Ministry of Forests & Range DR# nn - ####

Ministry of Forests & Range

LBIS Funding Request Form

Investment Category: Current Reforestation
Investment Category Contact: Stewart Guy
Amount Requested: $400,000
Request Rationale (no more than 1 page):
Business rationale (include benefit/cost impacts):
Describe the issue being addressed including:
a)  The size and general area of impact within the province. Area impacted by Mountain Pine Beetle and recent wildfires in both the NIFR and SIFR.
b)  How much total funding would be required to resolve the issue. Approximately $800,000 (+$160k salary or is this another balance altogether?) to provide strategic and operational level guidance for reforestation activities to assist in watershed hydrologic recovery at the provincial scale.
c)  How long it would take to resolve the issue at the proposed funding level. Continued funding at the current level for two more years (2011/2012 – 2012/2013).
Provide a brief description of
a)  magnitude of the impact in addressing the Land Based Investment Strategy goals, objectives, and strategic priorities resulting from the investment;
Investments made will have a relatively large impact at assisting in meeting goals related to “ well-managed forest and range resources” and “coordinated and integrated planning and use of forest and range resources” and priorities of “ best return on investments and activities on the forest and range land base”. The investments will do this by providing strategic to operational-level professional guidance to incorporate strategies and management approaches and treatments that minimize additional impacts and assist the recovery of non-timber values during reforestation activities. These benefits will be delivered with minimal cost to the program.
b)  multiple benefits that can be achieved from the investment;
Investments in this category will assist in both the recovery of hydrologic function in important community and fisheries sensitive watersheds, habitat recovery for ungulates and other wildlife species where areas overlap, and recovery of timber values, without limiting potential future markets and consideration of changing climates. Proper strategic planning will help ensure expenditures of resources and investments are directed to maximize benefits for timber and non-timber resources at a minimal cost while still remaining operational.
c)  how the investment addresses structural timber supply or ecological integrity issues
Investments will assist in strategic planning of reforestation activities to be best directed to address both structural timber and ecological integrity issue , specifically watershed hydrologic function. The investment will strive to identify areas in the province where reforestation treatments can be conducted to maximize both timber and hydrologic recovery.
d)  any specific biological windows that would impact success related to the investment.
Nothing specific noted.
Amount Allocated (to be filled out by FPIB):
Allocation Rationale (to be filled out by FPIB):