Thomas R. Turgeon, BSc, MD, FRCSC
• San Diego Arthritis and Reconstructive Surgery Fellowship 31/07/2003 – 03/09/2005
- University of California San Diego, San Diego, California, United States of America
• Master’s Degree of Public Health in Epidemiology 23/08/2004 – 19/05/2006
- Graduate School of Public Health, San Diego State University,
San Diego, California, United States of America
• Orthopaedic Surgical Residency Training Program 01/07/1998 – 30/06/2003
- College of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon,
Saskatchewan, Canada
• Doctor of Medicine (M. D.) Program 06/09/1994 – 15/05/1998 - College of Medicine, University of Western Ontario, London,
Ontario, Canada
- Graduated with distinction
• Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.) Degree 02/09/1991 – 29/04/1994
- Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry, University of
Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada
- Graduated with distinction 08/06/1995
• Assistant Professor, University of Manitoba 01/10/2005 – present
- College of Medicine, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg,
Manitoba, Canada
• Orthopaedic Surgeon, University of Manitoba Joint Replacement Group
01/10/2005 – present
- University Medical Group, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
- Concordia Hospital, Winnpeg, Manitoba, Canada
• Dr Kloppenberg Award 2002
- Awarded to the junior/intermediate level neurosurgical or orthopedic
resident with the best research paper at the University of Saskatchewan
• Dr Kloppenberg Award 2001
- Awarded to the junior/intermediate level neurosurgical or orthopedic
resident with the best research paper at the University of Saskatchewan
• Dr. F.R. Eccles Scholarship Award 1998
- Awarded to the medical student obtaining the highest standing
in the final year of the medical course
• Mosby Company Scholarship Award 1995
- Awarded to the medical student who achieves the highest mark in Histology
• University of Western Ontario Renewable Entrance Scholarship 1991 - 1995
• National Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) 1994
Summer Student Research Grant
• Canada Scholarship Recipient 1991 - 1994
• NSERC Summer Student Research Grant 1993
• Master’s Thesis 2004 - 2006
San Diego State University Graduate School of Public Health
- “Impact of obesity on outcome following primary total hip
Arthroplasty in two community hospitals”
- Supervisor: Dr. D. Slymen
- Assess effect of BMI category on functional and other outcome measures
while controlling for potential confounding variables
• Fellowship Research Project 2005
San Diego Arthritis and Reconstructive Surgery Fellowship
- “Analysis of failure of the Implex Ceramic-on-Ceramic Cup”
- Supervisor: Dr. R. Coutts, Dr. R. Poggie
- Assessed clinical features of patients experiencing ceramic liner failure and
assembled the final article for publication
• Fellowship Research Project 2004 - 2005
San Diego Arthritis and Reconstructive Surgery Fellowship
- “Use of of Intra-articular BMP-7 injection in the repair of an abrasive chondral defect in the adult rabbit knee ”
- Supervisor: Dr. R. Coutts
- Assessed impact OP-1 injection in cartilage repair using a new non-instability
model of osteoarthritis in adult rabbits
• Fellowship Research Project 2004 - 2005
San Diego Arthritis and Reconstructive Surgery Fellowship
- “Patient Education to Promote Success”
- Supervisor: Dr. R. Coutts
- Assessed impact of a new pre-operative education program for hip and knee
replacement patients
• Fellowship Research Project 2003 - 2005
San Diego Arthritis and Reconstructive Surgery Fellowship
- “Randomized Controlled Trial Assessing Migration of a new uncemented trabecular metal total knee tibial tray by radiostereometric analysis”
- Supervisor: Dr. R. Coutts
