YEAR 10 - 2016


This form MUST be completed and brought with you to your

Course Selection Interview


You MUST get your course selection form in ON TIME. Late returns will be considered last and elective subjects may be FULL. .

NAME: ______Student mobile: ______

Form in 2015(Please Circle):9A 9B 9C 9D 9E 9F 9G 9HNEW

LG Teacher 2015: ______

Please indicate possible career choices or fields of interest for you:


NOTE: 1 unit = 1 semester of study

Compulsory Units: You are required to study English and Maths for the entire year and Science for one semester. The English and Maths course you are allocated will be determined by your teachers based on your results this year.This will be entered by your course counsellor.

You are also required to study one unit of humanities. You will select this as part of your electives selection over the page as there are a number to choose from.

Early Access:If you have participated in any early access subject this year please list below.


VCE Units: If you have been recommended for any early access VCE subject(s) or would like to access a VCE subject, please list the subject(s) here and number them in order of preference.

No. / Code / Course / No. / Code / Course

Parent Authorisation: I have discussed these preferences with my child and approve them

Signed: ______

Parent Phone Number: ______



VET Units

If you are choosing to study a VET course, list the course name here. ** You may only do a VET course if you have completed extra paperwork and given it to Careers.


Free Choice Units:

Students must study1 humanities unit and6 additional units. These additional units can be chosen from ANY area available to Year 10 students, including VET, and can also be used to accept Early Access offers in the electives areas. Number your preferences of elective units from 1 – 12. Include your humanities preference in your top 5 and a backup humanities preference in your top 15.

Pref. No / Course Code / Course Name / Pref. No / Course Code / Course Name
The Arts / 10AAB / Airbrush / 10PCI / Coaching & Instruction / Physical Education and Health
10AAI / Art Insight / 10PFT / Fitness & Training
10AMS / Media Studies / 10PAP / Active Pursuits
10AMP / Music Performance / 10PHC / Health in our changing world
10ACP / Choreographic Principles of Dance / 10POE / Outdoor Education
10ADR / Drama
10AGD / Graphic Design / 10SAH / Agricultural & Horticultural Studies / Sciences
10ATD / Technical Drawing / 10SPA / Psychology in Action
10APS / Painters Studio / 10SSS / Science for Scientists
10APT / Photography / 10SES / Environmental Science
English Electives / 10EPC / Professional & Creative Writing / 10SFS / Forensic Science
10TAN / Computer Animations / Technology
10ELI / English Literature / 10TCC / Café Cuisine
Humanities / 10HTTC / #Trending through cinema / 10TCP / Computer Programming
10HFC / War & Freedom through cinema / 10TWD / Web Design
10HMB / Mind Your Own Business / 10TEL / Electronics
10HGU / Understanding developing worlds / 10TEW / Engineering Workshop Practice
Languages / 10LFA / Yr 10 French A / 10TFD / Food by Design
10LFB / Yr 10 French B / 10TWT / Wood Technology
10LJA / Yr 10 Japanese A / 10TTE / Travel, Explore, Eat
10LJB / Yr 10 Japanese B / 10TTT / Textiles Technology
Integrated / 10CDE / Duke of Edinburgh / Early Access