First Christian Church

(Disciples of Christ)

Traverse City, Michigan

February 16, 2014

Welcome to our visitors and guests!

We hope and trust that all will experience God

this morning as we worship.

We welcome Pastor Ron Folkersma to the pulpit today. Pastor Ron is a former member of this church.

He is a retired pastor of the Wayside Chapel.

Worship Servants for Feb. 16

Worship Leader: Ed Scarbrough

Elders: John Darrow, Val Stone

Diaconate: * Jackie Wyatt, Nancy Watson

Dawn VanAntwerp, Roy VanAntwerp

Greeters: Ed & Sandy Scarbrough

Scripture Readings for Sunday, February 23, 2014

Psalm 19:7-14, Romans 12:14-21, Matthew 5:38-47

Readers: Rocky Stone, Ed Scarbrough

Children’s Message: Diana Dumouchelle

*** Please stand during these times of worship if you are able.

Order of Worship


Welcome & Announcements

Passing of the Peace

**Opening Song “10,000 Reasons”

First Reading John 14:15-21

Brandon Barth

Cross references:

A.  Psalm 29:1 : ver 2; 1Ch 16:28

B.  Psalm 29:1 : S 2Sa 1:19; Ps 103:20; Isa 10:13

C.  Psalm 29:1 : Ps 8:1

D.  Psalm 29:2 : S 1Ch 16:29; Ps 96:7-9

E.  Psalm 29:3 : Job 37:5

F.  Psalm 29:3 : S Ps 24:7; Ac 7:2

G.  Psalm 29:3 : S 1Sa 2:10; Ps 18:13; 46:6; 68:33; 77:17; Jer 10:13; 25:30; Joel 2:11; Am 1:2

H.  Psalm 29:3 : S Ex 15:10

I.  Psalm 29:4 : Ps 68:33

J.  Psalm 29:5 : S Jdg 9:15

K.  Psalm 29:6 : Ps 114:4

L.  Psalm 29:6 : Dt 3:9

M.  Psalm 29:6 : S Nu 23:22; Job 39:9; Ps 92:10

N.  Psalm 29:7 : Eze 1:14; Rev 8:5

O.  Psalm 29:8 : Nu 13:26; S 20:1

P.  Psalm 29:9 : Isa 2:13; Eze 27:6; Am 2:9

Q.  Psalm 29:9 : Ps 26:8

R.  Psalm 29:10 : Ge 6:17

S.  Psalm 29:10 : S Ex 15:18

T.  Psalm 29:11 : S Ps 18:1; 28:8; 68:35

U.  Psalm 29:11 : S Lev 26:6; S Nu 6:26


** Praise Song “Everlasting God”

Second Reading Romans 8:18-27 Dave Barth

Offering Meditation


Offertory Music “Thank You for Your Blessings On Me”

“Lead Me, Guide Me”

Pastor Ron Folkersma

** Doxology

Praise God from whom all blessings flow;

Praise Him, all creatures here below;

Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;

Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen.

A Time for Children

With Ed Scarbrough

Pastoral Prayer

The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Song of Preparation


Communion Meditation

The Lords Supper at First Christian Church is an open table; all who believe and confess that Jesus Christ is their Lord and Savior are encouraged to partake.

**Please partake of the bread as you are served; hold the cup –we will drink it together following a Communion prayer.

Communion Prayer

Prayer for Illumination

May God through His Holy Spirit open the hearts and minds

of both congregation and pastor to the preaching and understanding of His Holy Scripture.

Scripture Psalm 103

Message Pastor Ron Folkersma

“The Benefits”


**Closing Song “I Am Free”

** Benediction


Happy Birthday!

2/16 Brent Harshman, Dee Geer

2/19 Alex Scott

2/22 Ross Williams

2/24 Janet Hintz

2/26 Pat Barnes

2/27 Betty Dunham, Kathy Esman

Happy Anniversary! 2/22 John & Pat Bristol

2/28 John & Ann Darrow


Fitness Ministry

Join us at 5:30 each Wednesday.

Newcomers are welcome!

Discover this fun way to gain strength, become more agile and improve your overall health.

Join Ed Scarbrough or Tamera Olin

Financial Report

Week 32 (January 29 – February 14)

General Income $ 104,473.71

Actual Expenses 90,421.70

Difference $ 14,052.01

Needed to Meet Budget $ 116,544.00 ($3,642.00 weekly)

Over/Under Budget $ 12,070.29

Roof Capital Account – Goal by 2015 - $50,000.00

Current amount in RCA 60,765.57

A new Bible Study is about to begin!

A ‘Foundational Bible Study’ is being offered by Derrick and Mary Lou Scacciaferro.

The group will meet Tuesday evenings - 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm for the next 6-8 weeks, depending on how much discussion occurs. There is assigned homework, but not more than an hour's worth every week.

Are you interested? Call Mary Lou at (231) 269-3789.


