This Week in Church

Saturday 21st 6.30pm Dec’d Members of O’Sullivan Family (O’Sullivan)

Sunday 22nd 9.30am Holy Souls (Dolan)

11.30am Martin Gillooly RIP (Gillooly)

Monday 23rd 9.00am Service of the Word/Holy Communion

Tuesday 24th 9.00am Service of the Word/Holy Communion

Wednesday 25th 12.15pm Boniface Ejiofor RIP (Nwanemuogh)

Thursday 26th 8.30am Service of the Word/Holy Communion

Friday 27th 9.00am Henry Webb (Foundation)

Saturday 28th 6.30pm The People of the Parish

Sunday 29th 9.30am Holy Souls (Hartigan)

11.30am John Smith RIP (KSC)

Morning Prayer of the Church is celebrated after the morning services. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament normally takes place on Saturday morning’s during the

Sacrament of Reconciliation from 11am - 12noon.

The Sacrament of Reconciliation is normally held on Saturday between

11am - 12.00 noon & 5.30pm. – 6.15pm.

What’s On?

Mon 23rd St Edwards Preschool 9.30am-12noon Parish Hall

Knit & Natter 2.30pm-4.30pm Community Centre

Legion of Mary 8.00pm-9.00pm Upper Room

Tues 24th Parent & Toddler Group 9.45am-11.45am Parish Hall

Beavers/Cubs/Scouts 5.00pm-9.30pm Parish Hall

St Vincent de Paul 7.00pm Community Centre

Weds 25th St Edwards Preschool 9.15am-3.00pm Parish Hall

Deanery Meeting 11.00am Gidea Park

Golden Club 1.00pm Community Centre

Rainbows/Brownies/Guides 3.45pm-8.45pm Parish Hall

RCIA Journey in Faith 7.45pm Community Centre

Thurs 26th St Edwards Preschool 9.30am-12.30pm Parish Hall

Fri 27th St Edwards Preschool 9.15am-3.00pm Parish Hall

Hospital 10.00am Queens

Physiotherapy 11.00am Romford

Baptism Interviews 6pm & 7pm Priests House

Sun 29th Baptisms 1.00pm Church

Confirmation 1st Session 6.00pm Community Centre

Parish Stewardship:

Offertory Collection Weekend 14th /15th January

Envelopes: £678.10 Cash: £373.14

Standing Orders to 5th December £1,882.67

Travelling Chalice

Weekend Family Mass

21st /22nd January Agnes Danielak 9.30am

28th /29th January Orietta Young 6.30pm

4th /5th February Michelle Wells 9.30am

Please pray for all who are sick in our hospital, our nursing homes and at home. For those who are anxious, bereaved or struggling in the Faith. May they experience the healing hands of Jesus through our prayerful actions and visitations. Especially we pray for:

John Abbott, Nora Brennan, Margaret Brockbank, Fr Gerry Butcher, Bob Cole,

Dyllis Dangerfield, Jose De Abreu, Veronica Flood, Marie Gahagan,

Margaret Harries, Eileen Heneghan, Ben Holmes, Evelyn Hughes, Fatima Hussein, Fr Tom Jordan, Benjamin Joseph, Mona Keenan, Paula Lam, Fr Tony McKentey, Ann Montgomery,

Teishan Mulholland, Brendan O’Connor, Chioma Onwumere, Bernadette O’Sullivan, Fr David Prior, Maureen Ross, Mgr George Stokes, Fr John Taylor, Andrew Todd, Danny Toye, Eileen Terrell, Martine Vella, Betty Walsh and Trudy Wijeyeratnam

Please pray for our Dead whose Anniversaries occur about this time:

Louis Withnall, Joan Zarb, Alfred Sapiano, Martin Gillooly Christopher Moriarty, John Carroll,

John Colairo, Angela Lugg, Sarah Morris, Henry Blakiston, Ellen Hopkins, Mary Burns,

James O’Sullivan, William Driscoll, Margaret Seaward, Michael Morgan, Alan Hocken,

Florence Willis, Doris Hunt, Liam O’Flynn, Joan Baker, Mary Mechan and Marie Moreline.

Parish Questionnaire- 1 week left

The future of our parish community is in your hands. Changes will happen in the coming years so make your voice heard! Many people took home with them a questionnaire but of course with all the Christmas and new year festivities they may have been forgotten about. Please do pick them up again and fill them in. You don’t have to fill in answers to every question- choose the ones you are most interested in and just answer those if you prefer. Please place it in the box at the back of the church by Sunday 29th January.

