This section is an integral part of the tender documentation for the design, construction, fitting-out, maintenance and dismantling/demolition of the Romania Pavilion at Expo 2015 Milano, Italy and it represents the whole set of basic requirements based on which each tenderer elaborates the technical proposal.
The requirements imposed through this Tender Book shall be considered as minimal. If any of the tenderers fail to comply with one or more of the requirements, the respective tender shall be rejected as inadequate (irregular).
The technical specifications which indicate a certain origin, source, production, a special procedure, a trade mark, patent, manufacturing licence, are mentioned for the easy identification of the product type and do not result in favouring or exclusion of certain economic operators or products. Such specifications shall be understood as having the mention similar or equivalent.
The tenderer shall elaborate its technical proposal as a project for the Romania pavilion at Expo Milano 2015, taking in consideration the architectural solution (attached information, plans and 3D model) provided by the contracting authority (hereinafter referred to as “Employer”) and the applicable provisions of the Italian legislation and of the specific regulations for Expo Milano 2015, containing, without limiting to those mentioned, at least:
Technical details of the Pavilion Foundation executed by Expo S.p.A. 2015
Technology Services Guide for Self Built
Guidelines Self Built Hygiene and safety for food area_2
Works Management Guidelines for SELF-BUILT EXHIBITION SPACES
Sustainable Solutions Guidelines and Green Procurement Guidelines
Guidelines LOGISTICS
General Regulation and Special Regulations (SR) 1-10 of Expo Milano 2015
Considering this requirement, all the participating tenderers shall analyze, from the perspective of the Italian legislation and all applicable regulations for Expo Milano 2015, the design and the materials that make up the technical solution based on which the Romania pavilion shall be constructed and fitted-out and they shall indicate, within the offer they are to submit, whether there are any legal impediments to obtain the necessary approvals and authorizations and in case of such impediments, they shall propose solutions for the overcoming of these impediments. Those solutions, and the consequently modifications, shall be proposed only in case that the project or details of the project are in contradiction with the Italian legislation and/or Expo Milano 2015 regulations, norms or specifications.
The tenderer declared winner of the tender (hereinafter referred to as “Contractor”) shall have to follow, under the coordination of the team entrusted with the supervision and the verification of the works (hereinafter referred to as “Supervisor”), the procedures for obtaining all the necessary authorizations, licenses and approvals, according to the Italian legislation and other applicable regulations for Expo Milano 2015, as well as to respect the existing Foundation, in view of setting up the Romania Pavilion.
For the construction of the pavilion, Romania was given an887sqm lot; index S30, located in the center of the exhibition.
The Romanian Pavilionembodies thesynthesisbetweennatural, traditional and a contemporarylifestyle with the related technology. It consists of two levels: the first one, the ground floor level with the ability to spread the necessary information about the country, where the interior walls (except for the exterior structural ones, made up by laminated wooden panels) are in fact media walls, that can rotate around an axis and allow total flexibility to the space and then there is the next level, the first floor, that shelters the restaurant, which will also become dual, so that in addition to beams, wooden floors and the thatched roof it can coexist with LCD displays, glass tiles, stainless steel cables and so on, all describing the idea of harmony between natureand traditionon one handand technologyon the other.
Thesecontrasts of naturaland technological, traditional and contemporary detectbetween thesetwo levels, the neutral ground floor endowedwith hightechnology and the first floor with restaurant and a the traditionalhouse, interpretedin acontemporarymannerwith the gardensurrounding it.
The main entranceintothe pavilion is from the DecumanusBoulevard, on awooden, waterproofed, walkwayservingalso as awaiting area. Adjacent tothis bridgeisthe queuing and resting areawith chairs,specially placedfor visitorswaiting toexplore the pavilion.
An important element wherewith the visitor comes in contactatthe entrance of thepavilionis the water that floodsanecologicalpondclaiming the presence of the Danube Delta, anaturalelement with a unique environmentin Europe and a defininggeographical landscape for Romania. A part of thiswater, boarded by a channelthat collects the excess wateranddirectsitto thesewer,is re used for the maintenance of the pavilion.
