Possible Written Outcomes or Incidental Writing Opportunities
  • Directions – where did the paper dolls go?
  • Thought/speech bubbles for each paper doll
  • Retell story or part of story
  • Retell of story or part of story in the first person as litte girl
  • Write a fantasy story about their own paper dolls journey
  • Instructions for making paper dolls
  • Letter to boy to persuade him not to snip the dolls
  • Fact file about the dolls
/ KS1
/ 1. Responding to the Text
  • Book talk: what do you like or not like about the book?
  • Book talk: Have you any questions about the story? Does it remind you of anything?
  • Book talk: why do you think the boy decided the snip the paper dolls up?
  • Why do you think the girl enjoyed playing with the paper dolls so much?
  • Visual literacy: look at how the illustrator has drawn the pictures. Why has she drawn them this way?
  • Writer talk: look at the page where the paper dolls fly into the girl’s memory. Why is this a happy page?
  • Writer talk: the story ends with a picture. What do you think will happen?

  • Children enter classroom to find paper doll chains all around
  • Go on a trip to a local town and describe what the paper dolls experience

2. Capturing Ideas
  • Think of some questions to ask the boy in an interview
  • Interview the boy
  • Find the main events and make story map
  • Retell story in complete sentences
  • Emotions graph to track girl’s feelings through the story
  • Role play scene with girl and her mum
  • Think of endings for the story
  • Choose an ending and tell a partner your idea in sentences
  • Make map or flow chart for visit to Warrington
  • Retell in complete sentences
  • Give spoken instructions - how to make a paper doll chain
/ Sentence Games (use throughout unit)
  • Sentence not a sentence game based on book
  • Fortunately, unfortunately game
  • Improve a sentence- focus on the grammatical elements that need consolidation or review
  • Question, command, statement game
  • Chain writing
/ 3. Contextualised Grammar Teaching
  • Time adverbs and adverbials to move events forward or sequence instructions
  • Forming questions, statements and command sentences
  • Commas in lists
  • Using subordination and coordination in sentences

Guided Reading Possibilities
  • Other Julia Donaldson books
  • Instruction books – how to make…crafts
  • Information texts on different towns and urban geography

4. Modelled Writing
Shared Writing Guided Writing Independent Writing