Let the FUN begin!

Next Sunday, after worship

all youth – and their families – are invited for lunch and then to participate in some snow activities.

Come prepared with warm outer wear and sleds, tubes, shovels, snow scoops or any other fun tool!

We will team up for some friendly competition in the snow.

Parents are encouraged to join the fun.

In addition to lunch and snow activities, we will meet inside to talk about planning a summer mission trip!

Call your hosts, Tim or Diana at 938-2837 with any questions.


March 9 – Desserts Galore – Sponsored by our Youth!
Dear Family of God at Frist Christian Church,

It is with affection and appreciation that I say ‘thank you’ for your gracious hospitality for my mother’s funeral and luncheon.

While I have been caring for my mom, Pastor Brett has made numerous adjustments to my schedule, allowing me time for appointments or to respond to an emergency call.

Thank you, Board of Trustees, for allowing me to continue serving here at First Christian while making adjustments to my work week. I will be forever grateful to have been given the opportunity to do both.

Thank you, Diana Dumouchelle and Cindy Walters (and others) for all your work setting up and serving the luncheon – and all the work tearing down and cleaning. Thank you, Pastor Brett for working along side the ladies and delivering the left-over food; and especially for your warm welcome to my Pastor.

Thank you, Bill Augustine for operating the sound system, to Jim Watson for making coffee and all his other help.

Thank you, Sandy, for covering the front desk during my absence.

Thank you, all, for your love and support during this time.

I am SO glad to be a part of this FAMILY OF GOD!

Love, Barbara


Valentines were truly appreciated by local Nursing Home Residents!

Smiles galore came over the men and women who received a cute card on their dinner tray.

So…thank you for taking the extra time, effort and expense to share these cards. Your effort was appreciated!

This Week at First Christian Church


Mon. 17 Presidents’ Day / Office Closed

6:30 pm Study & Fellowship

at home of Barbara Adkins

Tues.18 6:45 am Men’s Bible Study

4:30 pm Cheerleaders in the gym

Wed. 19 5:30 pm Fitness Ministry

Thurs. 20 9:30 am Bible Study

4:30 pm Cheerleaders in the gym

6:30 pm Praise Team

Sun.23 9:30 am Christian Education Hour

10:30 am Family Worship

Snow Event!

Youth (with their families) are invited to lunch

and snow activities following worship.


Pastor…………………………………….Brett Spalding

Accompanist………………………….Emilee Syrewicze

Secretary...... Barbara Lautner

Telephone………………………. …….. (231) 946-4074

Fax……………………………………….(231) 946-5490

Email: Website:

Let us remember those in need of specific prayer:

Those in our local church:

Ethel Adams

Barbara Adkins

Pat Barnes

Bill Candey

Madelyn Chappel

Jim Chereskin

Allie Derouin

Sunrise Goss

Jane Hansknecht

Letha Harshman

Wayne Hintz

Glenn Neihardt

Rocky Stone

Mike Thayer

Maggie Velazquez

Keith Watson

Family of Betty Hadley

Family of Veronica Pokoj (Barbara Lautner’s mom)

Others we know and care about:

Pastor Saeed Abedini

Tim Brown, Norma’s son-in-law

Stacey, VanAntwerp’s daughter

Trish, Carolyn & Mike’s dtr-in-law

David, Rocky’s nephew

Terry, Barbara’s brother-in-law

Diana Sparks, Vera’s daughter

Karen Peabody, friend of Spaldings

Dave Barth’s mother

Emily, friend of Scarbroughs

Ray Conkling, Friend of Chereskins
Lent is coming soon!

Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, March 5th and ends at Easter.

During this time of preparation, the worship committee has many activities planned to help us slow down and reach out to God in worship, praise, meditation and prayer.

In addition to the worship services listed below the worship committee invites you to join in the following:

Read the Bible Aloud in the Sanctuary: Together as a congregation we will read the entire Bible aloud in the quiet of the sanctuary during lent. Come in anytime and begin reading where the previous person left off. Our goal will be to read the entire Bible aloud during the season of Lent.

Lent and Holy Week Devotional: The Elders at First Christian Church have written a short devotional for Lent and Holy Week. There is a devotion you can share and discuss with your family and friends during each week of Lent and then there is a devotion to share for each day of Holy Week.

Ash Wednesday: In addition to morning worship the sanctuary will be open until at least 7pm in the evening for those who wish to partake of communion and receive the ashes.

Choir: The choir will be singing for worship during the season of Lent. The choir will practice on Thursday’s at pm. Please come out and join this group to worship and praise God during this Holy Season of Lent.

Worship Services:

·  Ash Wednesday Morning Worship Service 7am

·  Maundy Thursday Sedar Supper Celebration

·  Maundy Thursday Worship Service 7pm

·  Good Friday Morning Worship 6:45am

·  Easter Sunday Worship 10:30am