16 Berkley Dr., St. Catharines
L2M 6B8
PHONE : 905-934-7344
(FAX) 905-934-3723
/ Principal: D.Harley
Secretary: D. McLachlan


Message from Mr. Harley

November is the month we take the time to honour our veterans and at the same time, celebrate peace. At times, it is easy to take this country and our Charter of Rights for granted. We believe we live in a country which offers us a high standard of living and values a strong public education system. However, it is imperative that we take the time to remember those who paid the supreme price so we could enjoy all that this democracy has to offer. We ask you, as parents and as educators, to take the time with your family to remember those who have proudly defended our country and those who have served in peacekeeping operations around the world. Canadians are respected around the world as a nation of peacekeepers. We have a proud tradition of maintaining peace. Be proud to be a Canadian, celebrate this nation and all that it has to offer but most of all, remember those who gave their lives so that we could enjoy this land. Parents are welcome to attend the Remembrance Day Assembly being held on Tuesday November11th at 11:00 am in the gymnasium.

yours in education



School Goals:

1. To improve student achievement in Math in all grades by selecting the appropriate evidence based instructional strategies.

2.To Improve Literacy Acquisition in Primary Grades.

Culture of Beliefs and Understandings of the staff of E.I. McCulley:

  • "A culture of high expectations supports the belief that all students can learn, progress and achieve. "
  • All students can achieve high levels of academic excellence given sufficient time and support
  • All teachers can teach to high standards
  • High expectations and early intervention are essential
  • We will be successful!

ABC, 123—Literacy Matters in Math

  • What is mathematical literacy?
  • The OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) (OECD, 1999) defines mathematical literacy as: an individual’s capacity to identify and understand the role that mathematics plays in the world, to make well-founded mathematical judgments and to engage in mathematics, in ways that meet the needs of that indi-vidual’s current and future life as a constructive, concerned and reflective citizen. (p. 41)
  • Mathematical literacy encompasses the ability to:
  • Estimate in numerical or geometric situations, know and understand mathematical concepts and proce-dures, question, reason and solve problems, make connections within mathematics, and between mathe-matics and life, generate, interpret and compare data, communicate mathematical reasoning
  • Mathematical literacy also includes understanding the value of mathematics and having the inclination and the confidence to use it.
  • How do you help your child to be mathematically literate?
  • Everyone can learn math. First and foremost, believe in your child’s ability to learn mathematics. Every-one can improve when provided with good teaching, coaching, encouragement and practice. Do have high expectations for your child. Research shows that when you believe your child can learn, he/she will rise to the expectation. Do talk with your child’s teacher about how you can help and support her mathematical development. Do talk about mathematics in a positive way. Your positive attitude and valuing of mathe-matics are infectious.
  • Do share your day-to-day math experiences with your child, and discuss: video and computer games, television shows, e.g. The Learning Channel, Books - “Counting on Frank” & ”Stormy Weather”
  • Do encourage personal responsibility for learning. Emphasize that effort is as important as ability.
  • Do support your child through homework by listening and asking questions:
  • Allow your child to struggle through the process of problem-solving. Discuss mistakes as learning opportunities.
  • Help your child by asking questions:
  • What do you need to find out? Tell me what you know…
  • Show me what you started…What can you try first?
  • Can you make a drawing or picture? Will a list or table help?



E.I. McCulley School has purchased DreamBox Learning’s Math Program. This is an exciting and fun online math program that helps all students achieve better, faster math proficiency.

Your child can access DreamBox from any computer, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. There is no software to download. All you need is a high-speed internet connection and Adobe Flash. Adobe Flash is free and is included with many internet browsers.

The link to use from home is


You can also receive additional support by contacting DreamBox Client Care at 877- 451-7845 or email .

CHI Helmets Are Back!

The Canadian Helmet Initiative will be once again sending forms to DSBN schools. Canada Helmet Initiative works with all schools across Canada supplying low cost helmets to students.

When ordering helmets from CHI, $1 from each helmet ordered will go back to the Education Foundation of Niagara!

Please note: these helmets will not be delivered until March 12th, 2015.

Distribution and collection process – CHI will send out all order forms Last week of October 2014.

• Order forms need to be returned with payment to the school by Friday, November 14, 2014

• CHI will deliver helmets the week of March 11, 2015.