In theaccess area, thefloorplaniscontinued by verticalpanelsflankingthe entrancebridgeand suggesting apan flute, an instrument deeplyrootedin the Romanianculture.
Once insidetheground floor, built asaneutralvolumewhere the light isfilteredby the structural laminated wooden panels, guests will get in touchwith a space like a whitebox, that housesversatiletechnologieslike interior LED screens, thatcomposethe interior walls of the ground floor, where you cansee and hear, through interaction, the landscapes, customs, traditionsand figures ofRomania. The adjacent areas of this white box, representing a multifunctional hall, are differentiated by specific themes: Biodiversity, Agriculture and Green Energy, Fruits and Vegetables, Culture and Tradition and Culinary Arts, while the visitation flow is designed as a path thought out to correlate the movies and the images shown on these LED screens while passing through the above mentioned areas.
The center multifunctionalhall may host live performancesof classical musicor folk music, non-verbal theater, photography and paintingexhibitions, film screenings, etc., and also eventsfor economic, touristic or scientific promotion, with the involvement ofspecialized public, for each ofthese options, the walls become the support for the thematicbackground of these artisticmanifestations.
The exterior walls, which filter the light throughtransparentglassstripsbonded between the structural, laminated wooden panels, become a support inpresenting certainitemsrelated toRomaniancivilization, especially the ones related to agricultureand food industryandelements related toculture.Thesesupports aremade of white wooden boxesplaced atdifferent heights (generated bythe wood strengthening) and adjusted according to thedistances betweenthe panels.
The administrativeareaconsists of a reception room,surveillance room, meeting room/officefor the General Commissioner, administration, bathrooms, locker room for the staffand a montcharge used for garbagedisposal. The garbagewill bestored in aspecialroomlocatedin thestairs area, on the south side(closed with plasterboard walls on one side and double insulated glass covered with a translucent sheet)andevicted on a service exit,which does not interferewiththevisitors.
Also onthe ground floor we find the sales areawith traditionalproducts, a small shopsupplied enough toprovide visitors books,CDs,DVDs,souvenirs. The secondary accessis located on the east sideand on thesouth side we find the staffaccessandserviceaccess.
Oncethe ground floor iscrossed andthe visitor isbriefed with the keyaspectsthat make upour country'sprofile, he accedesto thefloor either by anelevatoror by the exteriorstairsflanking the pavilion on the short sides. Forfluency, the movement in the Pavilionis guidedbyLED lights recessed in the structuralpanels onthe contourof the ground floor, their presencemarking thevisitor flow as well.
Upstairsisthe restaurant,withthe appearance oftraditionalhouseinterpreted in amodernmanner, but whoproposed tokeepthe perennialelementsoftraditional architecture: thatchedroof, beamsjointsthat make upthe walls, and the most importantaspect represented by the presence of the porch suggested by the roof, that generously shelters the perimeterareasof the building. This rustichousestructure is alternated withstrips ofglass, therefore allowing prospectstowardstothe courtyard,harmonizing the indoor-outdoorrelationship. The access areaincludes, besides the elevator, the guest bathrooms with an additional hallway.
In the centeroftherestaurant is the presentation andsales area, having a suspended LCD screen structure, composed of four media sideswhich present the menu, products and dishesfromvariousparts of the country, and also movies andimagesthat shape the gastronomical profile of Romania. Warm and cold showcasesensure the adequatestorage temperatures. This level has also adressingareaandbathroom, specifically for the pavilions staff. The kitchenis located on the split floor and the products areloweredby amontcharge into the restaurant area.
Therestaurantis locatedin the middle ofa garden offruit trees, aromatic herbs and flowers.Gardenwillbe watered by an irrigationsystem, supplied froma tanklocatedin the ground, accumulatingrainwater. It alsouseswater fromcondensationandair conditioning, hiddenin the ceiling on the ground floor and the upstairsunits arelocatedunderthe restaurant, so that the required installations, the tubing, do notinterfere withtheinterior design.
