This text is copied from my email conversations with Officer Slagter of Pacific PD in Washington

Hi Officer Slatger, I have a great deal more information about the report I made with you on Friday last. I'd like to share that with you at your earliest

convenience. I have a rather large amount of screen shots that I've saved from my research. Would you like me to send them through this email, or wait

until you can visit with me?

Mr. Shute,

I am off until next Monday. Please forward them to this email.

Were you able to contact the seller and request the phone be removed the the carrier's blocked list?

Ofc J Slagter

Pacific Police Department

Yes sir. I've had extensive text msg contact to and from Ms Humphrey.

I've also been in contact with T mobile who confirms that the device in question a T-Mobile special white w/gold trim edition Samsung Galaxy Note 3 IEMI#

359092055234490 was originally reported stolen in Jan of this year. They informed me that law enforcement only can get all the details, but that there was

an insurance claim made and paid out with a police report on 01/16/14.

I'm going to send you screen shots of all our text including from the beginning when/where we were going to meet. I'm sure not all of them will be relevant

but I will try to make notes to the what I consider to be the more important ones.

The facts are this: On April 30 2014 at apprx 10:20 pm My daughter in law Sharon Shute and myself met at the McDonald's off of hwy 512 @ Pacific Av

Spanaway WA with Jamara Renae Humphrey DOB 04/01/88 and her mother Donna Louise Boneske DOB 04/05/68 and Ms Humphreys 6 year old son.

They were there waiting in their vehicle a burgundy colored Jeep Liberty WA Licence plate 102 ZGW.

We met there to purchase the device described above after responding to an ad on craigslist.

We all went inside McDonald's where we installed the SIM card Sharons phone. I activated the mobile hotspot on my own phone because the Note 3 wasn't

getting a data signal. Sharon called me from the Note 3 and at this point everything "seemed" to be ok.

Sharon and Ms Humphrey then proceeded to get on T-Mobile website to check the IEMI info. I did not watch what number they put in for that and here is where

the first problem began.

Ms Humphrey maintains that she has had this phone rooted/unlocked so that it can be used on ATT network and that is why the phone has a different IEMI *note

below*. I admit I should have known better but she seemed like such a nice young lady that that part didn't raise the big red flag that it should have.

**Note** T-Mobile says that there is absolutely no legal reason for that IEMI number to not match the one under the battery and the one displayed in the

settings menu under about device-IMEI.

We paid Ms Humphrey $450 and she and her mother left.

After getting something to eat and returning to our own vehicle Sharon removed the SIM card from the Note 3 so she could get some needed information from

her original phone. I would estimate that from the time we made test call on the Note 3 until the time we switched the SIM card back to her original phone

and then returned it to the Note 3 was between 30-45 minutes. I will explain shortly why this is important.

After returning the SIM card back into the Note 3 it popped up the red flag/blocked icon at the top of the screen. Having had problems with SIM cards

before in other devices I mistakenly assumed that it was either a SIM card malfunction or due to the fact that Ms Humphrey had not performed a factory reset

on her phone before selling it to us. At this point I was not as concerned as it turns out that I should have been for those reasons. Sharon and I returned

home deciding to wait until the next day Thursday 05/01/2014 to address the issue and perhaps go to T-Mobile if needed for a new SIM card.

Sharon had a busy schedule on Thursday causing us to have to wait until after she returned from work on Friday evening 05/02/2014. In the meantime I had

begun to do some research on the internet and discovered other possible and unsettling reasons for the malfunction.

I believe Ms Humphrey deliberately did not factory reset her phone because if she had it would have shown up defective right then.

I backed up her contact information and preformed a factory reset before Sharon got home and the phone reverted to Korean language and shows the real IEMI

number in the about phone menu in settings. I did not see the number that Ms Humphrey claimed to be the altered one that she entered to show us that night

was free and clear.

Believing myself to be the possible victim of a crime I contacted you that evening shortly after that. 05/02/2014. At that time I didn't have as much

information about Ms Humphrey and her mother as I now do.

