Form A

/ GNU Student Exchange Program
Application Form

*This form should be completed in either English or Korean by typing or handwriting.

1. Personal Information


Name of Applicant (English): ______(Vernacular): ______

Date of Birth (yyyy/mm/dd): ______Gender: □ Male □ Female

Nationality: ______

Passport No. : ______

Race (if you are Chinese): □ 漢 □ 朝鮮族 □ Other ______

Mailing Address:

Telephone No: (Home) (Mobile)

E-mail Address:

Foreign Languages you can speak:

Korean Language Proficiency □ Don’t speak □ Poor □ Good enough to take courses □ Excellent

TOPIK or KLPT Grade (if you have): ______

2. Indicate the Type of Exchange Program and Department (or Major) You Apply for

Type of Exchange Program that you are applying :

□ Short-term exchange (one semester)

□ Short-term exchange (one academic year)

□ Dual Degree Program(two years)

Department or major that you would like to study in GNU

College ______Department ______Major:

(To find out academic programs and courses of GNU, visit GNU website at

3. Educational Background

Name of Institution Department Major Period of Study

University ______

High School ______

Middle School ______

Relationship / Name / Date of Birth / Occupation / Address
(Vernacular )
(Vernacular )

4. Family Information

5. Emergency Contact in Your Home Country or Korea

Name: Relationship:

Phone Number: ______Mailing Address:

6. GNU Buddy Application

Our university runs GNU buddy program for new-coming students. We match one Korean student to you to help your early settlement to Korea and our university. Do you want to have a buddy friend?

□ YES □ NO

I hereby certify that the information stated in this application is true to the best of my knowledge. If accepted to GNU as an exchange student, I agree to abide by all the rules and regulations set forth by GNU and promise to return to my home university immediately after finishing study at GNU.

Name of Applicant: ______Date ______Signature ______

Form B

Dormitory Application Form

1. GNU Dormitory

GNU dormitory can accommodate 4,000 students in 12 buildings. Not to mention that staying in dormitory is safer and cheaper than living in off-campus accommodation, it supplies quality meals and is well equipped with various support facilities such as a cinema room, a student lounge, a fitness club and self-study rooms and so on. It is obligation for all international students to live in GNU dormitory for their first semester. In second semester, student may decide whether he/she will stay in dormitory or stay outside campus.

For more information about our dormitories and to see rooms and buildings, please visit GNU dormitory office website at

2. Dormitory Opening Period and Room Charges

GNU dormitory opens from March 1 till mid June for 1st semester and September 1 till mid December for 2nd Semester respectively. Dormitory cafeteria will serve meals three times a day and meal fees are inclusive at dormitory fees below. Room charges and meal fees for one semester are as follows.

Please select your 1st and 2nd choice that you want to live in and mark “1” for the first choice, “2” for the second choice in the table below. As competition for dormitory application is very tough, we can’t guarantee to allocate you into your 1st or 2nd choice. Our dormitory office, however, will consider your choices and they will do their best to allocate you into your preferred rooms.

[Dormitory Fees per Semester]

(Currency: US $)

Classification / Recruit Number / Dormitory Fee / Choice
Management Fees / Meal Fees
(General) / Male / Building 1
(Triple Room) / 47 / 375$ / Option
Building 2
(Quad Room) / 81 / 306$ / Option
Building 3
(Double Room) / 92 / 352$ / Option
Pioneer Building
(Quad Room) / 60 / 352$ / Option
Female / Building 4
(Double Room) / 100 / 375$ / Option
Building 5
(Double Room) / 123 / 408$ / Option
New Dormitory BTL#1
(General) / Male / Building 8
(Double Room) / 292 / 465$ / Option
Building 8
(Single Room) / 6 / 754$ / Option
Female / Building 9
(Double Room) / 293 / 465$ / Option
Building 9
(Single Room) / 6 / 754$ / Option
New Dormitory
(General) / Male / Building 10
(Double Room) / 161 / 509$ / Option
Female / Building 11
(Double Room) / 161 / 509$ / Option
English Only Zone
(APT) / Male / English / Double room
(#6: Credit) / 71 / 455$ / Option
General / Double room
(#6: Non-Credit) / 12 / 455$ / Option
Female / English / Double room
(#7: Credit) / 84 / 455$ / Option
General / Double room
(#7: Non-Credit) / 43 / 455$ / Option
Total / 1,632

* The fees are subject to change.

