THIS INDENTURE is made in duplicate, on the ______day of ______, 2016, BETWEEN:

a Corporation without share capital,
incorporated under the laws of
the Province of Ontario
OF THE FIRST PART / - AND - / (Full Name of the Individual)
of the Township of Caledon
in the Province of Ontario
(Hereinafter referred to as the “the Licensee”)

KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS that (Full Name of the Individual) of the City of (Name of City), in the Province of Ontario has been accepted as an Active Member of the Poltawa Country Club and by their License Agreement has the sole use and right to use Lot 000, in the Poltawa Country Club, which said lot is designated as Part 000 on the attached Plan of Survey prepared by R.B. Lawryshyn, O.L.S., deposited in the Land Registry Office, for the Registry Division of Peel,(No. 43) as Plan 43R-15317, together with the exclusive right to use the property for his/her own purposes and in accordance with the By-laws, Rules and Regulations of the Poltawa Country Club, together with the laws and regulations of the Municipality of Peel, Township of Caledon, Niagara Escarpment Commission, Credit Valley Conservation Authority, Ministry of Environment and to the exclusion of all other members of the Poltawa Country Club.

And whereas the licensee further agrees to pay annual membership fees and taxes for the said lot including all special assessments for local improvement and capital works projects which may be set by the Board of Directors, from time to time, with the approval of general membership at an annual or special meeting.

The said lot is part of that certain parcel or tract of land and premises shown, lying and being in the Town of Caledon, Regional Municipality of Peel, formerly in the Township of Chinguacousy, County of Peel, Province of Ontario, being composed of Part of Lot 27 and 28 in the Fifth Concession, Part of Lot 27 in the Sixth Concession, Part of the road allowance between Lots 27 and 28 in the Fifth Concession (so far as the vendor's possessory rights in the said road allowance may hold), Part of the road allowance between Lots 27 and 28 in the Sixth Concession and Part of the road allowance between the Fifth and Sixth Concessions , all West of Hurontario Street in the said Township, and which lands are designated as Parts 1 to 120(inclusive) on the attached Plan 43R-15317, prepared by R.B.Lawryshyn. O.L.S.

The Licensee is furthermore entitled as an Active Member of the Poltawa Country Club to an equal share, with all the other Active Members and lot holders in the Poltawa Country Club, of all the common assets of the said Poltawa Country Club, except the individual lots held by Active Members.

Poltawa Country Club hereby further covenants, promises and agrees with the Licensee that in the event that at least 75% of all the Active Members of the Poltawa Country Club being also the lot holders, require that the individual lots be conveyed and transferred to them by good and sufficient Deed in fee simple, by a valid resolution at a validly called meeting of the Club, then, subject to the provisions of the Planning Act, and subject to all the necessary legal and other steps and procedures that may be required, Poltawa Country Club shall execute and convey by a Deed in fee simple the aforesaid lot to the Licensee.

The Licensee hereby expressly covenants, promises and agrees with Poltawa Country Club that he/she will continue to fulfill and carry out all the terms and conditions mentioned in the Statutes, By-laws, Rules and Regulations of the said Poltawa Country Club.

The Licensee hereby expressly covenants, promises and agrees that an application to the Ministry of Environment (MOE) for an Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA) is required for any new sewage system and replacement or modification of existing sewage system on said lot.

The Licensee hereby expressly covenants, promises and agrees that the Board of Directors of Poltawa Country Club has the authority to act as Agent for the licensee on matters relating to the Ministry Of Environment, Niagara Escarpment Commission, Credit Valley Conservation Authority, Township of Caledon and the Municipality of Peel.

It is furthermore a condition of this Agreement that the Licensee shall not convey, transfer or dispose of the Lot heretofore assigned to him/her without first obtaining the consent of the Board of Directors of the Poltawa Country Club for such conveyance and transfer.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set unto their hands and seal this ______day of ______, 2016

SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED in the presence of:


Signature of Authorized Signing Officer
I have the authority to bind the Corporation / ______
Name and Title
Signature of Authorized Signing Officer
I have the authority to bind the Corporation / ______
Name and Title
Signature of Member Licensee / ______
Signature of Witness
Name of Witness

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