This is our second year of the City's Budget and Financial Advisory Committee. See attached pdf.
Erick Cheung, CPA
Finance/HR Director
City of Piedmont
120 Vista Avenue
Piedmont, CA 94611
Phone: (510)420-3045
City of Palo Alto which has a Finance Committee which has all the items you reference below. You can contact Lalo Perez, Administrative Services Director there for this info: 650-329-2675
The link below should take you to Indio’s Municipal Code, which spells out the functions and make-up of our Citizens’ Finance Advisory Commission.
The commission was originally born out of a ballot measure that increased local utility user taxes in 2010, but the commission’s scope has since been expanded to cover all general fund uses and activities. The commission provided good feedback during the difficult years when the city was facing significant budget cuts, including cuts to public safety. However, I would recommend that you avoid this added responsibility if you can because it requires significant amount resources to staff and manage the meeting, which are brown-act meeting in my case. All the documents I normally create for the council, including the budget and quarterly budget reports, now have to be created weeks in advance for review by the finance commission. It’s a valiant idea, just be prepared for the added work.
Rob Rockwell
Finance Director
City of Indio ~ the City of Festivals
(760) 391-4021
These I got from the Internet by typing the following in the Google search box:
CA cities with budget committees
Budget Advisory Committee
Meetings are open to the public.
Regular meetings are held on the third Monday of the month in the Building Bridges Conference Room (City Administrator’s Office, third floor of City Hall) at 6 pm.
Meeting quorum requires eight members to be in attendance.
What We Do
The BAC advises the City Council on expenditures, revenues, and financial policies. The BAC’s advice generally takes the form of informational reports submitted quarterly reports to the Finance & Management Committee of the City Council.
City Staff Contact
Bradley Johnson – Budget Office
Becoming a Committee Member
The Committee is composed of fifteen members:
Members are appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council upon the recommendation of a responsible City Officer.
Prospective members should contact the Mayor’s office or the office of the responsible City Officer.
All members must be Oakland residents or taxpayers.
Members serve for two-year terms, and may serve no more than two consecutive terms.
Members may be removed from the committee by the Mayor for cause (conviction of a felony, misconduct, incompetence, inattention or more than three unexcused absences).
City of San Marcos
The Budget Review Committee (BRC) workswith the finance director and conducts a thorough review of the annual operations and capital improvement budget for the City and Redevelopment Agency.
The BRC meets as needed to have City staff brief them on matters pertaining to the budget.
The seven members of the BRC are appointed to three-year terms by the City Council. They serve in an advisory capacity to staff and Council.
All members must either reside within the City as a qualified elector or own a business or be a business location manager for a business within the City of San Marcos.
Name / Appointed / ExpirationRick Barthel / 5/22/12 / 6/30/15
Christopher Carroll / 5/22/12 / 6/30/15
Scott Myers / 5/14/13 / 6/30/16
Brian Smith / 6/14/11 / 6/30/14
Charles Zahl / 5/14/13 / 6/30/16
Glen Winn / 5/14/13 / 6/30/16
Richard Zohn / 7/27/99 / 6/30/14
Vacant(Alternate) / 6/30/15
San Diego
Budget and Finance Committee
- View Agendas and Actions
- Fiscal Year 2014 Budget Process Key Dates (PDF)
- Fiscal Year 2014 Departmental Hearing Schedule (PDF)
- IBA Review of the Fiscal Year 2014 Proposed Budget (PDF)
The Budget and Finance Committee's AREA OF RESPONSIBILITY includes Annual Budget Review, Financial Reports, Taxes, Fees, Assessments, Independent Budget Analyst Reports, Performance Measures, Information Technology, Enterprise Resource Management (SAP), Purchasing and Contracting, and Managed Competition.
Committee members include Todd Gloria (Chair), David Alvarez (Vice Chair), Sherri S. Lightner, Kevin Faulconer, and Mark Kersey.
The Budget and Finance Committee meets one to two Wednesdays per month at 9:00 a.m. in the City Council Committee Room, 12th Floor, City Administration Building. For specific dates, please access the Legislative calendar (PDF) or contact Budget Committee Consultant, Katie Keach, at (619) 236-6633. Email: .
Studio City
Budget Committee
Every Neighborhood Council in Los Angeles is entrusted with an operating budget of $40,500 per year. If you have a project or idea you believe would improve our quality of life, beautify the neighborhood, or help build the community, please complete the convenient FUNDING REQUEST FORM online and submit itto us. It is our job to help you. The Budget Committee is charged with supervising the approvals of spending plans and with operating the payments procedures in concert with the Treasurer.
