Dates and Information to Remember

Pastor Chat is scheduled for this Sunday, August 1st following the 2nd service. This is an informal time for those that would like to hear about Jenny’s travels and interested in meeting others – hosted by the hospitality committee. Join us!

Life Screening here at DFUMC Aug 13th! Screenings are fast, painless and offered at low cost. They involve the use of ultrasound technology, and they scan for potential health problems. Pick up a flyer in the narthex. Appointments spaces are limited and pre-registration is required. Sign up now by calling toll free to 1-888-653-6441.

Finance Committee will be meeting Aug 12th 6:30pm

Administrative Council will be meeting Aug 17th at 7:00pm

General Announcements

Celebrate During Sunday morning fellowship! Celebrate a birthday or anniversary with your church family by providing refreshments during our fellowship time in honor of your celebration. Sign up in the narthex or contact Debbie at .

30 cases (720 bottles) collected so far! Thank you! The Phoenix Rescue Mission is collecting bottled water by the case. They anticipate distributing 4000 bottles of water a week to the homeless population. Can you help? Please bring cases of water to church and place them by the sign HYDRATION Station through the summer. Thank you!

Stephen Ministry If you or someone you know is hurting and would like one-on-one Christian care from a Stephen Minister please contact Deb Browning at (480) 862-4048 or (480) 706-8193.

Annual Conference has a mission project - School Nurse Supplies Drive. Ellen Hill and Paul Browning as our delegates to annual conference and from now through August, we will be gathering items to take to the Wesley Clinic. Pick up a list of items in the narthex on the announcement stand or on our website on the Serve page, in the community tab. Please drop your items in the basket marked Wesley Center outside the Sanctuary.

Safe Sanctuaries Training can now be found online on our website. For all those wanting to volunteer with children and youth, we request that the training be completed. Click on the Resources page, links tab and download the training material. Return the completed test, Background Consent and Safe Sanctuaries Covenant to Susan in the church office.

Youth Events!

Parents and Youth are invited to attend Children in a Changing World held at St Matthew UMC in Mesa on Aug 8, 15 and 29 5-7pm. Topics will include cyber bullying, drugs and alcohol and sexuality. All adults and youth in the congregation are invited to attend.

Summer Sunday School during 10:30 Service - youth summer learning and fellowship time at 10:30 in the Conference Room!

Girls Small Group The last weekly Tuesday meeting is this Tuesday, Aug 3rd. The group will continue to meet in the fall. Dates and times will be announced.


Support Missions By Purchasing Local Business Prepaid Cards Forms available online, in the narthex, and from team members. You can also register your family online at (use code 21A45FAD24792) to see the whole list. We have some of the most popular local stores and restaurants on hand right now.

Hold Up On Mission donations! The Mission Committee announces that no donations, except for computers, will be accepted from now until the first of October.Please do not leave donated items in the Mission/Music room. We will not be accepting clothing or other "soft" items until further notice. Thank you for all of your donations and support in the past. God bless you for your generosity.

Colonia Coffee for sale! Bags will be for sale – ground or whole bean - Decaf is $9.00 per pound and all other varieties are $8.00 per pound. It will be available in the Narthex or see a member of the Missions Team.

First Course Food Sunday Don’t forget the great need of non perishable food donations for Wesley Center on the first Sunday of each month.

Fry’s Grocery Cards will be on sale in the narthex between services. Each card is $25 which can be used to buy groceries at any Fry’s Grocery Store.

Church and Community!

First time visitors, we hope you feel welcome this morning! Let us know how we can help you! Plan to stay after worship so we can get to know you better. Visit our hospitality table or a greeter so we can answer any questions you might have. It is a blessing to have you in worship with us this morning.

Online Photo directory! Contact the church office or visit our website about downloading our latest copy of our photo directory!

Desert Foothills Photo Share Site! Check out the recent photos of youth volleyball, VBS and photos of church history. One way we share stories at Desert Foothills UMC is through our photo sharing site. The site address is The password was sent in a previous email but if you need it, contact Susan at .

Do you have a friend or relative serving in the armed forces? Our church prays for those who serve in the military weekly. Please send the church office () their name so they can be included in prayers.

Email prayer Team Join our team of prayer partners and receive emails throughout the week of prayer needs wherever you may be. Developing ways of praying and being aware of the needs of others is an important part of our church ministry. Contact Susan in the church office to be added to the email prayer list at .

The Village Preschool…..’Where Children Are Celebrated’ - is located at Desert Foothills UMC. Programs are: a Toddler's Program, Preschool Program for 3-4s and Early Kindergarten. Contact Fran 480-221-5404 for more information or stop by the church Monday – Friday, 8am-2pm.

Ahwatukee Music Studio - If you are interested in lessons, check our website home page ( and click on the Ahwatukee Music Studio tab for a brochure with contact names and email addresses and bios about each teacher. Brochures are also available on the hospitality table in the narthex.

AA meets Sundays, Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 8pm at church.

Yoga Classes on Mondays 6:30pm - Sessions resume in August. Contact Annette for questions or to sign up at .