Boyd County Board of Education Regular Board Meeting

June 24, 2014 7:00 PM

14375 Lions Lane

Ashland, KY 41102

Attendance Taken at 6:56 PM:

Present Board Members:

Ms. Linda Day

Mr. Bob Green

Ms. Tammy Pruitt

Updated Attendance:

Mr. Randall Stapleton was updated to present at: 7:00 PM

Dr. Judy Nichols was updated to present at: 7:45 PM

1. Call Meeting to Order

2. Pledge to the United States Flag

3. Reading of the Board Goals

"All students will be active self-motivated life-long learners."

"All students will graduate and demonstrate the skills and the knowledge to support productive citizenship."

4. Adoption of the Agenda

Order #186 - Motion Passed: passed with a motion by Ms. Linda Day and a second by Mr. Randall Stapleton.

Ms. Linda Day Yes

Mr. Bob Green Yes

Dr. Judy Nichols Absent

Ms. Tammy Pruitt Yes

Mr. Randall Stapleton Yes

5. Student/Staff Presentations/Recognitions

Karen Curnutte recognized and presented certificates to the following:

The District earned EPA's ENERGY STAR for Boyd County High School and identified the building as one of America's energy all-stars and is listed on the United States Environmental Protection Agency ENERGY STAR registry (Certificate of Achievement and Plaque) Mr. Kevin Cheek, Educational Facility Planner of Sherman, Carter, Barnhart and Mr. Aaron Shultz, Engineer of CMTA Consulting Engineers, Inc. spoke of the high school energy efficiency ranking in the top 5% in the state and a plaque was presented to Mr. Dan Imes, BCHS Principal.

Karen gave accolades to the BCMS Scholastic 3-D Archery Team who has participated in every state tournament since 2012. The first year they participated they were the state runner-up. In 2013, they were the State Champions. In 2014, they captured their second consecutive State 3-D Archery Title. Jimmy Gibson earned FIRST PLACE in the State Middle School Boys' Division, being the second State Champion BCMS has had this year and Cameron Matney placed THIRD. The team competed in the Scholastic 3-D Archery National Championship on May 30th and became National Champions! The team members are: Blake Boyd, Cody McDowell, Tanner Lucas, Austin Bradley, Cameron Matney (8th place-Nationals), Jimmy Gibson (5th-Nationals) and Brandon Whitt (4th place -Nationals). The coach is Darryl Short. They were not present at the meeting.

Boyd County High School Baseball team defeated Ashland to earn 16th Regional Baseball Champs. Those present were: Players: (Seniors) Billy McCoy, Slone Alley, Jake Cook, Corey Harper (Juniors) Jacob Barnwell, Dylan Grimm, Jordan Smith, Tanner Bryan, Matt Blakeley, Kyle West, Evan Crum, Zane Purscelley (Sophomores) Brock Damron, Ethan Hicks, Will Morgan, Hunter Boyd, Braden Weinfurtner, Caleb Hunt (Freshman) Braden Wyatt, Payton Marcum, Marcus Mullen Coaches: Brandon Ramsey, Aaron Acuff, Jeff Robbins, Bryan Hall, Gavin Ramsey, David Salisbury, Tyler Perkins. A certificate was presented to Coach Brandon Ramsey.

Karen announced the Boyd County Foundation For Children 2014-2015 Grant Recipients: Lego League Team, Summit, $500.; Strings For Students, BCHS, $500.; The Walking Classroom, ACCESS, $700.; Next Generation Now Science Labs, Catlettsburg, $479.99; Resonator Bells, Cannonsburg, $495.85; Explore, Experiment, Explain, ECLC South, $240.; Ready, Set, Move, ECLC North, $489.96; No Fear Shakespeare, REHS, $420.; A Forensic Whodunit, REHS, $495.70; Science & Math/College & Career Extravaganza, Summit, $500.; Drama Club Musical, Summit, $500. Those present were Debbie Cole and Debbie Barker, ECLC North (Ready, Set, Move); John Johnson, BCHS (Strings for Students); Anita Griffith, REHS (A Forensic Whodunit) and they were presented certificates.

