Thorpedene Primary School
RE Policy
Thorpedene Primary School is set in a large residential area. Southend Council and SACRE have recently developed a new RE syllabus for the area which incorporates most of the local and world religions and beliefs.
There are a number of churches representing a variety of denominations within walking distance of the school which classes are able to visit. There are no places of worship of other faiths in easy reach. Thorpedene Primary School has recently affiliated with the Church of St. Augustine’s which serves the surrounding area. This allows us to access a wide range of resources.
Pupil Religions/Beliefs (Nov 12)
0.2% Buddhist
27% Christian
4% Muslim
1% Other
68% No Religion
The new syllabus is about helping children to:
· Develop knowledge and understanding of what people believe and how that belief affects their lives.
· Understand and respect the principal religions (Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism) in the local area and Great Britain.
· Appreciate the nature of belief, religion, philosophy and ethics.
· Develop awareness of lesser known religions and beliefs such as the Baha’I faith, Jainisim, Zoroastrianism and Rastafarianism.
· Understand philosophies such as humanism and atheism.
· Study how religions relate to each other and to become reflective learners.
· To give children the opportunities to consider fundamental questions of human existence together with opportunities to make progress in discovering their own values.
Objectives as a School
· To develop a sense of achievement, a caring attitude towards others and the world around them, respect for other opinions and beliefs – all with confidence.
· To give children a sense of self worth and value in the community.
· To celebrate festivals reflecting the religious traditions and cultural differences within Britain.
· To develop a sense of awe, respect and wonder leading to a desire to know more.
Schools are advised by SACRE to devote 5% of curriculum time in Key Stage 1-4 to Religious Education. Approximately 1 notional hour per week.
Every Child Matters
Through the RE and PSHE curriculum the school ensures that children feel safe and secure in the learning and understanding. Children are encouraged to lead healthy lifestyles, develop emotionally and make their own decisions. The school promotes challenge both academically and socially. Through the teaching of RE the children can establish their own beliefs and opinions, whilst developing an understanding and respect for those of others.
Early Years/Foundation Stage
In Early Years, RE is essential to the development of the Early Learning Goals. It can contribute to Communication and Language, Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Literacy. Understanding of the World and Expressive Arts and Design.
Teaching Styles
Children are encouraged to think about their own views and values in relation to the themes and topics studied in the RE curriculum. Teaching and Learning styles in RE enable children to build on their own experiences and extend their knowledge and understanding.
Gender/Equal Opportunities
The school ensures that boys and girls are given an equal opportunity to participate in areas of RE, taking culture into consideration. RE teaching and learning remains a legal requirement in schools. However, the right of parents to withdraw their children from RE lessons remains, as does the rights of the teacher to withdraw from teaching it.
All faiths are acknowledged and the beliefs of the staff and children respected.
Special Educational Needs/Gifted and Talented
Learning opportunities are matched to the needs of children with identified barriers to learning. Targets set for children in their Individual Education Plans (IEPS) are taken into account. Children who are identified as being more able or talented in this area of the curriculum are given opportunities to extend their understanding following guidelines of the More Able and Talented Policy.
Assessment, Recording and Monitoring
The RE leader is responsible for monitoring the standards of children’s work and the quality of the teaching in RE. S/He is also responsible for supporting colleagues in the teaching of RE, for being informed about current developments and providing a leading role for the school. In the new syllabus there are ‘I Can’ statement tools for assessing the progress of pupils, which teachers can use to assess children’s understanding of RE.
At Thorpedene we seek to ensure our children are aware of the world around them and that this awareness is valued and respected by all staff and pupils. Thorpedene works for the community, supporting Little Haven’s, Water Aid, Christmas Shoe box appeal, Marie Curie, Macmillan, Children in Need and more.
Agreed Syllabus
Religious Education is taught in this school in accordance with the locally agreed syllabus for RE which is used by the Local Authority and it meets all the requirements set out in this document. The RE syllabus reflects the fact that the religious traditions in Great Britain are in the main, Christian. However it also takes account of the teachings and practises of other major religions.
This policy was compiled in collaboration with the whole staff and approved by the Governing Body. It is reviewed and evaluated regularly.