Date: - 3rd January, 2017.

Session:- 2017


This is to inform all the students that

  1. Admit Cards for semester end examination will be issued in college campus after 100% clearance of Tuition Fee, Fine, Library, Attendance and canteen fines.
  2. Admit cards will not be issued to any student at GNIMT(Examination center) under any circumstances.
  3. Students will clear their fine of last semester within dates given by them.
  4. Following 16 students have left the course in between the session. These students are not allowed to enter campus under any circumstances.

Sr. No. / Student Name / Roll No. / Class
1 / Gurpreet Kaur / 1629133 / BCA-1
2 / Pawan Tiwari / 1629144
3 / Prabhdeep Kaur / 1629146
4 / Rahul Mishra / 1629114 / BBA-1
5 / AartiVerma / 1629166 / BCOM-1
6 / Hardeep Singh / 1534789 / BCA-3
7 / Hargobind Singh / 1534790
8 / Harvinder Singh / 1534791
9 / Jatinder Singh / 1534795
10 / Mani Kumar / 1534798
11 / Sonia / 1534812
12 / Amandeep Kaur / 1534757 / BBA-3
13 / Birjesh Kumar / 1534759
14 / Hapreet Singh / 1534765
15 / Manjit Kaur / 1534773
16 / Varinder Sidhu / 1534781
  1. Students are instructed to regularly check notice board. No phone calls will be made. It is the responsibility of the students to keep themselves aware of the rules and regulations, academic calendars, academic holidays, cultural activities and various other information related to their courses. It is not possible for the institute to individually inform students. Institute updates through Face book, websites, LinkedIn , Twitter and notices. A master notice board has been fixed outside the office of the Deputy Director, every student, from time to time, must screen the notice board for latest information.
  2. If any student is absent for 15 days continuously (without any leave application) in any class, his/her name will be struck off. He/She will take readmission after paying Rs.2000/- as admission fees.
  3. For regular students 75% attendance is compulsory in every subject.

a.  Fine of Rs. 1000/- will be charged for less than 50% attendance.

  1. A contribution charge for any function in the college is compulsory for all the students.
  2. 75% Attendance is compulsory in all subjects.
  3. For any indiscipline Rs. 5000/- is fined to both the parties with suspension from the college for 1 month.
  4. During mid terms, students are responsible for their mobile phones. No teacher will guard the mobiles or any other belonging of the student.
  5. During Midterm exams students loitering outside in garden will not be allowed to enter the examination hall before 5 mins of the examination time.
  6. Parents can meet teachers on any working day between 3pm to 4 pm. College arranges at least one PTM every semester and it is compulsory for the parents to visit campus on PTM.
  7. No student is allowed to enter late into the class room ( 5 mins after the commencement of lecture). If they do so, strict action will be taken against them.
  8. Students should update mobile numbers of their parents and their own to Mr. Jasvir Singh (Librarian). If they fail to do so, institute will not be held responsible.
  9. Biometric attendance at gate is compulsory for all students.
  10. In case of any inspection in college for biometric attendance, student is responsible for not punching their attendance.
  11. Students should submit their application for leave to their respective class in charges.
  12. In case any student wants to avail leave from the college before 3:00PM. He/She is supposed to submit their application for short leave to their respective class in charge and receive their gate pass from them. The Gate pass should be Duly signed by the class in charge as well as A.P. Miss. Amandeep Kaur and should be submitted at the college gate to Mr. Narinder Singh.
  13. Mobile phones are not allowed in the class rooms and if any student is caught with mobile during lectures the gadget will be confiscated.