Follow this list to receive a great grade on your lab:

  1. Take out your Diffusion Through a Membrane Lab
  1. Did you do all the drawings and complete all your tables?
  1. Did you answer all the questions in COMPLETE SENTENCES?
  1. Read the next page in this document.
  2. Use this as your template:
  3. After you read what’s in the (parentheses) delete the information and type what is supposed to go there.
  1. Print the complete lab write-up.
  1. Staple in the following order:
  2. Printed lab write-up
  3. Diffusion Through a Membrane NYS Lab



Diffusion Across a Membrane NYS Lab

Lab # 14

Hypothesis 1: (What did you predict would diffuse into or out of the cell [starch, glucose, iodine, water]).

Hypothesis 2: What effect does salt water have on an onion cell?

Materials (part 1): (List all materials used in the lab)

Materials (part 2): (List all materials used in the lab)

Procedures 1: (Diffusion Through a Membrane) (Step by step list of all steps completed in the lab) (LOOK AT YOUR LAB, THE PROCEDURES ARE IN THERE BUT DON’T COPY WORD FOR WORD)

Procedures 2: (Diffusion of water Across a Membrane (osmosis)) (Step by step list of all steps completed in the lab) (LOOK AT YOUR LAB, THE PROCEDURES ARE IN THERE BUT DON’T COPY WORD FOR WORD)


a) Observations: (What did you notice while performing the lab?(

  1. (What did the fake cell you made look like before you let it sit? What did it look like after (and what did the water surrounding it look like)? DON’T WRITE WHY, JUST WRITE WHAT YOU OBSERVED!)
  2. (What did the onion cells look like in distilled water? What did they look like in salt water?)

b) Drawings and Tables: see attached (staple both of your labs with complete drawings in them)

c) Analysis Answers: (Questions 1-6 on page 8-9. Complete sentences. You don’t have to re-write the question.)

Conclusion: (6 sentences)

1) Restate your hypothesis #1. 2) Restate your hypothesis #2 3) Why was hypothesis #1 proven right or wrong? 4) Why was your hypothesis #2 proven right or wrong? 5) What errors could have occurred (DO NOT write no errors occurred 6) What could you do differently in this lab?)