Thomas Campbell’s DECLARATION AND ADDRESS (1809)


1 – Contemporary (2008) restating of Campbell’s 13 Propositions (Foster)

2 – Paraphrase (1976) of Campbell’s entire DECLARATION AND ADDRESS (Staton)

3 – Campbell’s original (1809) wording of his Propositions

A Contemporary Restating of the 13 Propositions found in

Thomas Campbell’s “Declaration and Address” of 1809

by Doug Foster


The following propositions are by no means intended to be a creed or something to be imposed on believers—nothing could be further from the truth. They are designed, rather, to focus our hearts and minds on the great question of what it means to be followers of Christ. Too often we seem to have forgotten what is central to our identity as Christians and as Christ's church. It is our hope that these ideas will stimulate serious consideration of who we are and who we ought to be.

Proposition 1

Christ established one church—just one. This church is made up of everyone who has faith in Christ and is trying to follow him in the ways God's Spirit in scripture has told us, and who others can see are being transformed into his likeness by the way they act. No one else has a right to be called a Christian.

(For reference, for this first Proposition, here are Campbell’s original words:

THAT the church of Christ upon earth is essentially,intentionally, and constitutionally one; consisting of all those inevery place that profess their faith in Christ and obedience to himin all things according to the scriptures, and that manifest the sameby their tempers and conduct, and of none else as none else can betruly and properly called christians.)


Proposition 3

Therefore, nothing should be required to recognize, fellowship, embrace, work, worship, and be fully and visibly united with all Christians that is not specifically made a requirement by God in his word. Nothing should be required in the way local bodies of Christians operate that is not specifically required by Christ and his Apostles for the church. Furthermore, the chief requirements for full fellowship that God has decreed are our love for God and for people. This love is formed by our understanding of God's love for us shown through Christ.


Proposition 5

The Bible does not spell out in detail everything Christians are supposed to think, do or be—that is just not the nature of scripture. When there are specific actions Christians are toldto take, there is almost never a set of detailed requirements for how to do it. Humans often want more detail and try to expand on the specifics, often making them requirements for accepting other Christians or groups of Christians. That is wrong. Again, Christians are those who say they are Christians and who show that they are by the way they live. No one should be allowed to require anything for recognition and fellowship that is outside of scripture and its work of transformation.


Proposition 8

Once again, having an understanding of every Christian truth is not a requirement to be a Christian, a part of Christ's church. No one who is trying to follow Christ ought to be forced to confess any belief beyond what they understand and know. All a person needs to know to be part of Christ's church is that they are lost and that salvation is through Christ. When they confess that they believe in Christ and that they want to obey him fully according to his word—nothing else can be required.


Proposition 13

Finally, in every body of Christians decisions must be made about precisely how to conduct its work and worship. Scripture does not dictate such details. Whatever the best way of doing things for the local context should be adopted. These procedures, however, should always be understood as expedients or conveniences for that time and place. Others who do things differently should never be denigrated or condemned for such things, and when decisions are made to do things differently in the future, such changes should never be an issue of fighting or division.

The Paraphrase of

By Knofel Staton

Probably no religious group produced as much literature as the early leaders of the restoration movement. That may be one reason it was the fastest growing religious group in America in the latter 19th century. It is not really possible to understand nor to appreciate the unique contribution of the restoration movement of which the Christian Church/Church of Christ is a part without reading the formative literature.

But the literature is written in ancient form and wording that discourages many readers. Knofel Staton has suggested that the literature needs paraphrasing for our day.

Because we believe that this literature is imperative reading at a time when fewer and fewer seem committed to the ideals of the restoration movement, we have decided to begin a project of paraphrasing some of Thomas and Alexander Campbell's works. We will first paraphrase the Declaration and Address and then The Christian System.

In each issue of the Compass a portion of paraphrase will appear. It will take many years of the Compass to complete this. We encourage you to keep these issues.

It would be a contribution to the whole brotherhood if individuals who see the worth of this would contribute to a more rapid distribution of this paraphrase project by financing the production of books of paraphrase. Scores of books from the restoration leaders deserve paraphrasing to encourage wider readers. We hope our efforts will be another service from us to you.

