

15001 S. Broadway Avenue

Harvey, Illinois 60426

Phone: (708) 225-4342

Title: Principles of Entrepreneurship (NFTE)

Instructor: Mr. Ricardo D. Johnson

Course Description:

This Principles of Entrepreneurship class is a foundational course in entrepreneurship, which incorporates the National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE) curriculum in the District 205 business education framework. This course has been designed for students who are interested in business education, particularly entrepreneurship and small business management. Students must have successfully completed Computer Literacy with a minimum grade of C. In this course, the students will study the role of entrepreneurs in our free enterprise system. This course will enable students to acquire the knowledge and develop the skills needed to effectively organize, develop, create, and manage their own businesses. Activities will include reading, writing, discussion, direct and indirect research, business math, accounting principles, teamwork, networking, problem solving, applying technology, and decision-making.

Students will develop business and marketing skills, including work readiness skills, customer service and sales techniques, inventory procedures and calculations, effective communications techniques, payroll calculations, and related marketing functions. Emphasis will also be placed on job search techniques, career opportunities and requirements, and appropriate workplace behaviors. The Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS) competencies are integrated throughout the textbook, materials, and activities. The SCANS competencies include resources, interpersonal, information, systems and technology, basic skills, critical thinking, and personal qualities.

The culminating project is to develop a business plan for a new business operation of each student’s choice. This plan will include a description of the business, location, products and services, analysis of completion, market survey and analysis, marketing strategies, organizational structure, legal issues, business forms, sales projections, and financial plans. One (1) elective credit is earned.

Course Objectives:

The objectives of this course are designed to teach students everything they need in order to start and maintain their own small business. Students will gain an understanding about the role of entrepreneurs in our free enterprise society. They will discover what entrepreneurs do, learn about trends that shape the future for entrepreneurship relevant to job creation, compare and contrast personal attributes, and use technology to facilitate business decisions and basic operation. Also, learning the principles of entrepreneurship will teach students about how to negotiate, calculate return on investment, perform cost/benefit analysis, and keep track of income and expenses.


Students will receive a cumulative letter grade for this elective entrepreneurship course. The instructor will employ various methods to assess student learning and achievement. Such methods include, but are not limited to, daily class work, homework, quizzes, unit tests (True/False, Multiple Choice, Matching, Sentence Completion, and Short Answer), essays, oral presentations, vocabulary review, group activities, and teacher and peer evaluations. Students will also be responsible for maintaining a portfolio of class notes, newspaper, magazine, and Internet article reviews and summaries, and reflections about any field observations with professional mentors, guest speaker presentations, field trips, etc. The culminating project of this course is to prepare a basic business plan, for which a rubric will be used to evaluate such key components, as business idea, financial data, marketing analysis, and management and operations.

Class Attendance and Procedures:

Students are expected to be in class every day – on time and prepared to positively contribute to our classroom environment. They must bring all necessary supplies, materials, books, and completed assignments to class as directed by the instructor.

Materials for the Course:

  • NFTE textbook, workbook, and supporting materials:

How to Start & Operate a Small Business, 10th edition, by Steve Mariotti with Tony Towle, The National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship, 2006.

  • Business Education Forum, magazines such as Entrepreneur, Black Enterprise, Hispanic Entrepreneur, Money, Forbes, and Fortune.
  • Internet Sources – online publications related to entrepreneurship.


Dell computers, a laptop computer, a color printer, a black-and-white printer, an overhead projector, and wireless Internet connection.


Thumb drive, 2-inch binder with pockets, pencils/pens, and notebook paper.


Microsoft Office 2007 (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Publisher)

Instructional Method:

Lecture, demonstration, individualized self-paced activities, visual aids, field trips, and guest speaker presentations.

Grade Assignments:






Make Up Work/Redo Policy:

All missed assignments and below-standard work may be made up or redone at the discretion of the instructor. It is the student’s responsibility to study, get help as needed, and maintain passing scores on all work and evaluations.

Student/Teacher/Parent Contract

Please find below the Student/Teacher/Parent Contract which identifies expectations and requirements. This contract must be signed by all parties and followed throughout the school year. Failure to meet these expectations will result in conferences to resolve all related problems, eliminate misunderstanding, or clarify intent.

Please sign below indicating you have read this course syllabus and understand the information presented here. Please keep the syllabus (pages 1-3) and return this page to the instructor.

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent Signature: ______Date: ______

Teacher Signature: ______Date: ______

Questions and Comments: (Parents, if you have any questions and/or concerns about our new entrepreneurship course, please state such matters in this section. Please provide a contact phone number and/or email so that I may immediately reply to your questions/comments. Thank you for supporting our new initiative at TTHS.)