Through My Eyes by Ruby Bridges

Daily Reading Assignment: Each day you are responsible for reading the following pages and completing the comprehension questions.

Pages / Day
Pages 0-9 / Day 1
Pages 10-21 / Day 2
Pages 22-35 / Day 3
Pages 36-49 / Day 4
Pages 50-56 / Day 5
Pages 57-end / Day 6
You should be completely finished and ready to turn this in to be graded.

Day 1 Assignments(Pages 0-9):

  1. Ruby Bridges said, “When I was six years old, the civil rights movement came knocking at my door.” This is an example of which figurative language?
  1. Place these items in chronological order(1-4).

____Ruby’s family moved to New Orleans.

____Federal court gave the city a deadline for school integration

____Bridges was born.

____Less than two percent of Southern schools had been integrated.

  1. Write a brief three-sentence biography about Ruby’s early childhood.
  1. What did Ruby’s mom want for her child?

Day 2 Assignments (Pages 10-21):

  1. How did the school board go about deciding who would be sent to the white schools?
  2. What does NAACP stand for?
  3. What is the NAACP?
  4. Why did the NAACP contactRuby’s parents?
  5. What was the name of the new school that Ruby would be attending?
  6. What advantages were hoped to be gained from Ruby attending the new school?
  7. Who was Jimmie H. Davis? What were his feelings at the time about integration?
  8. How many students actually participated in the integration of schools?
  9. Who escorted Ruby to school on the first day? (2 answers)
  10. What was the scene like when Ruby arrived at school?
  11. Why did she think that her new school would be so easy?

Day 3 Assignments(Pages 22-35):

  1. What was John Steinbeck’s reaction to Ruby’s experience?
  1. Explain what the Norman Rockwell work The Problem We All Live With illustrates.
  1. How were Reverend Lloyd Foremanand Jim Daisy Gabrielle different from the other parents at the school?
  1. What happened to the attendance at McDonogh by November?

Day 4 Assignments(Pages36-49):

  1. What caused so many peoplearound the country to start sending moneyand other gifts to the Bridges?
  1. Why were the letter from Mrs. Roosevelt and Ruby’s dad’s medal a “sad lost” in the flood?
  2. Why was John F. Kennedy’s election as president an advantage to the civil rights fight?
  3. Whatdid Mrs. Henry do to help Ruby have a sense of a normal school experience?
  4. How did Mrs. Henry explain integration to Ruby?
  5. Why did Robert Coles become interested inRuby?
  6. How did the protesters comments and actions affect Ruby?

Day 5 Assignments(Pages 50-55):

  1. What were Ruby’s feelings when she finally realized why everything happened?
  1. Why didn’t Mrs. Henry return to school after the summer?

Day 6 Assignments(Pages56-end):

  1. Write a brief three-sentence biography about Ruby’s later life.
  1. What effects does Ruby hope the Ruby Bridges Foundation will have?