Threemilestone Primary School

Minutes of Friends’ meeting held on 18th April 2013

Present: Rebecca Moore, Adele McAlpine, Debbie Finlay, Tracy Dingle, Helen Gough, Debbie Barton and Janette Dash.

Apologies: Mr Lees and Hannah Roberts.

Car Boot Sale: There will be a car boot sale on Saturday 18th May from 10am – 1pm. There will be a charge of £5 per car and it will be free entry to those wishing to buy. Cars will be in the parents’ car park and the front playground. Friends will provide refreshments, Mr Lees will take charge of the BBQ (hopefully??) and 2nd hand books will be on sale. It was also agreed that the Friends will sell ice lollies on the day. Helpers and stallholders should arrive at 9am to set-up. In the event of rain, the event will be cancelled.

There will be a piece in the newsletter about it this week and Rebecca will prepare flyers and posters to advertise the event. Debbie and Tracy both agreed to leaflet drop in their local area. It was also suggested that the event should be advertised on Pirate FM, Radio Cornwall and on the school Facebook page.

It was agreed that an appeal should be made for donations of 2nd hand books in advance of the car boot sale. Rebecca reported that all the old books have now been donated to the Lions Club so we will be starting the next sale with a fresh selection.

Freezer: Rebecca reported that she will go ahead and purchase a freezer this week. It can then be used to store ice poles which will be sold in the playground once a week after school (possibly a Friday).

Pirate Party: The pirate party will take place on the afternoon of Monday 15th July. Rebecca and Janette agreed to send out letters asking for donations of raffle prizes. It was agreed that 1 book of raffle tickets per child should be sent home. Tickets will cost 50p each or £2.50 per book. A suggestion was made that we should get some quotes to hire a marquee for the afternoon. It was also suggested that an appeal could be made to parents to ask if anyone has a marquee that we could borrow.

Year 6 BBQ: The year 6 BBQ will take place on Friday 12th July.

Quiz: It was noted that the quiz did not go ahead as planned last term.

Any Other Business:

It was noted that there were no plans for a Disco during the summer term and a suggestion was made that a Disco could take place on the back playground so it would not be so hot for the children and there would be plenty of space.

The Friends’ welcomed a new member, Debbie Barton. It was noted that more new volunteers were needed, even if they could not attend meetings. A suggestion was made that a register of volunteers could be put together of people who may be willing to help out at events when needed.

It was also suggested that a parent representative could be nominated for each class to aid better communication between the Friends and all parents.

It was agreed that an item should be put in the newsletter to ask if any parents would like to sign up to receive the minutes of Friends’ meetings so that they could be kept better informed of what goes on during meetings.

Next Meeting - The next committee meeting will be on Wednesday 15th May at 2pm.