6. Request to Address Board Chair

7. Dialogue

·  2013-2014 Superintendent Review/Capstone (Superintendent Walter) Mr. Walter introduced Mr. Phil Eason, New Superintendent Mentor. Mr. Eason spoke briefly about the new Superintendent process, evaluation system and Mr. Walter’s growth this year. Mr. Walter presented a PowerPoint presentation (illustrating his growth as superintendent this year from where he was at the beginning of the year through now), focusing on: Strategic Leadership, Instructional Leadership, Cultural Leadership, Human Resources, Managerial Leadership (made mention he wants to reconvene the Facility Planning Committee); External Development Leadership, Micro-Political Leadership, Disposition: Human Elements; Yearly Changes, Progress, & Room for Growth.

·  I & I (Impact & Implementation) Checks/Progress Notes (CDIP Committee-Marilyn Mayo) Mrs. Mayo spoke of changes with CDIP. This year the district focused on College & Career Readiness, Graduation Rate, Early Childhood Development, High School Writing Plan, PPEGS & TPEGS, CITS, and GAP.

·  Professional Development (Kathy Rice) In Mrs. Rice’s absence, Mr. Walter discussed the Professional Development for 2014 as explained on the handout.


Due to the end of the school year set back to June 6, 2014, these reports will not be available until July:

* Maintenance Annual Report (Judy McCoy)

* Transportation Annual Report (Tim Black)

This report will not be available until August (inadvertently left in the month of June on Topical calendar- Available in the month of August)

* FRYSC's Annual Report (Mark Meenach)

8. Reports/Communications

8.1. Safe Schools Report - May 2014

8.2. Transportation Report - May 2014

8.3. Maintenance Report - May 2014

8.4. Student Attendance - Month 9

8.5. Staff Attendance Report

8.6. Policies and Procedures for Review

CLASSIFIED PERSONNEL: Retirement 03.273; Evaluation 03.28; Staff Development 03.29; Job-Related Meetings 03.2911; Substitute Teachers; Substitute Teachers 03.4; Paraprofessionals 03.5; Volunteers/Paraprofessionals 03.6

8.7. Nutrition & Physical Activity Report/Food Service 2013-2014, Mary Fritz, CN Director

8.8. Follow-up

8.9. Board Member Follow-Up

9. Action Items

9.1. Approve recommendation of Superintendent to continue District Membership through Kentucky School Boards Association (KSBA) for period beginning July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015 in the amount of $4,796.11;

Order #187 - Motion Passed: Consider approving recommendation of Superintendent to continue District Membership through Kentucky School Boards Association (KSBA) for period beginning July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015 in the amount of $4,796.11; passed with a motion by Ms. Tammy Pruitt and a second by Ms. Linda Day.

Ms. Linda Day Yes

Mr. Bob Green Yes

Dr. Judy Nichols Yes

Ms. Tammy Pruitt Yes

Mr. Randall Stapleton Yes

9.2. Approve Superintendent's recommendation to continue services with Kentucky School Boards Association (KSBA) for Custom Policy/Procedure Update/ Maintenance; Online Manual Update/Maintenance and eMeeting Maintenance in amount of $4,435.00;

Order #188 - Motion Passed: Consider approving Superintendent's recommendation to continue services with Kentucky School Boards Association (KSBA) for Custom Policy/Procedure Update/ Maintenance; Online Manual Update/Maintenance and eMeeting Maintenance in amount of $4,435.00; passed with a motion by Ms. Linda Day and a second by Ms. Tammy Pruitt.

Ms. Linda Day Yes

Mr. Bob Green Yes

Dr. Judy Nichols Yes

Ms. Tammy Pruitt Yes

Mr. Randall Stapleton Yes

9.3. Approve Boyd County Board of Education members to attend Kentucky School Boards Association (KSBA) Summer Leadership Institute, July 11-12, 2014 at Marriott Griffin Gate Resort, Lexington, KY;

Order #189 - Motion Passed: Consider approving Boyd County Board of Education members to attend Kentucky School Boards Association (KSBA) Summer Leadership Institute, July 11-12, 2014 at Marriott Griffin Gate Resort, Lexington, KY; passed with a motion by Ms. Linda Day and a second by Mr. Randall Stapleton.