We Welcome Fr Kieran who will be with us this weekend

Pax Christi The retiring collection raised £463.68. Bless you for your generosity.

Parish Building & Maintenance Fund Next weekend after all Masses we will have our monthly collection for the Parish Building Fund. Envelopes and Standing Order forms are available at the back of the church.

Community Centre Recently we had to undergo emergency electrical work in order for our insurance policy to be valid. Now is the time for discussions regarding the Centre and the way forward with refurbishment and renewal of the sacramental, pastoral and social life of the parish. There will be an open meeting for parishioners to discuss what might be needed to commence with this project on Wednesday 15th February at 7pm in the Community Centre.

SVP wish to thank the Brownies for their gifts of sweets and the Guides for the gifts of Jam, this Christmas. The SVP members delivered the gifts and received a big smile and thank you from those visited. Such a kind thought from our young people. Also, a thank you for the two anonymous donations of £30 & £50. Grateful thanks and God bless.

Church Cleaners For anyone who has not already collected their 2017 rotas, these are available from the correspondence rack in the church porch.

Crib Collection Crib Offerings As in previous years the Crib collection will be donated to the Brentwood Catholic Children’s Society.

Mass for the Sick: Our Lady of Lourdes is both the patroness of our diocese and the sick. At 3 pm on Sunday 5 February, Bishop Alan will celebrate Mass in her honour at Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Wanstead. This is a diocesan celebration; all are invited. During the Mass, the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick will be given to those who are unwell.

Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Bishop Alan will lead our annual pilgrimage from Sunday 23 to Friday 28 July. We are accompanied by an experienced medical team and there is plenty of help for those with mobility needs. All are welcome. There is a full programme to opt in and out of. For more information or for a brochure,please contact Cathy O'Connor: 01206 735623

Meeting the ‘Living God’ Seminars 2017 Cathedral House Brentwood.

Seminar 2. : The three marks of Easter Faith Saturday 4th March 10.30am-12noon Bishop Emeritus Thomas McMahon.

Seminar 3: With Christ during Lent Saturday 18th March 10.30am – 12noon. Bishop Alan Williams. Contact 01277 265285 for information

Race Night KSC Council 224 Romford are organising a race night on Saturday 4th February beginning at 8pm at Collier Row Catholic Club. Entry £1 at the door and there will be a raffle. We are raising money for the Medaille Trust; St.Francis Hospice; B E E. F the training fund for priests and Missio our National Action project. Everyone welcome and we look forward to seeing you there.

HealingMassat Abbotswick House of Prayer, 2.30pm Wednesday 25th January 2017. Please call 01277 373959 or visitwww.abbotswick.orgAll welcome!

Angus Dei Teaching School Alliance Assessment Only and School Direct Funded routes into teaching. See posters for details or visit

Quiz Night Romford Borough U14 girls football team Quiz Night on Saturday 28th January in the Community Centre, 7.45 for 8pm start. Teams of 8/10.Pay on the night, £5pp. Bring your own refreshments. Enquiries to Breda Grannell 07809157605

The Campion School is looking to appoint a relief Cleaner. For further details and an application form please contact Mrs C Noddings on 01708 452332 ext 303

/ Parish newsletter ST. EDWARD THE CONFESSOR
(St Edward is the Patron Saint of our Deanery)
5 Park End Road, Romford, Essex RM1 4AT
Telephone & Fax: 01708 740308
Parish Web
Diocese of Brentwood Registered Charity No.234092
Web Site:
Parish Priest: Father Tom Jordan
St. Peter’s Primary School 01708 745506
Head Teacher: Mrs Jenny Waterfield

Our Parish is part of the Brentwood Diocese and Alan Williams is our Bishop

and we belong to the Havering Deanery.

We are twinned with the parish of Regina Pacis, Ladysmith, Diocese of Dundee, South Africa,

and pray for their Bishop, Graham Rose.

The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

22nd January 2017

Today we begin our reading of the story of the ministry of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew, which will take us until the end of the liturgical year. We hear the evangelist's summary of Jesus' message: 'Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is close at hand.' Matthew precedes this with a quotation from the Hebrew Scriptures, which he declares to be fulfilled. Jesus brings light not only to Israel but to the nations too, to all those who 'live in darkness'. From the very start he calls disciples. They leave everything at once to follow Jesus. The message of Jesus and his very personality invite them to take this risk. They accompanied him as he 'went round the whole of Galilee'. This is the first location for the preaching of the good news and for the healings of Jesus, the place where the gospel is warmly welcomed. We will hear more about these activities in the weeks to come.