Sorting guide
This guide comprise those who are working in the building at: ………………………………………..
Real estate manager: ………………………………………..
Contact: questions regarding sorting waste- please contact the environmental representative at your inst.
Type of waste / Example / This does not include / Sorted where / Responsible for emptyingNon-recyclable waste, ( waste that remains after sorting) /
- Cords,
- Binders,
- Clothing,
- Used dish brushes
- Candy paper,
- Paper tissues,
- Chewing gum,
- Sticky notes
- Plastic bags,
- Books,
- Packaging,
- mixed paper,
- hazardous waste,
- Chemicals,
- Stabbing and cutting objects,
- Food
Compostable waste /
- Left-overs,
- Egg-shells,
- Fruit pomace,
- Coffee grounds,
- Coffee filters,
- Tea- bags,
- White napkins,
- Flowers,
- Paper towels (Torky)
- Bread
- Coloured napkins,
- Plastic,
- paper
Type of waste / Example / This does not include / Sorted where / Responsible for emptying
Combustible waste
other /
- Candy paper,
- Paper tissues,
- Chewing gum,
- Sticky notes
Combustible waste lab.waste /
- Papter tissues (Kleenex),
- Clean surface protector sheets,
- Clean, unjusted nitril gloves,
- Sticky notes,
- Gummed paper,
- Envelopes with gummed sealing,
- Plastic folders,
- Transparencies,
- Carbon paper,
- Small pieses of styrofoam,
- Cooling block
- padded envelopes
Non-combustible /
- Brocken glass bottles or drinking glasses,
- Plaster,
- Porcelain,
- ceramics
- Packaging,
- Scrap metal
Small grey bin on the top of the grey waste tower.
From Lab:
Cardoard boxes/yellow plastic boxes and small yellow plastic containers labeled with hazardous waste / Cleaning service
Recycled paper /
- Printer papers,
- Vaxed paper as wraping paper,
- Newspaper,
- Magazines,
- brochures,
- catalogues,
- envelopes,
- window envelopes
- Sticky notes,
- Gummed paper,
- Plastic folders,
- Transparencies,
- Carbon paper (belongs to combustible waste)
Campus-service, Medicinare-berget for collecting the recycled paper
Type of waste / Example / This does not include / Sorted where / Responsible for emptying
Privacy Paper /
- Waste paper with sensitive content, personal data, research.
Campus-service, Medicinare-berget for collecting the recycled paper
Note: flattened /cut down! /
- Only corrugated cardboard with wavy interlayer.
- Paper packaging
- Plastic covered cardboard,
- Cardboard contaminated with food
Copying room:
grey metallic rack
grey metallic rack / Campus-service, Medicinare-berget. Collecting is done automatically
Packaging (clean) of:
Metal packaging, clean and dry, remove caps and closures that is made of plastic. /
- Metal capsules,
- Aluminum and sheet metal packaging
- Tin cans,
- Aluminum trays,
- Light cases,
- Returnable bottles,
- Empty spray cans,
- Bottle caps,
- Returnable bottles with deposit,
- Metal food tubes
- Clean metallic containers from lab.
- Electric and electronic waste or parts therefrom,
- Tools,
- Scissors
- Metal that is not packaging
- staples
- metal clip
- Metal components
In the drawer labeled with metal packaging at the gray waste tower.
From Lab: In marked waste bin on the roll stand in the corridor. Labeled with metal packaging
Only if the items are clean from chemicals!! / Cleaning service
Paper packaging, clean and dry /
- Cardboard boxes,
- Milk boxes
- Juice boxes
- Paper bags,
- Wraping paper,
- Paper packaging by more than 50% of paper or cardboard,
- Kitchen rolls,
- Paper cups,
- Padded enveopes
- Clean cardboard boxes from lab.
- Corrugated cardboard
In the marked drawer at the gray waste tower.
From Lab: In marked waste bin on the roll stand in the corridor.
Only if the items are clean from chemicals!! / Cleaning services
Plastic packaging
Remove metallic caps and closures /
- Hard and soft plastic packaging,
- Plastic clips,
- Pet- bottles,
- Plastic cans,
- Bubble wrap plastic,
- Plastic caps,
- Clean plastic containers from lab.
- Plastic bags,
- Clean plastic pipettes,
- Clean plastic tubes
- Styrofoam,
- PVC-plastic (throws in Non-recyclable waste fraction)
In the marked drawer at the gray waste tower.
