September 13, 2018

Dear Parent,

Grandparent’s Day is almost here. The date is Friday, October 12. For those families new to St. Luke’s, Grandparents are invited to come visit classrooms at about 9:00 in the morning, attend Mass and enjoy lunch with their grandchildren after Mass. As in the past, children will be leaving with their grandparents after lunch. Below is a form so we can plan for the dinner. Two invitations will be sent home with the oldest St. Luke student in the family. If you need more, please feel free to request them. Maternal, paternal, great-grandparents, step-grandparents and any others that I have failed to mention are invited. The form asks for the number of grandparents that are coming and the grandparent’s names to help us eliminate duplicates (cousins returning forms) and get a more accurate count.

Three-year-old students do not have school on Grandparent’s Day; however, they are welcome to bring their grandparents around 9:30 or 9:45 to give them a tour, attend Mass and dinner. Please let us know if your three year old will be attending.

The form also asks if your child needs adopted grandparents. An adopted grandparent is someone who fills in for a child who does not have grandparents that are able to attend. If you would like us to find adoptive grandparents, we would be happy to do so. There are quite a number of parish people who love to visit with the children and have no grandchildren here at

St. Luke’s. They would be happy to fill in. If you would like to adopt your own grandparent in lieu of our adopted grandparents (a family friend, aunt, uncle or neighbor), that is fine. We would like every child to have someone, other than a parent, here. If we adopted a grandparent for your child last year and you remember the name, please include that name and we will try to arrange the same adopted grandparent for your child this year.

We are asking you to send $8.00 for each grandparent attending to help cover the expense of the meal. If your child(ren) does not normally eat hot lunch but will do so with their grandparents that day, please send $2.85 for their lunch. It is a very good lunch.

The form also asks for volunteers to help with food prep on the night before, Thursday, October 11. Help is also needed on Friday, October 12, for the actual event. It is crucial to find enough help for Friday and, unfortunately, the most difficult due to work schedules. Grandparents and students go through the buffet line so there really is no waiting tables but help is needed to keep buffet lines filled, help serve and especially clean up. If you can possibly help us on Friday, please volunteer for that day.

Please return the forms by Friday, October 5. Thank you for your help in making this popular event possible.



Grandparent’s Day 2018 (please return this section to school)

*My children ______will be bringing ______grandparents.

(children’s names)(number)

Grandparent names: ______

______*Please find adopted grandparents for my children.

*My preschool student, ______, will NOT be attending that day.

*I can help with Grandparent’s Day at the following times: ______

(your name)

______Thursday evening, October 11, 6:30 PM

______Friday morning, October 12, 10:00 AM through clean up. (You are usually able to attend most of the Mass.)

Enclosed is $______($8.00 per person) for (#) ______grandparents.

$______$2.85 for students who do not normally eat hot lunch.