• Schools Distribute helmets to students week of March 12, 2015.

PA Day Friday November 14th

There is no school on Friday November 14th due to Professional Teacher Development.


Name / Grade / Award
Mackenzey K. / FDK1 / Academic
Josh A. / FDK1 / Responsibility
Naomi B. / FDK2 / Academic
Tyrone T. / FDK2 / Responsibility
Colin R. / Gr. 1/2 / Academic
Alexis M. / Gr. 1/2 / Responsibility
Jesse K. / Gr. 1-1 / Academic
Jaysen C. / Gr. 1-1 / Responsibility
Hailey H. / Gr. 2/3 / Academic
Ryan C. / Gr. 2/3 / Responsibility
Tori E. / Gr. 3/4 / Academic
Lucia A. / Gr. 3/4 / Responsibility
Hailey H. / Gr. 4/5 / Academic
Jadin N. / Gr. 4/5 / Responsibility
Layla P. / Gr. 5/6 / Academic
Kali H. / Gr. 5/6 / Responsibility
Brennan A. / Gr. 7/8 / Academic
Lizbeth M. / Gr. 7/8 / Responsibility
Kallan I. / LRT / Responsibility
Bryden R. / Principal / Responsibility
Kalyssa J. / FSL / Responsibility & Academic

Remembrance Day November 11th

Our Remembrance Day Assembly will be held on November 11th at 11:00 am. All parents are welcome to attend.


On Wednesday Oct. 23, E.I.McCulley staff and students had the privilege of hosting Acoustic Opera at the school. Dave and Blake entertained us with three performances (Kindergarten, Gr. 1-4 and Gr. 5-8). Both gentlemen have combined their musical and motivational forces to address the ugly world of bullying through sound, speech, story and musical stylings…and tuxedos. Blake and David made our kids realize that being different is powerful, and that appreciating those differences is essential to doing well in school and in life. All participants do realize the strengths in every student and practical ways to foster positive relationships. Please visit their web-site at to learn more. You can also find them on instagram at #daveandblake. Can you complete their challenge and tell 3 different people they are awesome to-day?

School Council Meeting

Our next school council meeting is Tuesday November 25th at 6:00 pm. All are welcome.

E. I. McCulley's Student Council

A big thank you to all of the grade 7 & 8's for their preparation and hard work on their Student Council Campaign! Also to the grade 4's, 5's, and 6's for their efforts in running to be their class Student Council Representative! Congratulations to the following students:

Prime Minister - Bishop

Deputy Prime Minister - Alexei

Treasurer - Jasmine

Secretary - Lizbeth

Grade 7/8 Class Representative - Daniel

Grade 5/6 Class Representative – Jessi

Grade 4/5 Class Representative - Sierra

Grade 3/4 Class Representative – Aidan

We are looking forward to a great year! We know you will all do an excellent job!

Parent Involvement Committee Conference

Wednesday, November 5, 2014
4:00 - 8:15 pm
Eden High School
535 Lake Street
St. Catharines, ON
List of topics and speakers for DSBN Parent Involvement Conference 2014

(e) – topic of interest to parents of elementary students
(s) – topic of interest to parents of secondary students
(e & s) – topic of interest to all parents

The ABCs of IEPs and IPRCs (e & s)
Catherine Hodson – Consultant, DSBN
Kathy Ditto – Resource Teacher, DSBN
Understanding the foundations of an Individual Education Plan (IEP), the identification Placement Review Committee (IPRC) meeting, and the parents’ role in these special education processes.
French Immersion (e)
Candi Sitko – Elementary Principal, DSBN
Danielle Barker – FI Teacher, DSBN
**For parents of students currently in SK (or younger) who want to gain some insight into the DSBN French Immersion program. An overview of the program and a Q & A will be included.
Kindergarten in the 21st Century (e & s)
Becky Bartel – Kdgtn teacher, DSBN
Kristin Willms – Kdgtn teacher, DSBN
Tina Lisi – Kdgtn teacher, DSBN
Do you have a child entering Kindergarten? Come on out and discover what play-based learning really means!
What to do when the Going gets Tough: Supporting your Child’s Mental Health (Elementary) (e)
Dave Peirce – Social Worker, DSBN
Explore mental health and wellness in the school context; when to worry, how to problem solve and when to get help. Leave with tips and hope for the coming year.
What to do when the Going gets Tough: Supporting Your Child’s Mental Health (Secondary) (s)
Julie Hopkin – Social Worker, DSBN
Explore mental health and wellness in the school context; when to worry, how to problem solve and when to get help. Leave with tips and hope for the coming year.

