This week, you will explore the various elements to consider when constructing a research study. One of the key elements of any quality research study is alignment. Krathwohl’s Chain of Reasoning Model often is cited as a way to identify the various components of a research study and how they fit together to form a cohesive and aligned study. You will also examine theory and its role in the research process.
Krathwohl’s model suggests that like the way a chain-linked fence is built, each stage of research must be solidly linked to the other stages for it to stand (Stuart-Hamilton, 2007). In the case of research, he suggests a linear process in which each new stage is only as sound as those preceding it (Stuart-Hamilton, 2007).
As you begin investigating research design, Krathwohl and Smith (2005) emphasize you consider the connections to how your proposal fits into the bigger picture of research in the discipline, and how you will examine research to support your proposal. Appropriatedoctoral level research has a solid chain of reasoning that is credible (supported with research), rational, and also conceptually sound.
While published studies do not always explicitly detail the research chain of reasoning as proposed by Krathwohl (2009), many components are indicated through various discussion points. Researchers often indicate the problem or issue their study will address, a purpose or intent of their research, research question(s) their study will attempt to answer, hypotheses regarding their potential findings, a theoretical/conceptual framework as a foundation for their study, previous research literature to provide justification for their study, the methodology and corresponding design to use to conduct their study, the conducted analysis on their collected data, the corresponding results and conclusions, and links to previous studies as a rationale or explanation for the next study needed in this area of research based on the results.
Krathwohl, D., R. & Smith, N.L. (2005). How to prepare a dissertation proposal. The proposal as a chain of reasoning (Chapter 3). Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press.
Stuart-Hamilton, I. (2007) Dictionary of Psychological Testing, Assessment and Treatment (2nded.) London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers
Assignment Preparation
- Carefully read course materials and email your faculty member with any questions.
- Sutton, R. I., & Staw, B. M. (1995).ASQ forum: What theory is not.
Week 2 Assignment: Examine a Research Study
Whereas published studies do not always explicitly map out the chain of reasoning proposed by Krathwohl, the structure is often evident when researchers note specific links to previous research in the literature review and provide justifications for their study. Similarly, researchers usually give a rationale, explanation, theory, or point of view upon which the study is based. They present a purpose, questions, hypotheses, and/or models and demonstrate preplanned or emergent designs that were developed to yield answers to the research questions. Researchers gather data, conduct the analysis, reach a conclusion, and then link findings to those of other studies, which serves as the rationale or explanation for the next study in this area based on the results.
For this assignment, read the article New York's smoke-free regulations: Effects on employment and sales in the hospital industry.
Write a brief paper that includes the following:
Description of the authors’ justification of the need for the study, including the degree to which the authors synthesized and critically analyzed existing research to show that this study is the next logical step in the line of research.
Description of the theory that is guiding the research and assessment of whether it is clear how the authors used it to shape the study.
Description of the problem being addressed, purpose of the study, research questions, and corresponding hypotheses and assessment of their quality.
Discussion of the authors’ justification of the selected methodology and design.
Analysis based on Krathwohl model that infers each link in the chain is determined by the link before it. Is this true for your article? Justify your response and give examples from within the article you selected for this assignment.
Discussion that answers if there are any limitations or “weak links” in the article and if so, how would you strengthen them. In addition, what future studies might be done to address these limitations and/or to further build the literature related this topic?
Length: 5 pages
Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.
Please can you take the book from the email that I sent you and do the assignment from,
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Week Two
Gelso, C. (2006) Applying theories to research: The interplay of theory and research in science. In F.T. Leong, & J.T. Austin (Eds.),The psychology research handbook(pp. 455-463).
Hyland, A., Puli, V., Cummings, M., & Sciandra, R. (2003). New York's smoke-free regulations: Effects on employment and sales in the hospitality industry.Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 44.3, 9-16.
Krathwohl, D. R., & Smith, N. L. (2005). How to prepare a dissertation proposal. The proposal as a chain of reasoning.
Learning Outcomes
1.0 Examine the scientific method.
2.0 Generate qualitative and quantitative research questions.
3.0 Evaluate practical and ethical issues associated with conducting research specific to different methodologies.
5.0 Evaluate the methodologies and designs of other research studies.
The Books and Resources area for this course contains a variety of reference materials that you will need to complete the course assignments. It is suggested that you become familiar with these resources before you begin the assignments.
Information literacy is a set of skills that help you to find and appropriately apply information. The Northcentral University Library has developed a tutorial based on the ACRL (Association of College and Research Libraries) Information Literacy Standards and is intended to raise awareness on how one effectively interacts with information. Review the Information Literacy Tutorial to become familiar with information literacy at Northcentral.
References used for research might need to be peer-reviewed/scholarly journals, which can be found by searching the Northcentral University Library databases. These journals typically have the following characteristics:
Articles are reviewed by a panel of experts before they are accepted for publication.
Articles are written by a scholar or specialist in the field.
Articles report on original research or experimentation.
Articles are often published by professional associations.
Articles utilize terminology associated with the discipline.
Northcentral values your progress and success as a scholarly writer. Please access the Academic Success Center (ASC) from your student home page to view see a wide variety of writing tips and examples to help you as you compose written submissions for this and other Northcentral courses. Information on APA style and format also can be found in the ASC.
Before you begin your course, let’s review some important policies and procedures designed to ensure you are well informed about how to complete this course.
Northcentral University has adopted the 6th edition of the APA Publication Manual as the style guide for all coursework. Students are expected to follow APA style when completing assignments, unless instructed otherwise. Although the APA style does not apply to syllabi, NCU attempts to adhere to the style in its syllabi within technical limitations.
Please go to School Library on online
Go Library Book of Online to the School.
Username cynthiaJ123
Password: jones123456*
Length: 5 pages words
Your submission should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University's Academic Integrity Policy.
Please copy and put Cover and APA …..
Need to citations u paper to put texting in assignment.
To the book by providing the citation and relevant page number. Let me know if you have any questions.
AND PUT IN APA AND sent a texting citations you find you need to put in an assignment to add citation in the assignment we add references.
(0000000., p.000). add the page number in the text or assignments
Review the resources listed in the Books and Resources area below to prepare for this week’s assignment(s).
Please go to School Library on online
Go Library Book of Online to the School.
Username cynthiaJ123
Password: jones123456*
Please copy and put Cover and APA …..
Need to citations u paper to put texting in assignment.
To the book by providing the citation and relevant page number. Let me know if you have any questions.
AND PUT IN APA AND sent a texting citations you find you need to put in an assignment to add citation in the assignment we add references.
(0000000., p.000). add the page number in the text or assignments
Information literacy is a set of skills that help you to find and appropriately apply information. The Northcentral University Library has developed a tutorial based on the ACRL (Association of College and Research Libraries) Information Literacy Standards and is intended to raise awareness on how one effectively interacts with information. Review the Information Literacy Tutorial to become familiar with information literacy at Northcentral.