Over the weekend I did more research and tried to restore from backup on the device which failed.

As per your request and after some more research I began trying to contact Ms Humphrey to see if she would be willing to help rectify the situation. No

answer to calls made to her. I recovered her email address from contact info and sent her an email to:

I will forward you that email. Which was sent Sunday 05/04/2014

In it I informed Ms Humphrey that we had a problem and asking her what her choice would be for dealing with it. Having done a background check on Ms

Humphrey I attached for her to that email my preliminary notes from said background check in the hopes that she would know that I was serious and that our

problem was not going to just go away. Since that time I've done more research on her mother and other members of her family and found criminal behavior

seems to be part of her upbringing. Her mother has an extensive criminal history in particular. I make mention of this because her mother witnessed this

exchange and therefore may or may not be complicit in what I am certain at this point was a crime.

On Sunday 05/04/2014 at 6:13 pm I sent Ms Humphrey the same msg in a text that I had sent to her email. She responded to that text at 9:09 pm that night.

Her defense, that because she demonstrated the phone to work to us (I must admit had me confused until T-Mobile rep explained to me that even a blocked and

reported stolen device will function for a short time when a different SIM card is installed and then it will stop functioning).

She claims that we must have done something to the device to cause the problem. This problem occurred shortly after she left us causing me to believe

perhaps she called the phone in lost or missing.

You will see in her text to me that she claims to have paid 800.00 for this phone and she admits that the IEMI was altered in some way at her request

therefore she knowingly committed or caused a crime to be committed (according to T-Mobile).

In my conversations with T-Mobile I was able to ascertain that the original block and stolen report on this device was 01/16/2014. They informed me that law

enforcement has a special number to contact them thru their fraud/legal division.

We went back and forth Sunday and Monday as you will see in our text.

Of note.. After I, and then she spoke with Officer Stevens at your PD, she actually phoned me and made an offer to refund the money or have her friend who

changed the IEMI, to change it back. I told her that at this point knowing what I did know about this device I was absolutely not interested in her friend

"fixing" it and that for her to return our money and her to get her device back and have her friend do whatever she wanted him to do with it would put us

right where we started, me with my money, her with her device, sounded fine with me and where would she like to meet for this transaction. She replied she

would discuss this with her fiance and text me later with meet info. She did text me later, but then she wants me to accept 200.00 refund take it or leave

it. I responded no to that and informed her that I intended to continue with criminal charges.

I did some further research on Ms Humphrey and was able to ascertain that she is on pre-trial probation in Piece Co. I contacted to District court there and

they were able to give me the name of her PO a Celeste Flowers who was not in her office Monday 05/05/2014 but would be back the next day.

I made mention of all the information that I had available on Ms Humphrey and the device in question, to her in the hopes again that she would understand

that I was not bluffing and that she was indeed facing serious charges. She accused me of stalking and harassing her and threatened to pursue harassment

charges against me. I told her to please do that and gave her my name and phone number and asked her to contact Officer Stevens, which I assume she did as

he mistakenly called me back trying to reach her.

Officer Slagter I apologize for this report being so very long. I wanted to make sure you have as much information as I have. I will send those

screenshots of our text back and forth and hope you receive them in an order that makes sense to you. I will also send you an image from the bad IEMI

phone. I have pictures from her Facebook and her mother's Facebook accounts that I positively identify to be the two women who meet with us on 04/30/2014.

I've got an image of her taking a selfie of herself with a device just like the one described. Also a screenshot of her claiming to have a gun in her bag

back in March although that is completely unrelated to this case just FYI.

The IEMI she now claims was on that phone is: 357 518 052 917 606

There is a note in one of her txt stating that. And then she sent me the screen shot of that number being clear on T-Mobile.

I will send those images in next email post. Please contact me if you need for me to clarify anything.

Thank you and regards,

Randy Shute

206 550 5470