- Assessed difference in migration rate of cemented versus trabecular metal
uncemented tibial tray implants up to 2 years from surgery
• Fellowship Research Project 2003 - 2004
San Diego Arthritis and Reconstructive Surgery Fellowship
- “Results of Blood Management Methods in Total Knee and Hip Replacement”
- Supervisor: Dr. R. Coutts
- Analyzed data identifying blood and blood salvage system usage in a large
urban health center
• Fellowship Research Project 2003 - 2004
San Diego Arthritis and Reconstructive Surgery Fellowship
- “Recurrent dislocation after THA: Treatment with an Achilles tendon allograft”
- Supervisor: Dr. R. Coutts
- Collected and analyzed data identifying outcomes of a new technique for hip
arthroplasty instability management
• Resident Research Project 1999 - 2003
- “The effectiveness of bulb versus pulse irrigation for the removal of
bacteria from prosthetic surfaces”
- Supervisors: Dr. W. Dust and Dr. S. Sanche
- Designed study, collected and analyzed data to determine the relative
efficacy of pulse versus bulb irrigation on contaminated prosthetic surfaces
• Summer Research Training Program June-Aug, 1996
Hand and Upper Limb Centre, St. Joseph's Health Science Centre
- Supervisors: Dr. J. Roth and Joy MacDermid
- Collected and analyzed data to identify predictors of wrist fracture outcome
• Summer Research Training Program June-Aug, 1995
Hand and Upper Limb Centre, St. Joseph's Health Science Centre
- Supervisors: Dr. J. Roth and Joy MacDermid
- Performed reliability and validity testing on a new wrist outcome measure
- Designed and wrote software for calculation and storage of data
• PBL Honours Project Jan-May, 1995
Hand and Upper Limb Centre, St. Joseph's Health Science Centre
- Supervisors: Dr. J. Roth and Joy MacDermid
- Designed and completed test-retest reliability and evaluation of a new
dexterity testing board
Peer-Reviewed Papers
Turgeon TR, MacDermid J, Roth J: Reliability of the NK Dexterity Board. J Hand Ther 12(1):7-15, 1999.
MacDermid J, Turgeon T, Richards R, Beadle M, Roth J: Patient Rating of Wrist Pain and Disability: A Reliable and Valid Measurement Tool. J Orthop Trauma 12(8):577-586, 1998.
Dimov SS, Lipson RH, Turgeon TR, Vanstone J, Wang P, and Yang DS. Vacuum ultraviolet laser/time-of-flight mass spectroscopy: Ion-pair spectra of 79Br35Cl. J Chem Phys. 100(12): 8666-72, 1994.
Review Articles
Santore RF, Turgeon TR, Phillips WR, Kantor S. Pelvic and Femoral Osteotomy in the
Treatment of Hip Disease in the Young Adult. In Instructional Course Lectures. Light TR Ed. Vol 55: 2006. pp 131-44.
Turgeon TR, Phillips W, Kantor SR, Santore RF. The role of acetabular and femoral osteotomies in reconstructive surgery of the hip: 2005 and beyond. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2005 Dec;441:188-99.
Texbook Chapters
Santore RF, Turgeon TR. Non-Arthroplasty Approahes: Femoral Osteotomy. In Master’s Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery: The Hip. 2nd Ed. Barrack RL and Rosenberg AG Eds. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia. 2005. pp 103-23.
Invited Presentations
Turgeon TR, Santore RF, Coutts RD. Influence of Obesity on Outcome Following Primary Hip Replacement Surgery. Poster Presented at the Canadian Orthopaedic Association, Toronto, ON: Jun 3, 2006.
Turgeon TR, Santore RF, Coutts RD. Influence of Obesity on Outcome Following Primary Hip Replacement Surgery. Presented at the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Chicago, IL: Mar 22, 2006.
Coutts RD. Turgeon TR, Elington M,: Patient Education to Promote Success. Presented at the Open Meeting of the Hip Society, Washington, DC: Feb 26, 2005.
Coutts RD. Turgeon TR, Elington M,: Patient Education to Promote Success. Presented at the American Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons, Dallas, TX: Nov 6, 2004.
