Incident Call Response Modes
Guideline 300.28


This guideline provides modes of response, either emergency or non emergency, to incident calls.


  1. All Chief and Company Officers have the responsibility to comply with and ensure that the personnel under their command are adequately trained, fully understand, and comply with this guideline.
  1. All firefighters have the responsibility to learn and follow this guideline.


  1. Emergency Response
  2. All apparatus respond in the emergency mode, utilizing emergency lights and siren, to the following incident calls:
  3. All structure fires
  4. All fires reported in structures, including, but not limited to:
  5. Smell of smoke inside
  6. Stove and cooking fires
  7. Heating appliance fire and
  8. Other situations similar in nature
  9. Fire threatening structures
  10. All vehicle fires
  11. Brush or grass fires
  12. Vehicle crashes with injuries
  13. Entrapments/Trench Rescue and Confined Space incidents
  14. Gas leaks or odors inside of residence
  15. Hazardous materials incidents with the exception of small spills associated with vehicle crashes or mechanical failures involving vehicles
  16. EMS Assists where the dispatch information or information from EMS Crew indicates such response.
  17. This includes setting up Landing Zones
  18. Mutual aid or Box Alarm requests for incidents listed above.
  19. Once first responding unit arrives on scene and reports nothing showing, all other units will downgrade to a non emergency response and continue until canceled by Incident Command.
  20. Commercial and residential fire alarms in the rural area – the first responding piece of apparatus shall respond emergency mode, unless information is received stating there is no fire present then the response is downgraded to non emergency
  21. Non Emergency Response
  22. All apparatus will respond in the non emergency mode, no emergency lights or siren, to the following incident calls:
  23. Reported natural gas leaks outdoors
  24. Power line down or sparking calls
  25. Power pole fires
  26. Dumpster fires not threatening or near structures
  27. Outside rubbish fires
  28. Carbon monoxide alarms with no reported illness or symptoms
  29. Relocation to another fire station
  30. Non-injury crashes
  31. Small spills associated with vehicle crashes or vehicle malfunctions
  32. Small spills of other materials
  33. Automatic fire alarms in buildings that are normally occupied
  34. Automatic or manual fire alarm activations where the initial information indicates:
  35. No smoke or fire present
  36. Known false alarm
  37. Accidental activation
  38. Malicious activation
  39. Assist police calls
  40. At anytime information is received indicating an incident is a life hazard or threatening property responses will be upgraded to emergency mode.

References: Risk and frequency classification information -

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