February 4, 2016


This time of year is really fun, so much excitement and many things going on at HFSA right now!

Just before Christmas, we had the Holiday on Ice for those at levels 1-3. Many skaters filled the arena with a festive holiday skating spirit!

January 17th we held the Winter Exhibition for levels 4 & Up. Over 20 skaters participated to a crowd of over 150 people!

Currently many of the girls are getting ready for the Blaine Competition this weekend. Over 20 skaters will also participate in the Sioux Falls Competition on March 11, 12 & 13th.

A volunteer committee has been working diligently on the “Jenny Farley Figure Skating Room”. The plan is to tear apart and totally redo the figure skating room. Updated benches, wall hooks, storage area, desk, additional seating and new flooring will all be completed within the next couple months. Since there will be considerable costs involved with this project, we are starting a fundraising campaign to offset the costs of this new room to honor Jenny Farley. Part of the project will also include a granite memorial plaque in honor of Jenny that will be placed in the East Arena.

As we continue to prepare for the highlight of our season, there are still many things we are working on. We are still in need of two people to video the Saturday afternoon show and the Sunday afternoon show. If you can help out, please contact me or another board member. This will count toward your hours needed.

We have added an Alumni portion to the Saturday night show this year. I’m excited to let you know, at the current time, we have 20-25 alumni skaters coming back to participate. Should be a blast!

A couple reminders:

T  T-shirt orders for the show were due by February 3, 2016 so hopefully all that wanted a shirt were able to order online.

T  Picture day is Saturday, February 13, 2016 at the Arena

T  March 15, 2016 will be the end of the year banquet, just before Spring Break.

Hopefully all of you are enjoying a fun and successful year in anticipation for a great show on March 5th & 6th!

Rich Westlund, Co-President