Oh, the Places You’ll go – in High School (s)
Fred Louws – Principal, Fort Erie Secondary School
Leanne Briggs - Student Achievement Program Leader, DSBN
Mike McMurray – Learning Resource Teacher, DSBN
Linda Oliverio – Guidance and Student Success Consultant, DSBN
Important keys to success in secondary school by helping to choose appropriate pathways that reflects your child’s ability, interests, and future plans.

Technology – Creativity and Collaboration for All (e & s)
Todd Sniezeck – IT for Learning Consultant, DSBN
Take the distractions away and focus on using your gadgets for good. iPads, the Internet, and cell phones have everything our students needs to create and collaborate productively. We will take a look at some of the tools that you may already have in your house that can transform your student’s work from drab to fab. Please bring a portable device if you have one (we will bring some too) for a hands on learning experience to help you help your child use technology for more than just playing.

Supporting Your Child in Learning French (e & s)
Julie Stapleton – French Consultant, DSBN
Get advice on how to support your child in DSBN French programs – both Core and Immersion. Learn ways to expose your children to French outside the classroom, get useful online resources and apps to explore together.

Helping our Children Thrive in the Outdoors (e & s)
Jennifer Smith – Early Years Consultant, DSBN
Nancy Bridgeman – Science & Technology Consultant, DSBN
Remember playing outside all day until the street lights came on? Many children today are growing up without meaningful contact with the natural world. Explore balancing outside time with screen time in this digital age.

Success in the Mathematics Classroom Secondary (s)
Liisa Suurtamm – Mathematics Consultant, DSBN
Elizabeth Pattison – Mathematics Resource Teacher,DSBN
Whether your child is getting ready to start secondary school or is approaching graduation, this session has something for you. We will explore the pathways available, the supports you and our child have access to, and how learning math today might be different than what you experienced.

Goal Setting for Success (e & s)
Corey Belliveau – Cross Curricular Consultant, DSBN
How do we support our children academically while also encouraging them to become independent learners? Learn how to help children set goals, build their confidence and support them using report card comments to help start the conversation.
Helping Your Children Thrive in Mathematics (K – 6) (e)
Erik Teather – Mathematics Consultant, DSBN
Glynnis Fleming – Instructional Coach, DSBN
Learn to help your child see math in everyday activities. We will engage in the Ministry of Education’s resource, “Doing Mathematics with your Child: Kindergarten to Grade 6” as a support to helping your child thrive in their mathematics development.

Engaging Your Young Child in Meaningful Conversations (e & s)
Beverly Brooks – Speech-Language Pathologist, M.Sc.Ed.,Reg. CASLPO, DSBN
Your child’s communication skills start to develop when they are very young. Learn about oral language development, how to promote language acquisition, and ways to respond to your child’s communication attempts while supporting him/her as they become a more effective social partner.

Social Networking Safety (e & s)
Paul Davis – guest speaker
Returning due to popular demand… Paul Davis, of, will be empowering parents on the topic of online social networking safety. Being safe and smart online!
Strategies for Change – Bullying Prevention Workshop (e & s)
Tuval Dinner – COPA
Strategies for Change is a new bullying prevention workshop developed by COPA, based on the highly successful school staff training, Power to Change. Learn about bullying prevention strategies through multimedia resources.
Trust me. Trust my Tummy. (e & s)
Sandra Maxwell, Registered Dietitian, Niagara Public Health
Attend this workshop to find answers to some of the most common questions about a positive approach to feeding children and to hear suggestions that will:
- Help your child be more open to trying new foods
- Allow your child to trust her feelings of hunger and fullness
- Lead to fewer power struggles between you and your child around food
Increase the skills and confidence necessary for children to prepare tasty and nutritious recipes emphasizing vegetables and fruit. Attend this workshop to learn more about how to encourage your children (any age) to learn to cook healthy meals and snacks. Sandra will highlight the Public Health’s “You’re the Chef!” program.