As published in Singh S, Loke YK, Spangler JG, Furberg CD, Risk of serious adverse cardiovascular events associated with varenicline: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Canadian Medical Association Journal, 2011;183;1359-1366.
(This is a screen shot, so it may not be perfectly sharp.)
PDF produced by R/metafor/forest:
After editing the PDF file usingInkscape:
This code, and only this code, produced the raw graph above.
options(show.signif.stars=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
# Meta analysis of 14 double-blind RCTs reported in:
# Singh S, Loke YK, Spangler JG, Furberg CD, Risk of serious adverse
# cardiovascular events associated with varenicline: a systematic review
# and meta-analysis, Canadian Medical Association Journal, 2011;183;1359-1366.
# Varenicline is "Chantix, the best-selling prescription drug for
# smoking cessation."
Study <- c("A3051080 2010", "A3051095 2010", "Fagerstrom 2010",
"Gonzalez 2006", "Jorenby 2006", "Nakamura 2007", "Niaura 2008",
"Nides 2006", "Oncken 2006", "Rigotti 2010", "Tashkin 2010",
"Tonstad 2006", "Tsai 2007", "Williams 2007")
# V: Varenicline P: Placebo SACE: Severe Adverse Cardiac Event
n.V <- c(394, 493, 214, 352, 344, 465, 160, 383, 518, 355, 250, 603, 126, 251)
SACE.V <- c(1, 1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 25, 5, 4, 1, 6)
e_n.V <- paste(SACE.V,"/",n.V, sep="")
n.P <- c(199, 166, 218, 344, 341, 154, 160, 127, 129, 359, 254, 607, 124, 126)
SACE.P <- c(0, 0, 1, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 20, 2, 0, 0, 1)
e_n.P <- paste(SACE.P,"/",n.P, sep="")
(dframe <- data.frame(Study, n.V, SACE.V, n.P, SACE.P, e_n.V, e_n.P))
meta2 <- escalc(measure="PETO", data=dframe,
ai=SACE.V, n1i=n.V, ci=SACE.P, n2i=n.P, add=0)
dframe <- data.frame(dframe, logOR=meta2$yi, Var.logOR=meta2$vi)
orderES <- order(dframe$logOR)
dframe <- dframe[orderES,]
# check against article
OR.est <- round(exp(dframe$logOR),2)
CLim95Lo <- round(exp(dframe$logOR - 1.96*sqrt(dframe$Var.logOR)),2)
CLim95Hi <- round(exp(dframe$logOR + 1.96*sqrt(dframe$Var.logOR)),2)
data.frame(dframe, OR.est, CLim95Lo, CLim95Hi)
#This agrees with values in Figure 2.
(overall.2 <- rma(dframe$logOR, dframe$Var.logOR))
CLim95Hi=round(exp(overall.2$ci.ub),2), row.names="Peto OR")
#This agrees with values in Figure 2.
try(windows(width=7, height=4.5), silent=TRUE)
try(quartz(width=7, height=4.5), silent=TRUE)
forest(overall.2, slab=dframe$Study, efac=4, lwd=2,
xlim=c(-13,12), alim=c(-4.3,6.0), digits=1,
at=log(c(1/64, 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256)), atransf=exp,
ilab=cbind(dframe$e_n.V, dframe$e_n.P), xlab="Odds Ratio (Peto method, log-scaled)",
ilab.xpos=c(-8,-5.1), cex=0.70, )
text(1.7,14.7, "increased risk\nwithvarenicline", pos=3, cex=0.65)
arrows(x0=3.2, y0=16, x1=4, length=0.05)
op <- par(cex=0.70,font=2)
text(12,16,"Odds Ratio [95%CI]",pos=2)
try(windows(width=6, height=4), silent=TRUE)
try(quartz(width=6, height=4), silent=TRUE)
funnel(overall.2, main="Funnel Plot for Simple Random Effects Analysis")
abline(v=0, col="red")
# How could this be improved?