On the perimeterof the garden a 50cm thick and 110 cm high wheatcord will be planted, grownalternatively(on different ages) so that itdoes not exceedthe periodof maturityduring the exhibition,representinga symboloffoodand agricultureingeneral. The all around glassrailingfrom the firstfloor, in addition to safety, allow the garden and mainly the wheat belt to be seen in its full splendor.
The thatched roof and the garden are elements in the spirit of the exhibition, fulfilling the requirements of the organizers that 50% of the coverage should be plants.
One of the key aspects is to produce renewable energy; therefore we placed photovoltaic panels (opaque) on the ground floor, between the structural laminated panels, that are able to provide the energy requirements for the water pumps. The panels divide the space between these structural panels, they are combined with transparent windows on the two longer sides of the pavilion (east and west) and on the shorter side, facing south, there are only photovoltaic panels and the northern side only clear glass. On the southern side there are two solar panels placed on a platform in the water, hiding the pumps and the water filtering station in a waterproof concrete casing.
A. Technical specifications for Design
In order to execute the first determinate stage of this Project, the Contractor shall have the obligation and the responsibility to perform theactivities in full accordance with the applicable Italian legislation as well as with the regulations, participation guidelines and any other general or special documents issued by organisers regarding the Expo Milano 2015. The project for the pavilion execution will be elaborated by an authorized designer, with signature right, according to the provisions of the applicable Italian legislation, for all specialties, respectively: architecture, structure, installations (sanitary, electrical, HVAC, low voltage and so on).
For the installation part of the project, a special attention must be given to the requirements imposed by GUIDELINES TECHNICAL SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS and Technology Services Guide for Self Built issued by the organisers of Expo Milano 2015.
The Contractor shall undertake the obligation to elaborate the design in accordance with the architectural solution provided by the Employer and, for that purpose, the design will comply with the functions, gauges and all the information in general included in the present documentation.
The Contractor undertakes to prepare, under the coordination of the Supervisor, all documents, detailed plans, drawings, etc. necessary for obtaining any authorisations, approvals, permits, etc. necessary according to the applicable Italian legislation and to the regulations, participation guidelines, and any other general or special documents issued by organizersregarding the Expo Milano 2015.
1. Preliminary project (PP) shall contain written documentation and drawings, in accordance with the specifications of the “Application for the approval of the preliminary design for Self Build Participant Exhibition Space”:
a. written documentation: descriptions, detailed indication of the materials, equipments and installations, schedule of works etc.;
- drawings: plans, facades, characteristic sections, indication of technical solutions in the drawings, as modified in case that they are not in correspondence with the Italian legislation and/or Expo Milano 2015 regulations, norms or specifications.
The Contractor shall have the obligation to elaborate:
a.2 original copies of the preliminaryproject and 2electronic copies, in English language, which will contain: written documentation (doc. and xls. format), drawn documentation ( dwg. and pdf format), 3D model of the pavilion ( dwg. / 3D studio format ), for the Employer.
b.the necessary number of original copies, as required by the Italian legislation and by the Expo Milano 2015 regulations.
- Detailed Design (DD) shall contain written documentation and drawings, in accordance with the specifications of the “Application for Approval of the Detailed Design and Building permit – Request for authorisation to initiate work of temporary Self Build Participant Exhibition Space”:
a.written documentation : indication of the specific solutions for the methods of work
b.drawings: plans, facades, characteristic sections, indication of technical solutions in the drawings, as modified in case that they are not in correspondence with the Italian legislation and/or Expo Milano 2015 regulations, norms or specifications.
The Contractor shall have the obligation to elaborate:
- 2 original copies of the detailed project and 2 electronic copies, in English language, which will contain: written documentation (doc. and xls. format), drawn documentation ( dwg. and pdf format), 3D model of the pavilion ( dwg. / 3D studio format ), for the Employer.
