2) Arianism

This heresy proved that Constantine’s caesaro-papism would be a disaster for the Church

a) When it occurred

Around AD 318-319 in Alexandria

Founded by a deacon in Alexandria by the name of Arius

Arianism was at its strongest with the support of the emperors after Constantine, but stopped being a major force by AD 380(though pockets of it still exist today)

b) What it taught

If Jesus (the 2nd Person of the Trinity), is the Son of God, then God the Father (the 1st Person of the Trinity) must have existed before him.

If so, then Jesus must have been created.

If so, then Jesus can’t be God. He may be greatest human ever, but he’s not God.

c) Church teachings contradicted

The 3 Persons of the Trinity are all divine.

Jesus is both God and man.

John addresses Jesus’ divinity in his Gospel in Jn. 1: 1…
* “In the beginning was the Word [i.e. Jesus]…
*…and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”

John addresses Jesus’ humanity also in Jn. 1: 14
* “And the Word was made flesh [i.e., became man] and dwelt among us.”

d) Opponents to Arianism

Alexander, Patriarch of Alexandria

Ossius, Bishop of Cordova (in Spain)

St. Athanasius, successor of Alexander as Patriarch of Alexandria

e) Resolution: mainly by the Council of Nicea (AD 325), the 1stEcumenical Council (= a council where all the Church’s bishops are present under the pope)

convened under a representative of Pope St. Sylvester I

debates were bitter and out of the papal representative’s weak control, so Emperor Constantine intervened a lot

The goal: condemn Arianism and formulate a creed (= statement of faith)
* many creeds were written (including by Athanasius), but agreement was hard
* finally, the Nicene Creed was agreed on as a definitive statement of the Christian faith

The Nicene Creed was signed under Liberius’ authority and Constantine’s approval, so everyone was happy, right? Not quite…

f) Epilogue: Sylvester dies in 335, and Constantine dies in 337; the new emperor eventuallywas his son Constantius…who is a die-hard Arian.

This is where caesaro-papism became dangerous, because Constantius used his imperial power to solidify Arianism

Constantius tries to squash the Nicene Creed and persecutes all of Arianism’s opponents:
* He forced Athanasius into exile for 17 years.
* He had Ossius of Cordoba (by now 100 years old) whipped for opposing Arianism.
* He threatens new Pope Liberius into silence.

Arianism only loses power when Constantius dies in 361, and a Catholic Emperor issued an edict against Arianism in 380.


1)Find a copy of the Nicene Creed. Show how that creed opposed the ideas of Arius.

2)Explain how caesaro-papism made Arianism worse.