A copy of the Declaration and Address in the words of Thomas Campbell can be ordered from the bookstore here or from Bethany Press, St. Louis, Missouri. Many of the works of restoration leaders can be obtained from College Press under its Restoration Reprints series. College Press will be happy to send you a catalog of the Restoration Reprints. These are classic works in the words of their authors. The Christian System is a must reading for every Christian. This book can also be ordered from our bookstore or The Gospel Advocate Co., Nashville, Tennessee.

College Press has just completed the reprinting of all 41 volumes of the Millennial Harbinger by Alexander Campbell. This, the largest literary work in the Restoration Movement, is available at College Press, Box 1132, Joplin, Missouri 64801.

Knofel Staton
Mr. Staton teaches at Ozark Bible College, Joplin, Missouri. [2]

Paraphrasing the

-- by Knofel Staton --

Our Standard

During the past several years, both here and abroad, many issues have arisen within Christianity. These issues call for study from all of us. But what is the standard for deciding these issues? It is the Word of God alone and not any one's particular interpretation of that Word.

God's Word equally applies to everyone, and it is that Word only which shall judge our conclusions. Therefore, we have no right to force our opinions onto the decisions of others and they have no right to force theirs upon us. There are two truths that follow: (1) No brother can decide for another about these issues. (2) No brother has a right to judge another's position by his own interpretation. The only time we have a right to judge a brother is whenever he has clearly violated what the Bible actually says--not what we think it says.

Our Purpose

Religious controversy among Christians seems to persist in a devilish kind of way. We would like to retreat from all of the jarrings and jangling of sectarian attitudes and activities. Therefore, we are recommending some measures that can restore unity, peace, and purity to the total family of God.

However, we do this realizing that all quarrelings will not stop. As long as we continue fighting over denominational and individual pet peeves there will be factions and fusses. We cannot find the peace we desire anywhere except in Christ and His simple Word which does not change.

Therefore, it is our hope that none of us will allow human opinions to become binding as tests of fellowship. Let's not argue about our ideas. But rather let us stick to the original standard--the divine Word alone as our rule, the Holy Spirit as our teacher and guide, and Christ alone for our salvation. If we do that, we can be at peace with ourselves, manifest peace with others, and live in holiness. For without demonstrating peace and holiness, we shall not see the Lord.

Because we believe that the above is true, we set forth the following resolutions:

1. That we form a religious association free from all opinions to be called "The Christian Association of Washington".

2. That each member designate whatever sum of money he can for (1) supporting a preaching ministry that will put into practice whatever the Bible says about doctrine, worship, discipline, and government (2) giving Bibles to the poor.

3. That we do not consider ourselves a church, but merely as an association concerned with church reformation.

4. That we exist for just one purpose--to promote simple evangelical Christianity. Let us support those ministers who will preach and practice pure New Testament Christianity without imposing anything for which there is not a clear "Thus saith the Lord."

5. That we select a committee of 21 members to manage the business.

6. That we meet at least twice a year.

7. That each meeting be public and opened with a sermon, the reading of our constitution and address, and an offering.

8. That we rely upon Jesus as the Church's head and depend upon Christian friends to donate monies to support preachers who will preach the eternal Gospel and administer the ordinances in exact conformity with the Bible. [3]

Unity--God's Wish

I submit this address to all Christians everywhere.

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:

Certainly all of us would agree that God designed Christianity for the purpose of bringing harmony and openness between men and God and between men and their fellowmen. It is in that kind of unity that man himself is most benefited and God is most honored.

This purpose of God was announced at the birth of Jesus when the angels sang, "Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace among men of good will". The entire Bible gives witness to this grand purpose for unity. Only when we enjoy a unity with God and fellowman and share with each other a oneness of faith and love will God be honored the way He deserves and man be happy the way God intends.

Division--the Opposite of Unity

Because we believe this, we are hurt when we see the sad divisions that exist among us. These divisions stand opposed to the purpose God had in mind for His family. The divisions draw people apart from one another and encourage each to speak against the other. We cannot stand on the sidelines and ignore the situation. So we have decided to use our abilities to heal and thus to remove the divisions which have produced hatreds, backbitings, grudges, underminings, angers, arguments, enemies, and all sorts of misunderstandings and mistreatments.

