
This Release Content Letter (RCL) announces the new version of NJSAMS3.0. This release includes the new features for Interim Managing Entity (IME)and a number of maintenance fixes/enhancement requests. The last paragraph describes a procedural step needed to complete an assessment authorization for agencies with multiple sites. It is important for agencies to read the last paragraph.

Main Features of NJSAMS 3.0

  1. New IME User Roles
    NJSAMS 3.0 introduces user roles with varied access across the application.

A.Screener Role

i.Can create new client recordsand has the ability to:
a.Enter DASIE Registration, INP, UNCOPE, IE and PE
b.Issue Assessment Authorization to Service Provider for IME managed

c. Make referrals to service provider for Non-IME managed services.

ii.Can search all existing client records by filtering on agency

iii.Can view client’s records registered by service providers inreadonly mode

iv.If consumer is referred by service provider to IME, they can
a. Transfer DASIERegistration, INP, UNCOPE and IE/PE information to IME
b. Revise Registration, Immediate Need Profile (INP), UNCOPE (if any), Income andProgram Eligibility (IE and PE).

B.Utilization Management Role

In addition to Screener role access, Utilization Management role,which includes Care Coordinator, has the ability to view existing individual and summary reportsof:
a. ASI, BioPsychoSocial,DSM IV and LOCI-2R
b. Admission and Discharge

C.Supervisor Role
In addition to Utilization Management role access, Supervisor Role also has the ability to

i.View and print individual and summary report

ii.Create trouble tickets in Ticket Management System (TMS)

D.Admin Role
In addition to Supervisor Role Access, Admin Role also has the ability to create/remove/reset user and login credential

  1. DASIE Registration
    DASIE is split into Registration and Income/Program Eligibility in NJSAMS 3.0 to allow access to screening tools right after registering the Client’s demographic information.

A.Registration is the only accordion.

B.In the event of a Client ID conflict or data mismatch while entering DASIE Registration,
the IME user,

i.Can continue by entering dummy SSN number “222-22-2222”.

ii.Can refer Clients with SSN “222-22-2222” to a Service Provider.

iii.Cannot secure and/or issue assessment authorization for Clients with SSN “222-22-2222”.

iv.Even if the IME user receives the message “Active in Another Agency” while client registration, the IME user has ability to continue and secure/issue assessment authorization and refer to a service provider.

C.The Service Provider will continue to use 999-99-9999 in the event of a Client ID conflict.

  1. DASIE Income and Program Eligibility
    DAISE contains the following accordions:

A.Client Income Information

B.Household Members Information

C.Medicaid/WFNJ/Private Insurance

D.Program Eligibility for FFS

E.Final DASIE + Report

F.Eligibility Summary

G.Summary of benefits

The data fields remain the same from NJSAMS

  1. Screening Tools
    This release introduces two screening tools:
  1. Immediate Need Profile (INP) – (Mandatory IME and Service Provider)
    INP is an assessment of risk and clinical acuity at each of the ASAM dimensions to help determine appropriate level of care for the client.
  2. UNCOPE (Mandatory for IME and optional for Service Provider)
    The UNCOPE is a six-item screen designed to identify alcohol and/or drug abuse or dependence in a broad range of populations. The UNCOPE items identify indications of abuse or dependence based on part of the DSM diagnostic criteria for substance use disorder. Two items cover abuse and two cover DSM abuse criteria.
  1. NOTES
    “NOTES” is a communication medium between a Service Provider and IME for a particular client starting from registration to all consumer’s assessments, evaluations and activities/treatment services until the consumer is discharged from the Service Provider.
  1. NOTES can be viewed within same Service Provider (not fromService Provider to Service provider).
  2. IME can view notes from all Service Providers across the client episodes.
  3. NOTES are episode based. Notes fromprevious episode can be retrieved they are not co-mingled.
  4. NOTES are written with a timestamp and User ID.
  5. NOTES cannot be deleted.
  1. Referral clients List

Referral Clients list has the list of consumers referred to/from IME.