[Meal Plan]

(Currency: US $)

Number of Meals / 320 Meals
(1day 3meals) / 267 Meals
(1day 2.5Meals) / 214Meals
(1day 2Meals) / 161Meals
(1day 1.5Meals) / 108Meals
(1 day
1 Meal) / Meal Ticket / Remark
Price / 1.91 / 2.18 / 2.36 / 2.54 / 2.72 / 3
Total / 610.19 / 581.86 / 505.22 / 409.33 / 294.20
- Spring semester starts from March1st dinner to June 16th breakfast.
- Fall semester starts from August 30th dinner to December 16th breakfast.
- A meal plan option cannot be changed after decided.

* The fees are subject to change.

Form C

Medical History Form for International Students

1. Personal Information

Name of Applicant (English): ______(Vernacular): ___

Date of Birth (yyyy/mm/dd): ______Gender: □ Male □ Female

Blood Type: □ Type A □ Type B □ Type O □ Type AB Other ______

Mailing Address:

This Form below should be written by your university’s physicians (recommended) or your private doctor and should be accompanied by physician’s signature or an official stamp (recommended).


2. Medical History

Does the applicant have a past history of: (check all that apply.)

□ Anemia / □ Asthma / □ Cancer / □ Depression / □ Diabetes
□ Disability / □ Hepatitis / □ Intestinal / □ Mononucleosis / □ Pneumonia
□ Tuberculosis / □ None

3. General Health Information

Apart from diseases or symptoms mentioned above, does the applicant have any health (or medical) condition which would restrict his/her participation in college/classroom activities?

□ Yes □ No (if yes, please state further details : ______)

4. Additional Information

Is there any additional health information that would be helpful for the student's study in Korea?

(If yes, please state further details:

Name of Physician: Phone Number:

Name of Hospital:

Hospital Address:

Signature or Official Stamp of Physician: Date :

Form D
Financial Information and Certification of Support

1. Application and Tuition Fees

According to the student exchange agreement between GNU and your university, your application and tuition fees will be exempted for your exchange period in GNU.

2. Accommodations (Room and Board)

It is obligation for new coming exchange students to stay in GNU dormitory for the first semester and the dormitory fees will be around US $400 ~ 500 for one semester excluding meals.

3. Health Insurance

As the Korean Ministry of Education obligates all international students to purchase health and medical insurance during study period. Since medical expenses in Korea can be extraordinarily expensive in some cases, it is an obligation for all exchange and dual degree students to obtain adequate health and accident insurance in Korea.

We will assist you to buy this insurance upon your arrival and it will cost approximately US$ 70 for one semester and US$ 140 for one academic year.

[Approximate Costs per Semester]

Contents / Approximate Amount (US $)
Application and Tuition Fees / Exempted
Accommodation / US $400 ~ US $500(variable depending on room types)
Meal Plan / US $300~ US $650(variable depending on meal options)
Health Insurance / US $130~ US $140
Textbooks & Supplies / US $70 ~ US $100
Personal Expenses / US $300~ US $500
Total / US $1,200~ US $1,890


Certification of Support

I hereby certify that I will provide financial support for the GNU student exchange program candidates during his/her exchange period.

Parent or Sponsor

Name: Student Name:

Relationship to the student:

Signature: Date:

Form E

Permission for the Use of Personal Information

Student Name: ______

Name/Address of Home University: ______



I hereby give a permission to Gyeongsang National University to use my personal information for the application process of GNU exchange program and other related academic affairs such as transcript release, issuance of a diploma and so on.


Student Signature Date

Form F

Study Plan

Form G

Self Description(Introduction)

Form H

Letter of Recommendation

Office of International & External Cooperation