From Lab: In marked waste bin on the roll stand in the corridor. / Cleaning services
(clean) of:
Glass- colored
Clean and dry, remove caps and closures /
- Bottles and cans,
- Clean[1] glass-packaging from lab.
- Broken colored glass,
- Porcelain,
- Pyrex glass,
- glass,
- Mirrors,
- Incandescent bulbs
In the marked drawer at the gray waste tower.
From Lab: In marked waste bin on the roll stand in the corridor. / Cleaning services
Glass – clear
Clean and dry, remove caps and closures /
- Bottles and cans,
- Clean1 glass- packaging from lab.
- Broken glass,
- Porcelain,
- Pyrex glass,
- glass,
- Mirrors,
- Incandescent bulbs
In the marked drawer at the gray waste tower.
From Lab: In marked waste bin on the roll stand in the corridor. / Cleaning services
Type of waste / Example / This does not include / Sorted where / Responsible for emptying
PET-bottles and returnable bottles,
Clean and dry, remove caps and closures /
- Bottles and cans,
In the marked drawer at the gray waste tower. / Cleaning services
Other waste
Styrofoam /
- Smaller parts of styrofoam
- Food containers
- Major parts of styrofoam.
- Transport boxes of styrofoam
- Platic parts
- Plastic containers
Waste bin
From Lab:
Smaller parts- waste bin
Major parts- marked wagon in room 1477 (floor 1000) / Cleaning services
Campus-service, Medicinare-berget. Collecting is done automatically
Wood /
- Smaller parts of wood
- Major parts of wood,
- Transport boxes.
Waste bin
From Lab:
Smaller parts- waste bin
Major parts and volumes, contact Campusservice,medicinareberget / Cleaning services
Hazardous waste:
Computers and devicies /
- Computers,
- devises
- Other electronic waste
Type of waste / Example / This does not include / Sorted where / Responsible for emptying
Hazardous general waste:
Otherelectronic wasteandrefrigerator and freezers /
- Everything that has wired of powered by batteries such as:
- Telecommunications equipment,
- Electric motors,
- Cables,
- Medical equipment,
- Laboratory equipment
Flourescent tubes /
- Flourescent tubes
- Its packaging
- Regular light bulbs
- Halogen light bulbs,
- Low energy
- Compact flourescent lights
Compact fluorescent lights /
- Low energy lamps
- Its packaging
- Regular light bulbs
- Halogen light bulbs,
- Floutescent tubes
Regular light bulbs /
- Regular light bulbs,
- Halogen light bulbs
- Its packaging
- Halogen light bulbs,
- Floutescent tubes
- Compact fluorescent lights
Batteries /
- Torch batteries,
- Radio batterier,
- Other samll batteries,
- Rechargeable batteries,
- Lithium batteries
- Car batteries (returnes to de deliver company)
Type of waste / Example / This does not include / Sorted where / Responsible for emptying
Hazardous general waste:
Toner cartridges from printers and copiators /
- Empty toner cartriges
- Empty toner cartriges that contains any kind of metal mechanism
- Its packaging
From Lab: In marked waste bin on the roll stand in the corridor.
Empty toner cartridgies: In marked waste bin for plastic, on the roll stand in the corridor
Empty toner cartridgies with metal parts: Ordinary bin for Non-recyclable waste / The person who change the old toner cartridge to new.
Chemical waste:
Chemical waste
Including contaminated pipette tips, tubes, gloves etc.
Continue Chemical waste /
- Solid and liquid chemicalwastefor example:
- residues ofhazardous chemical substance,
- contaminatedmaterials such assaturated cottonand useddecontaminant,
- uncleaned packagesthatcontained a dangerouschemical substance
- Paint
- unpolymerized Glue
- Oil
- Gasolin
Further instructions on chemical waste, can be find in the folder “Instructions on chemical and hazardous waste”, located on the web page
The board´s regulations on chemical occupational risks:
Full container/cardboard boxes: Bring to the storage room for chemical, hazardous and biological waste. The door is labeled “AVFALLSRUM”.