Ms. Linda Day Yes

Mr. Bob Green Yes

Dr. Judy Nichols Yes

Ms. Tammy Pruitt Yes

Mr. Randall Stapleton Yes

9.4. Approve Superintendent's recommendation to restrict and account for funds as District Activity Funds that were previously School Activity Funds for the purpose of school media centers, instruction, athletics, and travel. These funds will be tracked in a separate Munis Fund for reporting to the schools and to the Board (see attached Memorandum);

Order #190 - Motion Passed: Consider approving Superintendent's recommendation to restrict and account for funds as District Activity Funds that were previously School Activity Funds for the purpose of school media centers, instruction, athletics, and travel. These funds will be tracked in a separate Munis Fund for reporting to the schools and to the Board (see attached Memorandum) passed with a motion by Ms. Linda Day and a second by Ms. Tammy Pruitt.

Ms. Linda Day Yes

Mr. Bob Green Yes

Dr. Judy Nichols Yes

Ms. Tammy Pruitt Yes

Mr. Randall Stapleton Yes

9.5. Approve Superintendent's recommendation to approve the commitment of unused SBDM school allocation funds on the end-of-year balance sheet to each school, respectively, per Board policy 08.232 and GASB 54;

Order #191 - Motion Passed: Consider approving Superintendent's recommendation to approve the commitment of unused SBDM school allocation funds on the end-of-year balance sheet to each school, respectively, per Board policy 08.232 and GASB 54; passed with a motion by Mr. Randall Stapleton and a second by Ms. Linda Day.

Ms. Linda Day Yes

Mr. Bob Green Yes

Dr. Judy Nichols Yes

Ms. Tammy Pruitt Yes

Mr. Randall Stapleton Yes

9.6. Approve Superintendent's recommendation to approve first reading of Board Policy #08.2323, Access to Electronic Media Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) now including Bring-Your-Own-Device. Upon approval of second reading, this policy will become effective August 1, 2014;

Order #192 - Motion Passed: Consider approving Superintendent's recommendation to approve first reading of Board Policy #08.2323, Access to Electronic Media Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) now including Bring-Your-Own- Device. Upon approval of second reading, this policy will become effective August 1, 2014; passed with a motion by Ms. Linda Day and a second by Mr. Randall Stapleton.

Ms. Linda Day Yes

Mr. Bob Green Yes

Dr. Judy Nichols Yes

Ms. Tammy Pruitt Yes

Mr. Randall Stapleton Yes

9.7. Consider Superintendent's recommendation to approve second reading of Kentucky School Boards Association (KSBA) 2014 Policy Update No. 37. Please note Board Policies 07.111 Competitive Foods and 07.12 Vending Machines per guidance from KDE, have revised language to align with interplay of state and

Order #193 - Motion Passed: Consider approving Superintendent's recommendation to approve second reading of Kentucky School Boards Association (KSBA) 2014 Policy Update No. 37. Please note Board Policies 07.111 Competitive Foods and 07.12 Vending Machines per guidance from KDE, have revised language to align with interplay of state and federal guidelines and policies have been revised since first reading. If approved, these policies become effective July 1, 2014; passed with a motion by Mr. Randall Stapleton and a second by Ms. Tammy Pruitt.

Ms. Linda Day Yes

Mr. Bob Green Yes

Dr. Judy Nichols Yes

Ms. Tammy Pruitt Yes

Mr. Randall Stapleton Yes

9.8. Approve Superintendent's recommendation to review and comment on Board Procedure 07.111 AP.1, Competitive Foods, to be rescinded as it will no longer be needed;

Order #194 - Motion Passed: Consider approving Superintendent's recommendation to review and comment on Board Procedure 07.111 AP.1, Competitive Foods, to be rescinded as it will no longer be needed; passed with a motion by Ms. Linda Day and a second by Mr. Randall Stapleton.