Coutts R, Turgeon TR. Recurrent dislocation after THA: Treatment with an Achilles tendon. Presented at the Canadian Orthopaedic Association Annual Meeting, Calgary, AB: June 20, 2004.
Coutts R, Turgeon TR. Elington M. Results of Blood Management Methods in Total Knee and Hip Replacement. Presented at the Canadian Orthopaedic Association Annual Meeting, Calgary, AB: June 19, 2004.
Turgeon TR, Dust W, Sanche S, Mochoruk K: Effectiveness of Bulb versus Pulse Irrigation for the Removal of Bacteria from Prosthetic Surfaces. Presented at the Canadian Orthopaedic Association Annual Meeting, Winnipeg, MB: Oct 3, 2003.
Turgeon TR, Dust W, Sanche S, Mochoruk K: Effectiveness of Bulb versus Pulse Irrigation for the Removal of Bacteria from Prosthetic Surfaces. Presented at the Canadian Orthopaedic Resident’s Association Annual Meeting, Winnipeg, MB: Sept 21, 2002.
Member, Research Committee, Division of Orthopaedics, University of 2001 – 2002
Internal Surveyor, Paediatric Residency Training Program, 2001
University of Saskatchewan
Member, General Academic Assembly, College of Medicine, 1998 – 2002
University of Saskatchewan
Member, Post-graduate Medical Education Committee 1998 – 1999
Article Adjudicator, Clincial Orthopaedics and Related Research 2005
Article Adjudicator, Canadian Medical Association Journal 2002
Board Member, Canadian Association of Interns and Residents 2000 – 2002
Member, Health and Public Policy Committee, Royal College of 2001 – 2002
Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
Past-President, Professional Association of Interns and Residents 2001 – 2002
of Saskatchewan
President, Professional Association of Interns and Residents 2000 – 2001
of Saskatchewan
Member-at-Large, Professional Association of Interns and Residents 1999 – 2000
Board Member, Professional Association of Interns and Residents 1998 – 1999
Member, Negotiations Team, Professional Association of Interns 1998 - 1999
and Residents of Saskatchewan
- Successful completion of written ABOS board exam 2004
- Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Canada 2004
- Licentiate of the Medical Board of California 2003
- Registered Certified Specialist in Orthopedic Surgery 2003
- Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada Orthopaedic
Surgery Specialty Examination Successfully Completed 2003
- USMLE Step 3 Successfully Completed 2002
- Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada Principles of Surgery
Examination Successfully Completed 2000
- Licentiate of the Medical Council of Canada 1999
- USMLE Step 2 Successfully Completed 1998
- USMLE Step 1 Successfully Completed 1997
- Manitoba Medical Association 2005 - present
- Candidate Member American Associate of Hip and Knee Surgeons 2004 - present
- Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Canada 2004 - present
- Canadian Orthopaedic Association 2004 - present
- American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Resident Member 1998 - present
- Canadian Medical Association Membership 1995 - present
- Saskatchewan Medical Association Membership 1998 - present
- Canadian Association of Interns and Residents 1998 - 2003
- Professional Association of Interns and Residents of Saskatchewan 1998 - 2003
- Canadian Orthopedic Resident’s Association 1998 - 2003
- Ontario Medical Association Membership 1995 - 1998
References my be requested directly from the offices of the surgeons listed below.
Dr. R Coutts
Adjunct Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery
University of California San Diego
8008 Frost St., Suite 300
San Diego, CA, 92123
(858) 278-8300
Dr. R. Santore
Clinical Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery
University of California San Diego
8008 Frost St., Suite 300
San Diego, CA, 92123
(858) 278-8300
Dr. W. Dust
Division of Orthopaedic Surgery
Royal University Hospital
103 Hospital Dr.
Saskatoon, SK
S7K 2J6
(306) 966-8213
Dr. K. Yong Hing
Division of Orthopaedic Surgery
Royal University Hospital
103 Hospital Dr.
Saskatoon, SK
S7K 2J6
(306) 966-8213