These hateful activities will be a part of Christianity as long as we continue to have schisms within the family of God. James made that clear when he said, "where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work" (James 3:16).

Party splits and fusses within Christianity have taken their toll too much already in this country as well as in the entire world. Here are ten of those negative results: (1) Christians have become confused about what to believe. (2) Christians have changed their priorities. (3) Biblical ordinances have been often neglected. (4) More energy is often spent in arguments than in evangelism.

(5) Divisions have been one major reason why our own country remains unevangelized. Many people of this blessed country are entirely deprived of the Gospel just because of divisions within Christianity. How does this happen? (a) Many churches are so weakened by divisions they cannot send ministers to those places where the Gospel is not preached. (b) People are so divided in some places they will not live with a minister when he does come. (c) People living at the back door of Bible preaching congregations will not go to hear the preached Word because of the many divisions among us. Those who stay away because of divisions are little better off than if they lived in heathen territories. They seldom enjoy that great ordinance of unity and love--the Lord's Supper.

(6) The association of Christians with one another is absolutely essential for proper edification and encouragement as we live in the midst of an evil environment. But divisions hinder this association, for they reduce the number of Christians with whom we will assemble and share. We are then denied what others can contribute to our lives. We need each other. But we usually congregate with only those who hold our same opinions.

(7) Divisions also relax Church discipline. For who will dare discipline fellow Christians when they know they can go somewhere else? And going somewhere else is easy. Divisions have produced so many brands of Christianity that no matter how evil a person becomes, he can find some party who will fellowship with him without any change needed. That dilutes much of the effectiveness of the life of the Church in our world.

(8) Divisions are accompanied by yet another terrible result--the judgment of God. God is not a part of our divisions. Where divisions exist God [4] is not present in the ordinances. He will bring judgment to those who lead in keeping divisions alive. When Christians bite and devour one another, they will be consumed by one another (Galatians 5:15). This is one of the judgments of God.

(9) While all the above are going on, the sincere believers are grieved; the weak stumble; the kind Christians slowly become bitter; and the gospel of Jesus Christ is reduced to contempt.

(10) At the same time, those outside of Christianity are being so isolated from the positive effects of Christianity that they are left as easy prey to whatever deceivers and seducers are around.

Our Task--Promote Unity

These ten results of divisions within Christianity are smouldering at the very core of what otherwise looks like a happy country.

Isn't it then your duty as a Christian to work toward healing these divisions? Ministers, doesn't this task fall specifically upon your shoulders as leaders? Much depends upon your activities. What are you doing to help Christians recognize and associate with their brothers and sisters?

In these United States of America, we have a unique opportunity to lead the way toward healing the divisions within Christianity, for this country has no state religion or atheistic government as some other countries do. So we have the freedom to move among God's people to bring about the fulfillment of God's Word, without which reformation is impossible.

Since the French revolution, many churches, both here and abroad, have shown a serious concern for the removal of contentions, the healing of divisions, the restoration of a Christian and brotherly association with one another, and for the promotion of each other's spiritual good.

Shouldn't we also be excited about this concern and help its forward progress with all of our might? Sure, much is left undone by the efforts in the past, but that can be changed. And, yes, some of the well-meant endeavors to heal divisions have not been satisfactory to all involved, but that shouldn't discourage us. If Christians before us abandoned true causes and righteous projects just because they faced some opposition or because the success seemed to be scanty, God's cause of truth and righteousness would have been deserted long ago. Early Christians faced fearful situations. But is there anything more fearful in giving ourselves to heal the schisms? Has our Lord sounded the retreat and told us not to tackle the problem of divisions? Then why are we sitting on the sidelines?

We are in an ideal position to get involved, for we can learn from the mistakes of others before us who have also been concerned for Christian unity. So let us put on the whole armor of God, have our feet shod with the preparation of the Gospel of peace, and get involved in this concern.

Don't be discouraged nor offended because many influential people will not recommend involvement. In fact, many will oppose any effort toward healing divisions. But this work cannot be tabled until that time when certain influential people support it.

As this work does not have to be sanctioned by certain people, neither does it have certain ones to act as our authorities in it. Nor is it a work for just certain people. There is some pride that can accompany seeking for unity. It can easily become an activity for just an exclusive few. But this is a work for all people who belong to God's family.