1 Set out your general approach to marketing and outreach for the Healthy Families Service. How will you work with the developing brand for Brighter Futures to maximise understanding and uptake.

(Max 2 sides A4) (Max 3%)

4.2 Service Improvement

4.2.1 How will you evaluate the Healthy Families Service, and seek feedback (from service users including children and young people, health professionals and other partners). How will you use the evaluation and feedback to improve services? Provide examples.

(Max 1 side A4) (Max 2%)

4.2 Social Value

4.2.1 How can the Service contribute to the Council’s aim of delivering Social Value as set out in Section 11.1 of the specification? If you are awarded the contract, what targets will you commit to meet to deliver this?

(Max 1 side A4) (Max 3%)