Ms. Linda Day Yes

Mr. Bob Green Yes

Dr. Judy Nichols Yes

Ms. Tammy Pruitt Yes

Mr. Randall Stapleton Yes

9.9. Approve second amendment to Contractual Agreement between Board of Education of Boyd County and R. Brock Walter (Superintendent), (see attachment);

Order #195 - Motion Passed: Consider approving second amendment to Contractual Agreement between Board of Education of Boyd County and R. Brock Walter (Superintendent), (see attachment); passed with a motion by Ms. Linda Day and a second by Ms. Tammy Pruitt.

Ms. Linda Day Yes

Mr. Bob Green Yes

Dr. Judy Nichols Yes

Ms. Tammy Pruitt Yes

Mr. Randall Stapleton Yes

9.10. Approve renewal of School Board Treasurer's Bond in the amount of $400,000 for the time period beginning July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015, as required by state law;

Order #196 - Motion Passed: Consider approving renewal of School Board Treasurer’s Bond in the amount of $400,000 for the time period beginning July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015, as required by state law; passed with a motion by Ms. Tammy Pruitt and a second by Mr. Randall Stapleton.

Ms. Linda Day Yes

Mr. Bob Green Yes

Dr. Judy Nichols Yes

Ms. Tammy Pruitt Yes

Mr. Randall Stapleton Yes

9.11. Approve Student Instructional Fees Schedule for Boyd County High School submitted by Dan Imes, Principal (see attached listing);

Order #197 - Motion Passed: Consider approving Student Instructional Fees Schedule for Boyd County High School submitted by Dan Imes, Principal (see attached listing); passed with a motion by Mr. Randall Stapleton and a second by Ms. Linda Day.

Ms. Linda Day Yes

Mr. Bob Green Yes

Dr. Judy Nichols Yes

Ms. Tammy Pruitt Yes

Mr. Randall Stapleton Yes

9.12. Approve Contract between Boyd County Board of Education and Ashland-Boyd County Health Department effective July 1, 2014 and ending June 30, 2015;

Order #198 - Motion Passed: Consider approving Contract between Boyd County Board of Education and Ashland-Boyd County Health Department effective July 1, 2014 and ending June 30, 2015 passed with a motion by Mr. Randall Stapleton and a second by Ms. Tammy Pruitt.

Ms. Linda Day Yes

Mr. Bob Green Yes

Dr. Judy Nichols Yes

Ms. Tammy Pruitt Yes

Mr. Randall Stapleton Yes

9.13. Approve awarding bid to Wright Specialty Insurance in the amount of $170,365.32 for liability, property, and fleet insurance and awarding bid to Kentucky Mutual Employers Insurance (KMEI)in the amount of $137,065.06 for workers' compensation insurance. Both awards will begin July 1, 2014 through

June 30, 2015 with the ability to renew the policies annually for an additional four (4) years upon the acceptance of both parties (see attachment);

Order #199 - Motion Passed: Approve awarding bid to Wright Specialty Insurance in the amount of $170,365.32 for liability, property, and fleet insurance and awarding bid to Kentucky Mutual Employers Insurance (KMEI) in the amount of $137,065.06 for workers' compensation insurance. Both awards will be for the period beginning July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015 with the ability to renew the policies annually for an additional four (4) years upon the acceptance of both parties (attachment) passed with a motion by Mr. Randall Stapleton and a second by Ms. Linda Day.

Ms. Linda Day Yes

Mr. Bob Green Yes

Dr. Judy Nichols Yes

Ms. Tammy Pruitt Yes

Mr. Randall Stapleton Yes

9.14. Approve awarding the Bread and Grain products bid to Heiner's Bakery, Inc. for the period beginning July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015; only bid received (see attachments);

Order #200 - Motion Passed: Consider awarding the Bread and Grain products bid to Heiner's Bakery, Inc. for the period beginning July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015; only bid received (see attachments); passed with a motion by Mr. Randall Stapleton and a second by Ms. Tammy Pruitt.