Only for IME:

i.“Referrals by IME”: The list consists of consumers referred by IME to a service provider. Client can be searched by Service Provider, Client ID (or) Last Name and Status. “Status” represents client’s current status at service provider after referral from IME.

ii.“Referrals to IME”: The list consists of consumers referred by Service Provider to IME. Consumer can be searched by Service Provider, Client ID (or) Last Name.

The IME will have access to all referrals to/from IME for all Service Providers.

Only for Service Providers:

“Referral Clients List”for service providers has the list of clients referred from IDRC,
SBIRT,CPSAI and MATI,DOC-EFE, IME and Clients referred To IME.

  1. Message Queue

Message Queue provides an ability to communicate via “NOTES” between service provider and IME. The message is queued under “Message Queue”. The yellow asterisk indicates that there is a new “Note” message.

  1. Mandating DSM IV

DSM IV is mandated for all clients to continue LOCI and then to admission.

  1. Assessment Authorization

A.IME Managed Initiatives (DUII, SJI, MATI) :

i.Clients registered with IME : IME will complete Registration, Screening, Income/Program Eligibility, Secure Assessment Authorization and refers the Client to treatment agency.

B.Clients registered with Service Provider: Service provider will complete Registration, Screening, Income/Program Eligibility and sends a request to IME to secure Assessment Authorization.
Non-IME Managed Initiatives: (DC, SPB, DOC, RRI):

i.Clients registered with IME: IME will complete Registration, Screening, Income/Program Eligibility and refers the Client to treatment agency without Assessment Authorization.

ii.Clients registered with Service Provider: Service provider will complete Registration, Screening, Income/Program Eligibility and secure Assessment Authorization.

  1. Reports – Client’s individual reports are now in one place and can be accessed from “Reports” button in the left navigation panel.

For example; to view/print admitted client’s report click on the “Reports” button after logging in and IME users will see the corresponding report buttons according to user role as shown below.
Sample Individual Report Menu

  1. Consumer Status

Previously in NJSAMS the only Status was Admitted, Discharged and “blank”. In this release the status will reflect the last saved module (e.g. DASIE, INP, LOCI etc.).

  1. Maintenance Fixes

A.In Admission and Discharge Modules a number of “fields/questions” have been changed to “required fields” to meet Federal Data collection requirements for TEDS and NOMs criteria.

B.If mandated field(s) is/are skipped the consumer status will be displayed as “Admission in Progress” for admission and “Discharge in Progress” for discharge.

C.During the development of 3.0, we have made a fix in the time-out functionality. At this point we have not recreated the problem in our test environment. However, if you experience this in NJSAMS 3.0 please create a ticket so we can continue to investigate the issue.

  1. Assessment Authorization (Site License, Funding source, start date)

Procedural Consideration

For agencies with multiple sites after the assessment authorization request, add a comment in the NOTES for the consumer stating the referred site license, funding source and start date for which authorization is needed. This information is necessary for IME to approve the assessment authorization.

  1. Maintenance Fixes ( 3.0.1, 3.0.2, 3.0.3 and 3.0.4)

A.Message Queue: At service provider end, message queue was listing all clients who havemessages regardless of whether the consumer is in their agency or not.This issue has been resolved in 3.0.1 release

B.Assessment Authorization Approved list was displaying unapproved assessment requests with an authorization number of “None”. The issue was, if provider obtained treatment authorization for the client, before IME approves the same client’s assessment authorization, it was moved to approved list. This issue has been resolved in 3.0.2 release

C.Enable DASIE:DASIE is being locked once the client has been admitted. Service providers were unable to change client’s eligibility while client being treated. This issue has been resolved by un-locking the DASIE in 3.0.3 release. DASIE will be locked only if client discharge process has been initiated.

D.Enable Discharge: Discharge section is being locked and prevents service providers to edit this sectionif client’s discharge date is back-dated to more than 30 days. This issue has been resolved in 3.0.3 releaseby enabling discharge section for 90 days from client’s discharge date.

E.Enable Medicaid: Medicaid option “Yes” is being disabled by the system if client’s FPL is greater than 133%. This issue has been resolved in 3.0.4 releaseby enabling Medicaid option “Yes” if client’s FPL is greater than 133%.0

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