The Budget Committee does not have a standing monthly meeting. The Budget Committee only meets when a funding request form is submitted and financial allocations are required.
Current Budget Committee members are:
- Remy Kessler (Treasurer, Board Member)
- Denise Welvang (Board Member)
- Mark Batterman (Stakeholder)
- John T. Walker (Ex-officio)
Council & Commissions
Budget Committee
On September 16, 2009, in response to the current fiscal challenges being faced by the City, the Sonoma City Council formed a Budget Committee. The committee will delve into the current fiscal challenges faced by the City and will make recommendations for solutions. It is charged with reviewing budget projections for future years, and working on both revenue and expenditure strategies with respect to meeting the challenge of balancing the General Fund and maintaining City services in the next three to five years of economic recovery.
Please Note: As of May 3, 2010, pending adoption of the City’s 2010-11 Operating Budget, regular meetings of the Budget Committee have been suspended. Meetings will be held on as as-needed basis at the discretion of the Committee Chair.
Committee Members:
Joanne Sanders, Councilmember
Laurie Gallian, Councilmember
Linda Kelly, City Manager
Carol Giovanatto, Assistant City Manager
Stanley Cohen, Citizen and former Councilmember
Meeting Dates:
Meetings have tentatively been scheduled for the first Monday of the month at 6:30 p.m. and will be held in the upstairs conference room at City Hall, #1 The Plaza, Sonoma.
For information, please contact:
Linda Kelly, City Manager
City of Sonoma
#1 The Plaza
Sonoma CA 95476
(707) 933-2215
Budget Review Committee
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*Novacancies at this time.
The purpose of the Budget Review committee shall be to review the annual Operating and Capital Improvement Budget as proposed by the City Manager, and report its findings to the City Council.
Related links:
Budget Review Committee Meeting Schedule
View Past Events
No future events currently scheduled.
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Budget Review Committee Charter
The purpose of the Budget Review committee shall be to review the annual Operating and Capital Improvement Budget as proposed by the City Manager, and report its findings to the City Council.
The Budget Review committee shall have the following duties as determined by the Poway City Council:
1. With the assistance of staff, review the budget as prepared by the City Manager.
2. As appropriate, suggest means of improving the format of the budget in order that it be easily read and comprehended.
3. Review terminology used within the budget such that it may be easily understood by all interested readers.
4. Suggest areas that the City Council may wish to establish specific policies pertaining to either revenues or expenditures.
5. Review the budget activity goals and objectives as well as the activity workload statistics.
6. Prepare a final written report to be presented to the City Council at the public hearing regarding the budget.
The Budget Review committee shall consist of five (5) members appointed by the Mayor with the concurrence of the City Council. Each Councilmember shall offer one nomination for appointment to the committee for Council consideration.
1. Committee members shall be residents of the City of Poway.
2. The term of membership shall be for two years, with appointments made to coincide with the City’s two-year budget cycle. The term shall conclude with the adoption of the budget report for the last year of the two-year budget cycle.
3. The City Manager or his designee shall be an ex officio member of the committee.
Each committee member shall be entitled to one vote. Approval of any matter requires an affirmative vote from the majority of the membership of the committee or three (3) votes.
If a member misses more than three (3) consecutive meetings of the committee, without prior authorization from the Mayor, such member shall be considered to have resigned from the Committee. In addition, any member of the Committee may be removed at any time and without cause by a majority vote of the City Council.
1. Regular meetings of the committee shall be scheduled at a time and place agreed to by the committee which will facilitate the attendance and input of the public.
2. Special meetings may be called at any time by the chairperson or three (3) or more members.
The officers of the committee shall be the chairperson and vice chairperson. The City Manager or his designee, as an ex officio member of the committee shall serve as secretary to the committee.
1. The Chairperson shall preside at all committee meetings.
2. The Vice Chairperson shall assume all the duties and responsibilities of the Chairperson in the Chairperson's absence.
3. The Secretary shall prepare agendas and shall give notice of regular and special meetings of the committee.
Committee members, as designated employees, shall be required to file Statements of Economic Interest, in accordance with the Government Code.
Members of the committee shall serve without compensation. However, members shall be reimbursed for expenses incurred in carrying out their duties.
Historical Data:
Committee Established - February 17, 1981
Adopted Charter by Resolution 86-084 - August 5, 1986
Revised Charter by Resolution 02-039 (Rescinding 86-084) - April 23, 2002
Last updated: 5/31/2013 9:03:07 AM