Attendance 13.3.17 – 17.3.17

Reception / 95.6%
Year 1 / 96.1%
Year 2 / 98.6%
Year 3 / 95.3%
Year 4 / 99.6%
Year 5 / 98.3%
Year 6 / 95.9%

This week’s winners are Year4Well done 

The children receiving sparkle awards this week are:

Reception / Gold / Paul & Rhys
English / Emma
Maths / Cory
Year 1 / Gold / John-Lee
English / Charlie
Maths / Matthew
Year 2 / Gold / Keira & Grace
English / Amelia
Maths / Jayden
Year 3 / Gold / Jorja
English / Chloe
Maths / Paisley
Year 4 / Gold / Sophie
English / Savannah
Maths / Erica
Year 5 / Gold / Jay & Rihanna
English / Emily
Maths / Ashkin
Year 6 / Gold / Aeisha
English / Courtney
Maths / Tabatha

Starlight Clothes Collection

We have sent home with your child a charity bag hoping that you could fill it with your unwanted clothes, coats and paired shoes to help raise money for the charity Starlight who help look after terminally ill children. For every Tonne of unwanted clothing the charity receive £100 donation. The bags need to be back into school by MONDAY 27th MARCH. Thank you.

Year 1 African Mask Project

A huge thank you to the year 1 children and their families who have participated in our African mask home–school project. These are being displayed in class and photographs will be posted on our school blog next week.

Bolton Music Festival

Washacre Choir will again be participating in the Bolton Music festival which takes place at the Bolton Victoria Hall in June. Our given performance evening is Wednesday 21st June. The KS2 members of our choir will be invited to join in with the event. More information will follow in the upcoming weeks but if you have any questions in the meantime then please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Briffa or Mrs Field.

Easter Hat Competition

Your children are invited to design a hat with an Easter theme. The entries will need to be brought in to school on Tuesday 4th April with the child’s name attached please.

Aspire Dance Club

A new club is using our school hall on Fridays from 4.30 -8pm. This is a fee paying dance club. If you would like to find out more it might be worth turning up and making an enquiry.

Easter Disco

The Easter disco will be taking place on Thursday 6th April 3.30-5.30pm for children and their parents/carers. Tickets will be on sale nearer the time. The children can wear their party clothes to school on the day as it will be a non-uniform day in exchange for either a cash donation to charity or for an Easter egg. Parents and carers are expected to remain at the party with the children, not just bring them and drop them off. Also we must ask that a parent comes with their own child. We had a number of parents who sent children with other parents. This resulted in lack of supervision and so we must insist that children come with a member of their own household.

School Uniform

The vast majority of children look smashing in school in their uniforms. We noticed that some are wearing dirty uniform to school and when asked why, the children explained they had played out after school in their uniform. Please would you mind telling your children to get changed out of their uniform before they go out to play in the evening. That way their uniforms stay cleaner for longer. There are a few families who are not following the school uniform code at the moment and school will be contacting them directly. Our thanks to everyone else who does take pride in our uniform.

Thank You.

Your Child, Your Community, Your School