TodayOne Great Hour of Sharing offering

Easter Egg Hunt following 10 am worship

MondayChurch office closed

Tuesday 11:00 am Staff Meeting

11:00 am Spainhour-Keller Circle meets at NPC

5:30 pm AA

6:15 pm Yoga

7:00 pm Al-Anon

Thursday7:00 pm Prayer Shawl Ministry

We're glad that God has called you here today. If you are a visitor to the congregation, we give you our sincere welcome. If you do not have a church home in this area and would like to know more about this church, please speak to Rev. Alexander on your way out, or call the church office, 324-6634.

The Elder of the month is Josh Ring. The worship reader today is Laura Sigmon. Ministering to our children in Children’s Church are Susan Pabst and Lauren Cekada. The acolyte is Erika Cekada. The cash counter is Bob Luppino. Jeremy Putnam is recording the worship service.

A fellowship time immediately follows worship each Sunday. You are cordially invited to remain for this special time. Gene and Marty Riceare hosting today’s fellowship.

The One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) offering will be received during worship services today. Each gift to OGHS helps to improve the lives of people who lack access to sustainable food sources, clean water, sanitation, education, and opportunity. This offering makes a difference in the world through three impactful programs: Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, the Presbyterian Hunger Program, and Self-Development of People. Please check the pew racks for further information and special envelopes for your offering.

Annual “Easter Feaster” at the Stewart’s—Finding yourself all alone on Easter? Join us for a potluck feast featuring leg of lamb and whatever else shows up! Easter Sunday at noon. The more the merrier! Kris and Scott Stewart 605-340-0523, 3476 Spring Branch Court, Conover.

There will be no Wednesday Night activities on April 19.

Northminster will host a public event on Hmong Religion and Culture led by local teacher Judy Yang on Wednesday, April 26th. The presentation will be from 5:45-7:15. A Firehouse Subs dinner will be served between 5:15-7:15 for $7 per person. You must register for dinner by Sunday, April 23rd by emailing or calling the church office at 828-324-6634. Please pick up some flyers in the narthex and distribute them to your friends and colleagues.

In honor of significant women in our lives we will have a special offering beginning April 23rd for three consecutive Sundays. We want to celebrate the women who have made a positive impression on our lives. This could be your mother, mother-in-law, grandmother, aunt, or special friend. All monies collected will support the Dupille fund. A list of those who participate and the names of the women who are remembered will appear in the bulletin on Mother’s Day May 14h.

All Presbyterian Womenare invited to aBirthday Offering Salad & Dessert Potluck onMay 8th at 6:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. The theme of this year's Birthday Offering is "GodProvides" inspired by Hebrews 4:16. Bring a Salad or Dessert and helpus continue the PW tradition of ministering to those in need!

This year, the PW Birthday Offering is going to:

•Family Justice Center of Georgetown & Horry counties in South Carolina

•First-Hand Aid's Rural Clinic Development Initiative in Cuba

•Paper for Water's Navajo Water Project in New Mexico.

The PNC is very excited about our process of finding who God has planned for our next long term pastor here at Northminster. We have submitted our shortlist of candidates to the Western NC Presbytery. They will check out these individuals and their references. Our next pastor will be a member of our Presbytery. Therefore, our Presbytery has a vested interest in this process.

While awaiting word from the Presbytery, our committee is reviewing our shortlist of candidates. We're trying to get a clearer picture of these individuals by reading their writings, listening to sermons, visiting websites, and making trips to hear them preach if they are close by.We continue to appreciate your prayers and support. This is a very exciting time, and we are each grateful to be a part of this process.

“Rooted in Christ, Reaching in Love”