Room no: …………… / HA-Andersson
Type of waste / Example / This does not include / Sorted where / Responsible for emptying
Hazardous waste:
Hazardous sharps /
- Used needles,
- Lancetts,
- scalpel blades,
- Broken glass from the lab,
- Injection bottles with remains from drugs,
- Used glass ampules
Further instructions on Hazardouse waste, can be find in the folder “Instructions on chemical and harzadous waste”, located on the web page:
Full container/cardboard boxes: Bring to the storage room for chemical, hazardous and biological waste. The door is labeled “AVFALLSRUM”.
Room no:………. / HA-Andersson
Type of waste / Example / This does not include / Sorted where / Responsible for emptying
Hazardous waste:
Biological waste
Not infectious / Parts ofhumans, deadanimals, discarded biological material frompathologicaldepartment
Biological agent-Normallynot contagious. Cannot containgenetically modified
micro organisms, GMM, chemical agents, anticancer agents,radioactive substances / Further instructions, please read how to handle the radiaoctive waste on following link:
Shall be stored in freezer until pic up.
Dead animals: bring back to EBM and put in the freezers. / The person who use animals shall bring them back to EBM and put in the freezers
Otherbiological wasteis collected byHAAndersson
Infectious Biological waste
-Human tissues waste and blood waste ( blood are always considered to be infectious)
It also includes contaminated pipett tips, tubes and gloves etc. /
- Material containing biological, protection class 2 or higher levels.
- Materials containingbiologicalsubstancesCategory 2 orhigher levels andthat cannot beneutralized.
- Exwaste frommicrobiologicalactivityof handlinghumanpathogens, bloodsamples containingknown or suspectedrisk of infection.
Hazardous sharps (needles, scalpels, broken glass from the lab. And gloves contaminated from chemical substances)
Hazardous sharps and contagious waste
Genetically modified micro-organism (GMO) waste (not Infectious )
Genetically modified micro-organism waste (GMO) (Infect-
ious )
Radioactive chemicals or items / In big yellow containers or in Cardboard boxes marked ”Riskavfall”
Further instructions on Hazardous waste, can be find in the folder “Instructions on chemical and hazardous waste”, located on the web page
Full container/cardboard boxes: Bring to the storage room for chemical, hazardous and biological waste. The door is labeled “AVFALLSRUM”.
Room no: ……….. / HA-Andersson
Type of waste / Example / This does not include / Sorted where / Responsible for emptying
Hazardous waste:
Radioaktive waste
It also includes contaminated pipett tips, tubes and gloves etc. / Shall contain radioactive substances or material that have been in contact with radioactive materials,
orif itis suspected to havebeen in contact withradioactive substances. / Animals containing radioactive substances Radioaktiva försöksdjur transporteras till EBM och läggs i speciella frysar för radioaktivt avfall. Kartongerna / Further instructions, please read how to handle the radiaoctive waste on following link:
Animal subjected to radioactive substances,
transports toEBM andplaced in specialfreezersfor radioactive waste. / HA-Andersson
The person who use animals shall bring them back to EBM and put in the freezers for radiactive waste.
continues /
- Discarded drugs
- Pharmaceutical residues
Expacks oftablets.Drugsin unopenedampoules orvials. - vialswith residual
Further instructions on Hazardous waste, can be find in the folder “Instructions on chemical and hazardous waste”, located on the web page
Full container/cardboard boxes: Bring to the storage room for chemical, hazardous and biological waste. The door is labeled “AVFALLSRUM”.
Room no: ……….. / HA-Andersson
Type of waste / Example / This does not include / Sorted where / Responsible for emptying
Hazardous waste:
Biological waste
Not infectious / Parts ofhumans, deadanimals, discarded biological material frompathologicaldepartment
Biological agent-Normallynot contagious. Cannot containgenetically modified
micro organisms, GMM, chemical agents, anticancer agents,radioactive substances / Further instructions, please read how to handle the radiaoctive waste on following link:
Shall be stored in freezer until pic up.
Dead animals: bring back to EBM and put in the freezers. / The person who use animals shall bring them back to EBM and put in the freezers
Otherbiological wasteis collected byHAAndersson
1 (12)
[1]With cleanglass and plasticpackagingfrom thelabmeans thatitems such as emptyxylene, 2-propanol and acetonitrilebottlesthat smellseven withvery smallresidue,is washed3 timeswith water, is filled with waterand allowed to standovernightforthe next dayrinsed3 timesto(fromSU). The label shallbe removed ortickedwithinkbefore the package isseparated into therollingstand