P.E. Fit FOR lIFE(Introduction to Pain and Agony) Class polices and Requirements Instructor: Carolyn Macfarlane Weber High School 476-3723 E-mail:

Three Rules of Life : Lou Holtz

1. Do What’s right

2. Do your Best

3. Treat others they way you want to be treated


Nothing will work~~~~unless you do!

Student Responsibilities: Students need to be dressed properly for participation each day. This includes appropriate gym shorts, tee-shirt, shoes and socks.

*For the students’ own security, each student will need to provide a lock for the locker room.* Each student will be in the locker room before the tardy bell rings to avoid being marked tardy. Academic Grading Standards Grades will be determined from scores in class participation, written tests, skill tests, assignments and NOTEBOOKS. Participation points are earned daily on a scale ranging from zero to twenty. Obviously, if a student is truant and misses class or chooses not to dress he or she is unable to earn participation points for that class session.Prearrangedorschool excused absences are not included. Those points can be made up before or after school. However, there is a TWO-WEEKperiod in which the points can be made up! Any make up can be done at school before, after or during E. O. If a student chooses not to dress the following rules will apply:CALL HOME (1) "no dress" will result in a loss of 20 points (2) "no dress" will result in a loss of 5% of a total grade (3) "no dress" will result in a loss of 10% of a total grade and parents contacted (4) "no dress" will result in loss of 15% of a total grade and parents contacted

Student’s who chose not to dress also lose their participation points for that day and will not be able to do testing on that particular day. Written and skills-based evaluations will be given at the end of each unit. These tests will be taken directly from the unit handout and any notes given during class. Letter grades will be determined by adding all of the points the student has earned, including participation, tests, and other assignments, and dividing by the total possible points. Grades will be awarded based on the following scale: 90% = A 80% =B 70%= C 60% = D

Class Rules:

  • Any electronic audio devices will not be tolerated in class. Please leave them in the locker room where they are safe. If they are brought to class, they will be turned over to the office for the remainder of the day.
  • *Please be sure to be prompt for class. Students need to be dressed and prepared for participation seven minutes after the tardy bell has rung
  • Large hooped earrings, tongue rings, nose rings are to be removed before class begins for safety reasons.

IMPORTANT**If a student is not feeling well, he or she is still expected to dress for class and report for roll call. All students must remain in class unless he or she is excused by the teacher to go to the sickroom. Please, do not send notes from home. Doctor’s notes are required to be excused from any activity of course.

*Swearing, crude language, gestures or insults directed to anyone in the class, at anytime, WILL NOT BETOLERATED! Parents will be notified!

*Food, drinks, or gum will not be allowed in the gyms or during class. Water is acceptable if kept in a tightly sealed bottle.

*Trips to the locker room will not be allowed once class has begun. Use the restroom before you come to class!

*Cheating in any form will not be tolerated. Students who choose to cheat will receive a zero on that assignment/ test.

Citizenship Grading Standards Each student will begin the quarter with 45 citizenship points. When a class rule is violated, he or she will lose citizenship points. Points will be assigned as follows: 45-42=H 41-38=S 37-34=N 33 and below = U, loss of credit

All students are expected to adhere to the W.C.S.D. attendance policy. Please be sure you have read and understand the policy because there have been changes this 2003-2004 school year.Learning is an exciting and rewarding process. I love teaching Physical Education and I love kids! I want to help your child be successful. We are all in this process together so let me help your child get in the best shape of their life and love how they feel and look! If we all work together, we will have a fun year! Let's go! Please contact me during school hours with any concerns.


Carolyn Macfarlane


Please sign and return this form to Coach Macfarlane. Please keep the descriptive portion of the disclosure statement for future reference. I need thispage returned to me with the F.E.R.P.A. release by the end of the week.

Thank you for your help in getting these papers to me promptly.


Class Period Teacher Year

I have thoroughly reviewed the disclosure statement for the above listed teacher and class. I am aware of and will support the academic grading standards, citizenship grading standards, and classroom policies and expectations as described. I am keeping the descriptive portion of the disclosure statement for future reference.


Student Signature Parent Signature Date

Home e-mail:______


In keeping in line with the F.E.R.P.A. guidelines to protect the privacy of each student, I am requesting your permission as a legal parent/ guardian to allow your child to help me in correcting quizzes and tests in class and allow my student aide to record scores in my roll book. Please mark the line that you agree with and return this form with the above disclosure by the end of the week.

______Yes, I will allow my child to help with correcting tests and quizzes and agree that a teacher-aide will record scores in the Teachers' roll book.

______No. I do not want my child to participate in the correcting of tests and quizzes during class and in the recording of scores by a teacher-aide in the Teachers roll book.



And you will work in this class 