- the necessary number of original copies, as required by the Italian legislation and by the Expo Milano 2015 regulations.
The Contractor shallelaborate the PP and DD, under the coordination of the Supervisor, in order to be submittedto the organizer and to the relevant authorities. The activity of the Contractor shall be considered compliant with the Expo’s regulations and the applicable relevant law once the Authorisation/Approval for the execution of the construction is obtained.
The Contractor shall update the 3D model of the pavilion according with the approved execution details, and shall made it available to the Employer, in order to be integrated in the Cyber Expo platform, respecting the minimum requirements imposed by the organizers of Expo Milano 2015.
The Contractor shall submit the Design phase to the Supervisor, in order to call for the Employer’s acceptance, only after obtaining the Authorisation/Approval for the execution of the construction.
B. Technical specifications for construction works andfitting-out
In order to execute this Project, the Contractor shall have the obligation to perform the following works, in full accordance with the applicable Italian legislation as well as with the regulations, participation guidelines and any other general or special documents issued by organisers regarding Expo Milano 2015:
1.execution of all construction works;
2.interior/exterior fitting-out;
3.supply of the Pavilion with the goods and equipment mentioned in the tender book
The Contractor shall not initiate any works without the prior approval of the Supervisor.In order to execute the above-mentioned works, the Contractor shall also have to procure and deliver all materials, tools, equipment, plants, installations and any other necessary endowments or goods.
The Contractor also undertakes to prepare, under the coordination of the Supervisor, any documents, detail plans, drawings, etc. necessary for obtaining any authorisations, approvals, permits, etc. according to the applicable Italian legislation and to the regulations, participation guidelines and any other general or special documents issued by organizers regarding Expo Milano 2015.
The Contractor shall execute the works in a manner fitted to cause as little inconvenience as possible to the constructive structures or services in the work site, taking actions in order not to hinder circulation and access, as well as to avoid the destruction or degradation of surrounding buildings, common areas etc.
The Contractor shall also take all necessarymeasures to guard the materials and tools brought to the construction site, the Employer having no responsibility on them.
The Contractor is required to guard the construction site until the acceptance of works, being liable for any defects or deterioration of the construction or thesurrounding buildings.
In addition to this, the Contractor shall take measures for fire prevention at the site of the work, being liable forany damage that may occur by fire, both to the work site and the surrounding construction, in the absence of such measures, the Employer having no responsibilityregarding the violations of those regulations.
Also, the Contractor shall strictly follow all regulations for work safety and environment protection, the Employer having no responsibility regarding the violations of those regulations.
For the purpose of the works, the following determinate stagesshall be observed, in accordance with the technical specifications required in Annex no. 2(2.A Summary, 2.B Technical Specifications, 2.C Drawings, 2.D 3D Model) of the present documentation:
B.I.1.a. Layer of white gravel particles embedded in a colourless resin finish
B.I.1.b. Layer of white gravel particles embedded in a colourless resin finish applied on the surface of the ecological pond + Grate for the drain + Cover for the water control station
B.I.1.c. Concrete blocks
B.I.1.d. Leveling screed from lightweight concrete for the ground floor
B.II.1.a. Laminated wooden beams
B.II.1.b. Fitting screed under the metal profiles for the wooden panels
B.II.1.c. Wooden strengthening between the laminated wood panels
B.II.1.d. Fastening of the laminated wooden beams
B.II.1.e. Wood log structure for the first floor house
B.II.1.f. Roof structure for the first floor house
B.II.1.g. Surrounding glass closing
B.II.1.h. Tempered glass covers + gutters + downpipes
B.II.1.i. Wooden platform covering the stair area
B.II.1.j. Photovoltaic panels
B.II.1.k. Access stairs to the garden
B.II.1.l. Access stairs to the kitchen
B.II.1.m. Execution of the terrace layers
B.II.1.n. Thatched roof